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SNK Term Encyclopedia

Started by krazykone123, August 26, 2010, 03:51:19 AM

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INCOMPLETE, feel free post if you want to add terms to the list


AA: Anti-Air
A Button: weak punch
AES: Advanced Entertainment System, the SNK Neo Geo as a home console, can play the actual arcade game carts, with 100% arcade perfect graphics, sound, etc. Infamous for being expensive at the time of its release. Still is expensive due to the system being a little on the rare side, due to its limited success.
Alternate Guard - Alternating quickly between back and down-back after being put in blockstun.  Used to avoid throws and Proximity Unblockables
Anchor: A character that makes good use of any meter built up in the first couple rounds, usually chosen as the last character in KOF teams
ARClive: Emulation software tool used for player-to-player in selection of fighting/video games, frequently used by Chinese players, contants SNK games such as KOF, FF, RBF, etc
Art of Fighting: The first game of the Art of Fighting series where you can select one of two to play through the arcade mode characters, Ryo or Robert

Backdash: Pressing b,b makes the character do a small hop backwards, the character is airborne in this state, some air command normals (e.g Kyo's d+C, Athena's d+B) will make the character hop back quicker and farther
B Button: weak kick
Battery: Any character that's good at building meter very quickly, usually chosen as the first character in KOF teams
BHTK: An abbreviation for Joe's Bakuretsuken Hurricane Tiger Heel DM
Blowback Attack: an stand/jump attack that knocks the opponent down on contact, generally has more hitstun than regular normals especially when guarded, the standing version can be whiffed canceled, triggered by pressing strong punch and strong kick simultaneous
Buffer: Any move/motion/attack recognized despite it not being target action, 

Cancel: Interrupting one move to cancel it into another 
C Button: strong punch
CD: See Blowback attack
CH: Counter Hit
Chain: canceling one normal into another whether it's the same normal or a different one, generally done while crouching (e.g. Takuma's cr. B, cr. B, cr. B)
Charge: Holding the joystick in one direction for a short period then releasing to another designated direction, usually followed by an attack button(s) (e.g Ash's Nivose attack, d~u+K/[2]8+K)
Combo: A string of attacks that can't be interrupted or guarding once started (e.g. 98 Kim's cr. B, cr. A, f+A, qcb hcf+K)
Command Grab: An un-techable instant grab, generally invincible at start-up
Command Normal: An attack that's done with one of the attack buttons and a directional button, generally used after a normal (e.g Leona's f+B)
Crossup: Any attack that disrupts the opponents hitbox from switching sides forcing them to guess which direction they have to block, in KOF's case it's mostly done with normals/command normals
C Throw: Walk up throw, done with the C button, regular knockdown
CW: Counter Wire

D button: strong kick
DC: Dream Canel, a term from KOF XI, occurs when your Leader character cancels a DM into a LDM
(DC): Drive Cancel, a term from KOF XIII, occurs when you precisely input a command of another move to cancel the current one
Dizzy: When the character takes too many hits they receive dizzy status, the character is rendered helpless during this period, mashing can help reduce the effect 
DP: See Dragon Punch
Dragon Punch: An attack motion popularized by Ryu and Ken from the Street Fighter series, DP moves are known for being an uppercut that is invincible til it reaches it's peak (depending on the strength of the button you pressed), the motion is f/d/df
D Throw: Walk up throw, done with the D button, reverse knockdown

E Button - the Blowback Attack button in KOF XI
E Button (NW) - In KOF NeoWave it the E button initiates "Heat Mode", a state where character's offensive power is increased but at the cost of gradually losing health.

Fatal Fury: The first game of the Fatal Fury series where you can select one of three characters, Terry, Andy, or Joe
FF: An abbreviation of the Fatal Fury series
FFS: Fatal Fury Special
Frame:  1/60 of a second

GC: Guard Cancel
Guard Crush: Occurs when the guard meter reaches 0, character is can't block for a short time

(H): Abbreviation for May Lee's Hero Mode
Hit stun: How long a character is rendered defenseless after being attacked, attacks that deliver large amounts of hit stun yield long stun periods, usually referred to normals/command normals
h.: Hop
hh.: Hyper Hop

Infinite: Any combo that leads to move that can be looped an infinite number of times until the opponent is KO'd
Instant: Any move that results in a start-up at 1 frame, most command grabs in KOF have a 1 frame start-up
Invincibility: Any active move that results in a period when the character can't be hit

J: Jump
j.x: jump+normal
JD: Just Defend from Garou MOTW


Last Blade: Another weapon-based fighting game made by SNK, it includes it's own gauge system "Power" and "Speed", it's roster includes characters such as Kaede and Moriya
Lie Down: Used to avoid projectiles, from the Samurai Showdown series
Light(s): Stand or crouch weak punch/kick
low: Any standing normal that hits low (e.g. 98 Iori's cl. B)

MVS: Multi Video System, the SNK Neo Geo as an arcade system. Multiple game carts can be inserted inside and games can be easily switched without turning the cabinet off.

NGBC: See Neogeo Battle Coliseum
Neo Geo Battle Coliseum: A cross-over fighting game that includes characters from SNK games such as Samurai Showdown, Garou MOTW, KOF, and AOF

Okizeme: Applying pressure on an opponent that is just getting up from being knocked down, mostly used to keep an offensive game going and possibly land a hit to start a combo, also used to apply mental pressure making it difficult for the opponent to block an incoming mixup on wakeup, or a successful reversal/super
Overhead: Any attack/command normal that can only be blocked high

Parry: Used to deflect incoming attacks, a popular feature in earlier SS games
Plane Shift: By pressing two (sometimes one) button together it will cause the character to jump into a background area of the stage, A popular feature in SNK games like Fatal Fury, Real Bout, and Savage Reign
Poke: Any normal/command normal that can safely be used at a distance to hit the opponent


Reversal: Any move or super used immediately after recovering from an attack, mostly used after being knocked down

Samurai Showdown: A weapon-based fighting game made by SNK, includes popular characters such as Haohmaru and Genjuro
SVC: SNK vs Capcom Chaos
SS: See Samurai Showdown
Sweep: A low attack that knocks the opponent down, in KOF it's done with cr. D

Tag-In/Out: Pressing the designated button will the cause the current character to switch out and the backup character to jump-in, a well known feature in such SNK games as KOF 2003, KOF XI, NGBC, and Kizuna Encounter
Tiger Knee: An old motion popularized by Sagat from the SF 2 series (qcf uf) it was also was used for Joe's Tiger Kick in earlier FF games, in KOF it is mostly used to buffer air special attacks/DM's (e.g. With Leona you can input the TK motion to help buffer her V-Slasher DM with she is still on the ground)
TK: See Tiger Knee



Wakeup: Generally refereed to a move used as soon as the character gets up from being knocked down
Wakeup Game: See Okizeme
Whiff: Any normal/special move that doesn't make contact with the opponent




Other Terms
Hold Key: Prevents special attacks from coming out, and helps with buffering inputs as long as you are holding any of the normal keys down (e.g. Iori st. C [hold C] qcf+A [release C] hcb+P)
Numerical Layout: A simplified layout for writing out motions/terms, based on the number pad on the keyboard of a cpu


1=Down Back, 2=Down, 3=Down Foward, 4=Back, 5=Neutral/Standing, 6=Foward, 7=Back Jump, 8=Neutral Jump, 9=Foward Jump.


Nice. Just curious as to where you heard BHTK used?

Might wanna add Command Unblockable, GCFS, and note that CD is sometimes listed as blow off or blown off. vj.x =  vertical jump.


Quote from: Remxi on August 26, 2010, 10:08:01 AM
Nice. Just curious as to where you heard BHTK used?

It's a newer term that Japanese players use for writing up combos for Joe in KOF XIII on the BBS/wiki

QuoteMight wanna add Command Unblockable, GCFS, and note that CD is sometimes listed as blow off or blown off. vj.x =  vertical jump.

Will do, if anyone writes down a word and the definition I'll add it to the first post immediately

Judge Fudge

Are Command Unblockables and Proximity Unblockables the same thing?  If not, I'll write up the definition for proximity since Mithran's Robe already suggested command.

Alternate Guard - Alternating quickly between back and down-back after being put in blockstun.  Used to avoid throws and Proximity Unblockables.


Might want to put Okizemi, Dragon Punch, DP,I see a lot of combos with this (~) and I'm still lost at what it means , also for charge you for got to put relase.  ,and you might want to copy this chart for imputs just for the super noobs that might be lost on the combo list for there charas


1=Down Back, 2=Down, 3=Down Foward, 4=Back, 5=Nutral/Standing, 6=Foward, 7=Back Jump, 8=Nutral Jump, 9=Foward Jump.

[ some number ]= Hold this diriction (Charge) , ] some number [ =Release at this direciton from you charge (Relase)
KOF Teams


Considering we have the directional arrows available, I don't see much reason to list keypad notation. The combo listings on both the Wiki pages and the forum use non-numerical directional designations.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

uhh u missed Last Blade... imo a much better weapon based fighting game than SS...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


The arrows are a pain in the ass to read. KoF motions should be written with qcf, dp, etc. etc.

I've seen people use ~ as a charge notation e.g. d~u+K for a flashkick motion, but also to denote button release e.g. D~.


You should probably add guard roll, cd counter, attack cancel roll.

Probably need a definition for mash.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

well ya i use "~" for inputs such as charge d/b~f+D or f~b~f+C with Takuma...

also you could add hold and negative edge as Raiden has such moves... hold (D) and release )D( ...could make writing combos with him easier... such as...

charge level 3/4 (B) (D) > )B( > s.A > )D( > NeoMax
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Quote from: Remxi on August 26, 2010, 10:08:01 AM
Nice. Just curious as to where you heard BHTK used?

Might wanna add Command Unblockable, GCFS, and note that CD is sometimes listed as blow off or blown off. vj.x =  vertical jump.

im not sure and i dont feel like grabbing one of those kof booklets right now. but iirc CD has been called blow back attack since kof 94.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!



Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 27, 2010, 06:20:02 PM
Quote from: Remxi on August 26, 2010, 10:08:01 AM
Nice. Just curious as to where you heard BHTK used?

Might wanna add Command Unblockable, GCFS, and note that CD is sometimes listed as blow off or blown off. vj.x =  vertical jump.

im not sure and i dont feel like grabbing one of those kof booklets right now. but iirc CD has been called blow back attack since kof 94.

You may be "not sure", but I am. Stupid post.


It's okizeme, not okizemi.

For anyone that can read Japanese it should be clear the last syllable is /me/ not /mi/


Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on August 27, 2010, 07:30:58 AM
uhh u missed Last Blade... imo a much better weapon based fighting game than SS...

That's cool

Quote from: kaito on August 27, 2010, 07:53:02 PM
We are doing the same thing in our website, so if it can help you:

Looks good

Quote from: phoenix on August 28, 2010, 04:55:43 AM
It's okizeme, not okizemi.

For anyone that can read Japanese it should be clear the last syllable is /me/ not /mi/

That's nice