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Iori wiki building thread

Started by nilcam, December 14, 2011, 12:36:42 AM

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really easy HD combo (4 stocks, 968 damage) that is probably already known...

Approaching corner: st. C, df C, [HD], st. C, df C, qbc+AC, qcb+A, (dp+A [HDC] qcb+D)x3, qcf hcb+A [MC] qcf2x+BD.

Does 998 starting with jump C.

Also with this already posted corner BnB:
    j.C, s.C -> df+C -> qcb+AC, qcb+A, dp+A -> (DC) qcb+K, qcb+A, dp+A or super

You can add an additional qcb+A at the beginning (qcb+AC, qcb+A, qcb+A, dp+A [DC] qcb+D, qbc+A, dp+A/super) for a few more damage and more meter building.  It's not really any more difficult to do than the single qcb+A
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


Claw Iori's wiki entry is still under construction.  Small bits of erroneous information have been corrected and the combo section has been overhauled and greatly expanded to include most known viable combinations, sorted by damage and with notes.  There are a few more I'll be adding in the coming days along with tweaking/adding to the HD section.

Please feel free to review the changes and point out any errors or inefficiencies with the combos.  All have been personally tested and verified as working.  If you have any combos or general information you'd like included in the wiki, PLEASE don't hesitate to post as you will be fully credited!  We're also looking for more new tech, preferably in the form of videos where it can be clearly demonstrated.

Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


I noticed something wrong in the wiki. It says claw iori can't combo into his command grab except with drive or in the corner. He can do it without drive and mid screen
cl st b>f+a>hcf+p
Cl s b>hcf+p
Cl st a> f+a> hcf+p
Cl st a> hcf+p


Quote from: Crimson_King15 on January 30, 2013, 01:20:56 PM
I noticed something wrong in the wiki. It says claw iori can't combo into his command grab except with drive or in the corner. He can do it without drive and mid screen

Good eye. Thanks for pointing that out. That error has been removed. Thanks again.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I think one thing the wiki should mention about Iori is how he is very efficient when it comes to building meter.
claw Iori can literally build an entire bar (power gauge).

Off 1 meter and one drive in the corner (no jump in needed)
lso with no meter and 1 drive in the corner his bnb builds over 70% of his bar up

So, while he is a character that requires meter usage for huge damage it is very easy for him to sustain his meter requirements because even if he uses one he can pretty much replenish it at will.


Updated Iori's wiki to include some of the piss-easy 2-3 meter HDs that weren't included. Sorry about that, not sure why I forgot it.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


I have an issue with iori having bad okizame listed under cons. Iori has a lack of many hard knockdowns, but when he does get a kd soft or hard he has a plethora of options to mix an opponent up. Up close he has a standing low so he can do empty hop cl st B or cr b both of which lead into a combo and close st b can be comboed off of which will lead to big damage since it links to cl st c. Empty hop command grab, run up command grab, over head (which if blocked is -2), safe jump c, safe jump cd, and taco backdash bait are all good ones

I also have a beef with the whole can easily be zoned without meter inbetween iori's run speed, hyper hop range, and jump/hop speeds I have virtually no issue making my way toward an opponent. J b is the biggest FU to projectiles I've ever seen in terms of normals to beat projectiles. I think it certainly gets easier to around projectiles with meter, but I don't think maneuvering around them is particularly.


Quote from: Crimson_King15 on December 18, 2013, 07:44:41 PM
I have an issue with iori having bad okizame listed under cons. Iori has a lack of many hard knockdowns, but when he does get a kd soft or hard he has a plethora of options to mix an opponent up. Up close he has a standing low so he can do empty hop cl st B or cr b both of which lead into a combo and close st b can be comboed off of which will lead to big damage since it links to cl st c. Empty hop command grab, run up command grab, over head (which if blocked is -2), safe jump c, safe jump cd, and taco backdash bait are all good ones

Okay. Do you think bad oki should be exchanged for "lack of many hard knockdowns" as you mentioned in your first sentence?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 18, 2013, 07:48:49 PM
Quote from: Crimson_King15 on December 18, 2013, 07:44:41 PM
I have an issue with iori having bad okizame listed under cons. Iori has a lack of many hard knockdowns, but when he does get a kd soft or hard he has a plethora of options to mix an opponent up. Up close he has a standing low so he can do empty hop cl st B or cr b both of which lead into a combo and close st b can be comboed off of which will lead to big damage since it links to cl st c. Empty hop command grab, run up command grab, over head (which if blocked is -2), safe jump c, safe jump cd, and taco backdash bait are all good ones

Okay. Do you think bad oki should be exchanged for "lack of many hard knockdowns" as you mentioned in your first sentence?
Lack of hard knock downs is there. The issue is that it's paired with bad okizame saying he doesn't get many hard knock downs, and even if he did he wouldn't be able to capitalize well. So, I just feel bad oki should be removed


One other thing I'm confused about is the defensive options post? Are they referencing to lack of invincibility without meter? Because in between jump back b, jump back d, taco back dash, dp.a, cl st c, cr c, cl st d I think he does fine. I would really like it if the person who posted that elaborated on it a bit.

Because if the lack of an invincible reversal without is what was being referenced then I'd think I'd be better to say that.


Quote from: Crimson_King15 on December 18, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 18, 2013, 07:48:49 PM
Quote from: Crimson_King15 on December 18, 2013, 07:44:41 PM
I have an issue with iori having bad okizame listed under cons. Iori has a lack of many hard knockdowns, but when he does get a kd soft or hard he has a plethora of options to mix an opponent up. Up close he has a standing low so he can do empty hop cl st B or cr b both of which lead into a combo and close st b can be comboed off of which will lead to big damage since it links to cl st c. Empty hop command grab, run up command grab, over head (which if blocked is -2), safe jump c, safe jump cd, and taco backdash bait are all good ones

Okay. Do you think bad oki should be exchanged for "lack of many hard knockdowns" as you mentioned in your first sentence?
Lack of hard knock downs is there. The issue is that it's paired with bad okizame saying he doesn't get many hard knock downs, and even if he did he wouldn't be able to capitalize well. So, I just feel bad oki should be removed

Okay, I removed it. Thanks for the feedback man. Keep it coming.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."