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Mini Versus Rio: KOF 13 Side Tournament

Started by VinnAleixoFM, March 07, 2012, 07:52:54 PM

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Hello, KOF fans!

Cadurosar (current Mini Versus organizer) invited me to run the KOF XIII Side Tournament in Mini Versus Rio of this month.

Sorry if this announcement is so close to the date, but it was all Cadu offered to me, for run this event. Let's support Rio KOF Scene and show this is not just a side tournament!

Date: March, 17th, 2012
Time: Start: 10:00 AM | End: 2:00 PM
Location: Rio Virtual Arena, Avenida Nossa Senhora de Fatima 50, Bairro de Fátima, Centro, RJ, Brazil
MSN: vinn_aleixo@hotmail.com
Prize: 50% pot to the winner
Tournament Fee: R$10
Platform: PS3 (with current patch)
Format: Double Elimination, FT2 (FT3 in finals)

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