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trying to get better at KOF.

Started by chasiubao, October 03, 2010, 07:00:30 AM

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Quote from: Kane317 on November 25, 2010, 01:07:59 AM
Just jump backwards and use CD.  I used Heidern in 2k2UM and that would stop me in my tracks all the time.  It's the close up ones in blockstrings that you have to worry about (j.D, d.A, Neck Roller).

What he said. I do it all the time when someone wants to spam that move.
Quote from: bramza24 on November 24, 2010, 09:16:43 AM
Been playing with 2002UM lately and yes Heidern's Neck Roller is nasty

Since both three have good rushing special moves...use and timed them correctly

Try ROLLING (though risky) to dodge his Neck Roller and from there rush with a special attack

Athena: Use her fast Psycho Ball and Psycho Sword Attacks

Mai: Use Ryu Enbu and Kacho Sen attacks. Deadly Ninja Bees is also a good rusher
Mature: Despair is a good rusher

React and timed your attacks properly
Bolded text is only useful for combos. It's punished easily otherwise.
You're too slow!!