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Started by solidshark, December 08, 2011, 11:44:13 AM

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ggs br0wncray0n. Don't RQ on me next time. Just ask me for help...I don't mind helping people level up. That's what I do.


It ain't too late to say ggs to br0wncray0n on a quick KOF XIII session. I think th should drop K' for Shen...you are much more of a threat with Shen than you were with K'.

I know, you may like how cool K' looks and all the videos on YouTube and such but your Shen is a handful of pain!




Dude, nobody should play this guy Fallen-Angel-0.

Guy is a total asshole and when he loses, he gets MAD salty.



Northern Cali

Captain Soviet

I'm so ass... hey... PSN ID: Viewtiful_Noel. Hope I've got good enough nets...


PSN: NoisyPanther
PSN: NoisyPanther
Not on often, but I'll be glad to play against anyone.


I just picked it up for PS3 as well.

PSN: Yewni

Add me!
Games I Play:
SSFIV: AE Main: Cody
KoF XIII Team: haven't decided yet

PSN: Yewni
XBL: Yewni


Looking for someone to help me level up.

I've had this game since December, but I still play it like Street Fighter and don't take advantage of all the different jumps. So far, I've just been trying to work on my execution instead of combos/set-ups/fundamentals (I'm still not exactly sure what this means) and other things.
I'll be using a couple different teams to get a good feel for the game.

If you notice something(s) I'm doing wrong (Other than focusing on too many characters) or have advice: don't hesitate to tell me as this is what it's all about; you can even offer up some combos/BnBs I should be using.

I'd rather you not totally annihilate me every single match, as that won't really help me out or do anything other than make this a frustrating experience. I don't mind losing at all, but there's no reason for you to perfect me every round. You know what I mean! >_>

I very much prefer to communicate on Skype (We don't need to use mics, I don't even have one), AIM, MSN, Facebook IM, whatever. ANYTHING is better than communicating through PSN's laggy messaging system.

PSN: Meowstyle


Quote from: 666pack on March 20, 2012, 09:56:04 PM

I'd rather you not totally annihilate me every single match, as that won't really help me out or do anything other than make this a frustrating experience. I don't mind losing at all, but there's no reason for you to perfect me every round. You know what I mean! >_>

I'm going to be honest, you aren't going to learn very fast if you want players to take it easy on you. Sometimes it's okay to struggle and be frustrated while you are learning something because that will help you remember things you need to work on, and make you work much more harder at finding what exactly you need to improve upon. I lose all the time by good players, and I get perfected on, OCVed, etc. and it drives me to play and practice more. So I strongly suggest you throw away that mindset if you are serious about leveling up. If anything you may need to find players more under or around your skill level if you want more of a light approach to learning the game.

If you want to talk more about this subject in a different thread, feel free to create one here: http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?board=19.0
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I'd rather you not totally annihilate me every single match, as that won't really help me out or do anything other than make this a frustrating experience. I don't mind losing at all, but there's no reason for you to perfect me every round. You know what I mean!

I will play u Iam not that gd at all.at the mo Iam 12-46 lol add me badmantash13 from uk on 10pm till 2am everyday


We can't really flood this thread up with our discussion about how to properly learn the game (its for people dropping their gamertags in), so if you can make a thread in that section requesting a sparring partner and the specific things you need or are looking for, I'm sure someone will be open and patient enough to help you. :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Troll Badguy

Massachusetts(for school) and New York

My connection is usually very good with people in the Northeast and East Coast in general. Add me for games! Get hype for KOF13!

PSN: TrollBadguy


PSN: hdnguyen
Location: Austin, TX

I don't play at home very much. Just usually at the arcade but I wouldn't mind getting games in with people around the area. I also idle on #SNKplaymore on EFnet so if you see me, just shoot me a PM if I can play then obviously I would reply but if I don't that just usually means I'm AFK.