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KOF XIII 7th General Thread: Evo 2012 countdown edition

Started by Kane317, March 04, 2012, 02:20:46 AM

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Yeah, Tokido has an even bigger reputation for playing cheap characters.  He is very proud of it too!


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 13, 2012, 11:07:11 AM
Gamespot interviewed Mad_KOF:


I like MadKOF's philosophy on when BALA almost won it all. "Forget about the score, just win every round," to paraphrase him.

I keep forgetting how important those headphones are for the competitors too.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: davidkong07 on July 13, 2012, 02:07:28 AM
I can't speak for tokido, but Mago definitely LOVES top tier characters. It's funny, but it's not just because he wants to win. He legitimately has FUN being cheap. Whenever he's doing those dumb drunk loops with hwa jai, that guy has the biggest smile on his face. No doubt, they are tier whores, but lovable tier whores lol. From what I understand, being cheap as possible is the way they enjoy playing fighting games (at least for mago). You know how some low tier character specialists really have love for their character? Mago seems to have similar emotions for being really fucking cheap lolol it's pretty cool.

After watching the finals at EVO, I am convinced that tiers in this game do not matter, it's all about the skill and style of the player. It's not like that this game has a skill cap like in SSF4. They can play which ever style they want and pick which ever character they choose I am not judging them but for me I pick the characters that I like and I believe that people should do the same, that's how it was and how it should be. (I am inspired by old school Japanese 3rdStrike players)


so what the hell are they listening with those headphones, the game itself!?


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: Rukawa on July 13, 2012, 06:34:01 PM
so what the hell are they listening with those headphones, the game itself!?

The game, music, or use it as earmuffs to block out the sound

Quote from: LouisCipher on July 12, 2012, 12:52:57 AM
Quote from: Diavle on July 11, 2012, 03:50:04 PM

Kaoru was anything but readable.


EVO2k12: Romance vs Kaoru 02

Yea he lost but it doesn't prove it


lol, that song is actually good

i'm starting to see more and more headphones being used in fg tournaments, even mad kof acknowledge the headsets helped him keep concentrated. I can see more companies would want to take the chance and get money out of this, the more sponsors the better



Like he said on the interview, he attributes his win all to the headphones.  The first night they were asking me what can they do about the empty buttons and about the sound.  I suggested the headphones (at the time I didn't goto the venue and didn't know they supplied headphones now) and apparently the wall idea came from Romance, good shit Romance!  

The headphones just provided the game music.


Tournament rankings don't mean much, especially at one as big as Evo where upsets are the norm. Hell, I remember Daigo getting 35th place at one of the Seasons Beatings, does that make him any less of an excellent player? No.

Quote from: Kane317 on July 13, 2012, 09:19:58 PM
Like he said on the interview, he attributes his win all to the headphones.  The first night they were asking me what can they do about the empty buttons and about the sound.  I suggested the headphones (at the time I didn't goto the venue and didn't know they supplied headphones now) and apparently the wall idea came from Romance, good shit Romance! 

The headphones just provided the game music.

So wait, you guys were the architects of your own demise?


Quote from: Diavle on July 13, 2012, 10:00:20 PM
So wait, you guys were the architects of your own demise?

Depends on who I'm supporting doesn't it?   Heh.  All joking aside I wanted Reynald to win since he's my buddy but after that I'm all for the underdog, plus we spent days together since my hotel mates Julliet_K and TKG (now CafeId members) were translators/acting hosts as well.

Hungry Color

Quote from: Kane317 on July 13, 2012, 09:19:58 PM
Like he said on the interview, he attributes his win all to the headphones.  The first night they were asking me what can they do about the empty buttons and about the sound.  I suggested the headphones (at the time I didn't goto the venue and didn't know they supplied headphones now) and apparently the wall idea came from Romance, good shit Romance!  

The headphones just provided the game music.

I would want the headphones to focus mainly on the sounds of the attacks, it greatly helps with my timing.

Someone should make headphones with 2 channels so you can have your own music while still listening to the game sounds. Is that even possible?

Lastly, Louis is awesome for linking that Eddie Murphy song.


Well I ordered a headphone after I watched EVO honestly; still waiting for it. Kane' what happened with you in EVO and who did you meet from Dream Cancel?


Quote from: Tyrant292 on July 14, 2012, 01:14:03 AM

Well I ordered a headphone after I watched EVO honestly; still waiting for it. Kane' what happened with in EVO and who did you meet from Dream Cancel?

Lately, US Majors have been providing headphones to players so they don't have to bring their own. EVO had a USB hub connected to the PS3 for headphones and sticks/pads.