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Soul Calibur V

Started by solidshark, January 08, 2012, 04:40:32 AM

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Proto Cloud

I'll wait for tournament play before taking a dip. SC hasn't really been very consistent and the metagame could easily get better or worse. We'll see if this becomes hype or not.


SoCal SCV tourney this past Sat. This game's pretty fun so far but I need more offline practice and take it easy on abusing gimmicky stuff.
Tourney starts around 2:35:00. I'm the Leixia in 2:09:00 (casual).


Why does one have to take damage for breaking a throw??? That's the dumbest thing in this game thus far imo... I could see if there were a j/f version of the throwbreak that made you break the throw without taking damage to help prevent mashing; I could even see the thrower taking small damage for attempting to throw and it being broken, but that's far from the case... This gimmick here is gonna make people mad salty come EVO time...
I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud

I almost lost him on the intro, which was the complete opposite of funny. But from what he's talking about some of the lack of features sound pretty embarrassing when you stack it up with KOFXIII which had like 1/8th of its budget. I could care what he thinks of the actual gameplay because he's an awful scrub.

LOL Namcot Bandai.

Also after seeing how outrageously offensive this game is, I might pass. The sheer lack of defensive options isn't really getting me excited for this. Whoever thought that GI should cost meter and teched grabs giving damage should be shot.

Time to save money for Skullgirls and P4U.



Between the Angry review and this one, it feels like SC now has its' version of KOFXII, in lack of content and change-ups. It's a little worse in this case; newer characters that look very interesting, but given miniscule-to-no explanation for them is just weird.

And as a personal gripe, taking Mitsu's mist stance out was total BS. Glad they put considerable effort into online and customization, but wasn't the rest worth it too. Maybe I should appreciate the fact that this one didn't invalidate the previous versions with all the core changes. I'll probably be playing SC4 soon to behold all the intact characters and movesets.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Proto Cloud



Another thing I've heard is that they give a full bar as a comeback mechanic to this game.

So, how about that Tekken Tag 2...?


Only if you're one round away from losing. 

But yeah...
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Game's fun so far. Absolutely despise SCV Ivy but I'm like SCV Tira and Viola/ZWEI are interesting. Online is fuckin godlike so that helps too.

Being on the defensive sucks ass though, especially if u haz no meter and/or your GI moves suck.. also alot of the moves in general seem super linear. Sidewalking makes most of the game's move easily whiff. Like with Tira if you're stepping I have literally 2 moves that can hit you and everything else will miss, 2! -__-

still a fun game though, will give it more time before deciding if I'll keep playing it or throw it to the side like its an MK game.
Winning is Everything. How you do it doesn't matter...

PSN/XBL/Steam: TrulyAmiracle


Proto Cloud


Good lord, no wonder they have an awful tournament scene. They can't even decide what kind of socks to wear in the morning, much less how to organize a game.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on February 10, 2012, 01:18:41 AM

Good lord, no wonder they have an awful tournament scene. They can't even decide what kind of socks to wear in the morning, much less how to organize a game.

Yeah I read that, I was not amused.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on February 10, 2012, 01:18:41 AM

Good lord, no wonder they have an awful tournament scene. They can't even decide what kind of socks to wear in the morning, much less how to organize a game.
this is probably the reason why i never really heard much about soul calibur tournaments

Running Wild


I really enjoy the online play of this game I think its the best when it comes to online play in a fighting game
I'm a O.G. of Fighting Games and always looking for a good fight. think you can beat me ? hit me up on xbox live. my gamer tag is, CALIBUR753

Hungry Color

Sorry if this was answered before, but what exactly was Hilde banned?

And SC does ridiculous boobage better than any other.