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King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Thread

Started by marchefelix, February 21, 2012, 11:17:51 PM

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The MI games were good graphically at the time plus considering how shitty is SNKP doing 3D games, problem was that when MIRA was released, the game looked really outdated

Waifu Material

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Running Wild on February 29, 2012, 10:49:14 PM
Only thing I really disliked about the MI series was how mash friendly it was compared to 2D KOF's, although maybe that has some sort of appeal to newcomers like other 3D fighting games tend to have. MI had a pretty fluid combo system, but some of the stuff it allowed like the wall combo's and OTG's was nuts... Kim's Hishoukyaku could OTG and he could SC off it, crazy lol. Then there was like a Rising Tackle semi-infinite off the wall with Terry+Rock I believe. There was alot of crazy shit in the game, but I think it was probably one of the better hybrid fighters out there that used elements of 2D fighters with 3D fighter gameplay. If it was just polished more, it could of been really good.

Some more KOF mainstays would of been good too, Joe, King, Benimaru, Yamazaki, maybe a few other classics or recent Ash Saga characters like Shen Woo, and Vanessa would of been good too.

Also for once Billy Kane was capable of RIDICULOUS combo's. Love it.

And honestly, I don't think the game was that bad graphically either, about slightly better than DOA2:Hardcore, which was a pretty nice looking game in its own time. But I think if they could amp the visuals up to Tekken levels, it would be really good, give it a slightly more realistic art style to it. Stages could of been better too I think, too many stages felt or looked boxed in, and lacked that classic SNK appeal, or were totally empty/barren, lacking in details and animation.

Yeah, it was a bit mash friendly because of the style combo system, which, while cool, had issues. I think they were trying to appeal to the Tekken crowd, but I think they could've gone with a simpler target combo system that works like the stuff in the RB series.

The combos were awesome and I liked how creative you could get with them, I mean, yeah they're silly and having Kim's ranbu super being an OTG is nutty, but it's a very satisfying and allows a lot of different options. Basically, it allows everyone to have different combos for the same characters and made things fresh. I just wish that the damage scaling made more sense, because some supers did insane amounts of damage for little work.

The game didn't look bad, but I still think that DOA, VF and Tekken still trumped it in visuals. It was decent enough for the time, but to be honest it didn't have the polish of its competition.

My only issue is that I wish the game had better jump options. Jumping just isn't essential like it is in the 2D versions.

As for their future plans with this, I don't think it'll come back. It's already been years since the last game and making a new set of HD models would be too much for SNK to compete with the like of SF and TK. And if they wait to the next generation it'd only be worse. They'd end up doing the same thing they did with KOFXII and have a weak roster with butchered movesets. Their best bet maybe the 3DS or the Vita if that's possible.

Rex Dart

Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 01, 2012, 05:44:51 AM
As for their future plans with this, I don't think it'll come back. It's already been years since the last game and making a new set of HD models would be too much for SNK to compete with the like of SF and TK. And if they wait to the next generation it'd only be worse. They'd end up doing the same thing they did with KOFXII and have a weak roster with butchered movesets. Their best bet maybe the 3DS or the Vita if that's possible.

I agree that they're probably not planning to bring the series back, but I'd disagree on one point. Making an HD Maximum Impact wouldn't be nearly as much work as making XII was. The animations themselves could be ported over as-is (even if they're a bit stiff), and simply given new skins. In fact, they're already creating new 3D models for use in animating XII/XIII's sprites. So, yeah, they could just make some HD character models and copy/paste the animations.

But yes, it would still cost money. And yes, they've probably buried the series.

I loved the MI series, and it's goofy/awesome combos and goofy/awesome bonuses. I agree its dial-a-combos were a bit much, and would have loved to see it evolve into a RB-ish system.

Proto Cloud

Except that they have a very big roster and to even make visuals on part with Tekken isn't anything but easy.

Look at how well Samsho Sen turned out. Now add the next generation and you've got even more trouble. Not to mention how many of their staff are even well versed in the new HD generation of visuals? It's been some time since Reg. A came out and like I've said before, it wasn't exactly a stunner when it first came out.


What do you guys think about beating up your opponent after you've KO'ed him?

I only do it if the other guy doesn't have a problem with it. Personally, I don't think it's bad gamemanship to do that, unless you're uttering insults or otherwise being a dick on purpose while doing that. Then by all means you should kick his ass IRL.

Rex Dart

Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 02, 2012, 10:32:40 PM
Except that they have a very big roster and to even make visuals on part with Tekken isn't anything but easy.

Look at how well Samsho Sen turned out. Now add the next generation and you've got even more trouble. Not to mention how many of their staff are even well versed in the new HD generation of visuals? It's been some time since Reg. A came out and like I've said before, it wasn't exactly a stunner when it first came out.

SamSho Sen was developed by K2, not SNKP.

If the graphics can't be Soul Calibur V or Tekken 6 quality, it doesn't mean the game is doomed. They could always release it on XBLA and PSN. I'm not saying they should or would, mind you. Just saying they could.

Proto Cloud

I guess that makes sense that K2 did it then.

Actually, if they hired Arika to do it. I wouldn't mind what would happen to be honest.

Angel Shiranui

I am proud to say that I HAD to have some influence on SNK's Decision to put Fio in MI2 if not the Sole Reason.  I was a member of their official boards until they unfortunately closed (That place was almost a second home to me).  But anyway, yeah, I made sooo many posts Nagging them to include Fio months and months before  they finished the game.  Then when they came out with the Hidden Character Silhouettes, I INSTANTLY knew, FIOOOOO!!!!!!!!  Even though I main Mai, I seconded Kim, Mignon and Fio.


Quote from: Shiranui Persona on March 13, 2012, 05:57:42 AM
I am proud to say that I HAD to have some influence on SNK's Decision to put Fio in MI2 if not the Sole Reason.  I was a member of their official boards until they unfortunately closed (That place was almost a second home to me).  But anyway, yeah, I made sooo many posts Nagging them to include Fio months and months before  they finished the game.  Then when they came out with the Hidden Character Silhouettes, I INSTANTLY knew, FIOOOOO!!!!!!!!  Even though I main Mai, I seconded Kim, Mignon and Fio.

I hope you're not offended when I say I don't quite believe you. After all, it's a pretty bold claim to make and in your case, can't be easily backed up.

But if this is in fact true, then I'm sorry that I ever doubted you and it's refreshing to know that the common people can have some influence in things (even if it is things like this).


I don't think I hated the Maximum Impact games as much as I've heard other people hate on them. I always thought the graphics were OK and I loved all of the stuff you could unlock that just wasn't in the 2D games (that's one of the few things I like in 3D fighters over 2D fighters).

The voice acting was God-awful, especially in English. I remember that being one of the biggest points of complaint when the first one came out.

I've always wanted to see some of the MI-only characters in a 2D KOF, just 'cause why not?
PSN: NoisyPanther
Not on often, but I'll be glad to play against anyone.


Quote from: NoisyPanther on March 18, 2012, 05:21:33 AM
I've always wanted to see some of the MI-only characters in a 2D KOF, just 'cause why not?


If they can make 2D sprites for Shiki and Asura (originally 3D characters), they can do it for MI characters.

Running Wild

Chae Lim is the only one worth bringing to 2D KOF.

Kim with boobs.

Aww yeah.


Quote from: Running Wild on May 01, 2012, 09:22:25 PM
Chae Lim is the only one worth bringing to 2D KOF.

Kim with boobs.

Aww yeah.

It's a shame she doesn't have any moves of her own

Running Wild

She's classic Kim + Jhun Hoon + Dong Hwan all in one.

That's fucking awesome. She can fill the Korea Team all by herself!

Proto Cloud

All of the Falcoon originals sucked besides Duke and Brit boobs.