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Elisabeth Branctorche (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, October 27, 2010, 06:15:53 PM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

;bk / ;fd + ;c / ;d close = Manier
A simple grab then smack, a pretty straight forward throw
- Can be broken
- Hit Detection: Close
- Damage: 100

Command Moves
;fd + ;b = Cou de Pied Ann
A hard thrust kick attack much like her CD attack, excellent reach, really good for stringing stand attacks into special attacks
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 50

Special Attacks
;qcf + ;a / ;c = Etincelles *
Light swipe attack, the weak version comes out fairly quick so it can be safely be used to build meter when the opponent is on the other side of the screen or on the ground, the strong version stays out a bit longer but at the same time has a slower start-up so it may be difficult to combo into, it can also nullify projectiles whether they're on the ground or in the air, all versions knockdown standing opponents, both the weak and strong versions are super cancel-able on the 2nd hit
- EX does more hits and comes out just as fast as the weak version
- Super Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 70/55x2/60x3

;dp + ;a / ;c = Coup De Veine *
A very fast light uppercut that juggles the opponent, weak version goes about half screen but can be chained together twice, strong version goes farther and can be chained to the weak version also has start-up invincibility, both version can be drive/super canceled on hit
- EX has complete invincibility during the dash, goes pass projectiles and when it hits it launches the opponent into the air vertically
- Drive/Super Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 60/80

;qcf + ;b / ;d = Reverie-souhaiter
Forward dash, has upper body invincibility
- Cancellable

;qcb + ;b / ;d = Reverie-prier
Backward dash, has lower body invincibility
- Cancellable

;qcb + ;a / ;c = Reverie-jere
Instant counter teleport that punishes normals to EX attacks, weak version works against air attacks although it's not fast enough to follow-up with a punish so it's more like a quick getaway move or reversal, strong version works against low/mid attacks and the recovery is good enough to follow-up with a punish or a throws
- EX is an instant counter that works on high/mid/low attacks, when successfully used it temporarily locks the opponent in hit-stun long enough for you to start a combo and punish accordingly, also when used on an air opponent it automatically pulls them to the ground
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: Close High/Mid/Low on hit

;hcb ;fd + ;a / ;c (close) = Mistral *
A light pillar instant command grab that launches the opponent into the air then they plummet to the ground
- EX launches the opponent higher into the air which allows you to combo afterward
- Hit Detection: Close
- Damage: 150/100

Desperation Moves
;qcf x 2 + ;a / ;c = Noble Blanc
Elisabeth steps forward and makes a large light energy ball, nullifies all projectiles thrown at it, good for interrupting jump-ins and attacks their attack
- EX The light energy ball leaves her hand and hits the opponent 12 times, it also carries them to the other side of the screen whether they're on the ground or in the air
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 18x10/20x14+60

;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c = Grand Rafale
Light uppercut to a light palm attack in the air, obscenely fast, it's so fast that it easily connects after the majority of air-to-air attacks along with her weak Coup de Veine, can be max-canceled on hit when in HD mode
- Max Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 40+10x13+30

;qcb ;hcf + ;b ;d = Etoile Filanto
Instant counter to full screen light wave attack, when used as a standalone move it only activates as a counter, when max canceled it completely bypasses the counter aspect
- Hit Detection: Hit
- Damage: 25x19

Elizabeth's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- Etincelle (qcf+P) builds up less meter
- Ex Reverie-Geler (qcb+P) has a longer recovery time on a success. Because of that, normal moves can’t be used to make an additional hit. The recovery time can be canceled with a special.
- An Ex version of her Reverie-Souhaiter (qcb+K) and Reverie-Prier (qcf+K) have been added in the game. It’s invincible while in movement and cancelable with a special. What’s more, the special will automatically come out as an Ex version without the cost of a meter. However, supers are an exception and will not turn into an Ex.
* Grand Rafale’s (qcf,hcb+P) damage has been dropped from 200 to 150.
- Noble-Blanche (qcf*2+P) has longer invincibility.
- Ex Noble-Blanche’s hitbox has been changed so that it’s easier to get in all the multiple hits. With this change, it lands full hit in the corner.
* Grand Rafale has more Max cancelable frames.

Producer Yamamoto says:
With the new Ex version of Reverie-souhaiter and Reverie-prier, she has more options for attacks. It can even be used as a sort of running throw with Mistral (hcb~f+P), so please try things out. Grand Rafale’s damage has been reduced to 150, but it can be Max canceled even after the first hit now. Also, Noble-Blanche can be Max canceled as well, so it can be used in various situations such as the finishing touch on combos.



st. ;a - A quick slap attack, a relatively basic poke and it's pretty fast but still nothing fancy
- Chain/Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 25

st. ;b - A kick aimed towards there legs (hits low), pretty quick
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: Low
- Damage: 30

st. ;c - Light palm attack, the range on it is a bit farther than it looks because the hitbox stretches a little further away from just her palm
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 80

st. ;d - High kick, good range, goes high enough to double as a decent AA
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 80

cl. ;c - Light palm attack, good range, fast, this will be your main BnB combo starter
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 70

cl. ;d - Same as the far version, except if you use it up close it can hit crouching opponents as well
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 70

cr. ;a - It's the same as her st. A except she's crouching now
- Chain/Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 25

cr. ;b - A quick crouching kick, a pretty good poke that's great for chaining lights into combos
- Chainable
- Hit Detection: Low
- Damage: 30

cr. ;c - Crouch light palm attack, the reach isn't too great but the vertical range is decent
- Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 75

cr. ;d - Crouch kick, knocks standing opponents down when hit, whiff cancel-able
- Whiff/Cancellable
- Hit Detection: Low
- Damage: 80

j. ;a - jump light punch, just a quick hit in the air, good for air-to-air hits, will be discussed later in the notes section
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 45(40)

j. ;b - jump light kick, a moderately simple move, has it's uses I suppose
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 45(40)

j. ;c - Light palm attack in air, a pretty good attack in air-to-air if you're close enough
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 72(70)

j. ;d - Good range, good priority, easily the preferred tool for jump-ins
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 70(68)

Blowback Attack
;c ;d - A hard thrust kick attack, excellent reach
- Whiff/Cancellable
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 75

j. ;c ;d - Jump hard kick, mimics her j.D except with knock back
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 90(80)

GC ;c ;d: Guard Cancel Blowback Attack
- Hit Detection: High
- Damage: 10


Gameplay Notes
Elisabeth is a powerhouse character that revolves around punishing, counters, and juggles. She is a very scary character to jump-in against because of her Grand Rafale. She can safely build meter and nullify projectiles with Etincelles and Noble Blanc. She can avoid and fake out opponents with her Reverie-Souhaiter/Prier but also counter them to set-up BnBs/combos with her Reverie-jere. She can mix up in the corner with Mistral command grab and can carry/juggle the opponent to the corner with her Coup de Veine. Her HD combos consists of her doing her dp attack and Etincelles. Her play-style will fit anyone looking for a seek and destroy character, or just a great anchor.

- When Jump A, Jump D, or Jump CD hit successfully air-to-air you can follow with the qcf hcb P DM
- st. A, cl. D, and st. C when successfully used as an AA can also lead to the qcf hcb P DM as well
- qcf A when used as an AA can lead to dp A
- J CD and dp A on counter hit can lead to dp C

- Punishes jump-ins very well
- Very fast dp launcher
- Good corner mix-up
- Unique Maneuverability
- Very damaging juggle combos
- Can build meter quick, and nullify projectiles
- Good counter lock-down

- Homogeneous offensive play-style
- Needs meter to do damage
- Mediocre Neo Max combos



Combo Notation
(HD) - Activate Hyperdrive
(HDC) - Hyperdrive Cance
(DC) - Drive Cancel
(SC) - Super Cancel
(MC) - MAX Cancel
DMG - Damage

- cr.B, cr.A, dp Ax2, JD, qcf hcb P
- cr. B, dp Ax2, JD, qcf hcb P
- (corner) JD, st. C, f B, dp C, qcf C, dp A, JD, qcf hcb P
- JD, st. C, f B, dp C, dp A, JD, qcf hcb P
- st.C, f B, dp C, dp A×2, JD, qcf hcb P
- (close) hcb f AC, qcf C, dp Ax2, JD, qcf hcb P
- (close) hcb f AC, dp C, qcf C, dp A, JD, qcf hcb P
- dp AC, qcf C, dp Ax2, JD, qcf hcb P
- qcb AC (counter), st. C, f B, dp C, dp A, JD, qcf hcb P

HD Combos
- cr. Bx2, [HD] st. C, f B, dp C, (dp A, [HDC] qcf K, qcf C×1~2) dp A, JD, qcf hcb P
- cr. Bx2, [HD] st. C, f B, dp C,(dp A, [HDC] qcf K, qcf C×1~2) dp A, JD, qcf hcb P, [MC) qcb hcb BD
- st. C, f B, [HD] st. C, f B, dp C, (dp A, [HDC] qcf K, qcf C×1~2) dp A, JD, qcf hcb P
- JB, st. C, f B, [HD] st. C, f B, dp C, qcf C, dp A, [HDC] qcf K, qcf C×2, st. A, qcf hcb P, [MC) qcb hcb BD


A discussion with Toxic Avanger and DarkChaotix From ON:

Quote from: Toxic Avanger

definite Liz standout in these matches.

Liz is known to be able to hit with 3 dps with the proper timing and the proper button strength.... What the player did here by missing that far standing B was not creating a bug that allowed him to land extra hits, but instead used the kick to measure the length of the delay that needs to be put between the first dp and the second one in order to enable a third one.

The combo itself has been pointed out by Perfect Stranger earlier in the thread.

Is that a back turn only combo at 6:34? Fuck me!!!!

I wouldn't know if it's back turned only, but it did looked like it was easier to pull of from the back. The true details of the combo haven't been explored as of yet, but what it is known is that at certain circumstances Liz OTG DM will whiff the last hit, if that happens the enemy is not slammed into the ground but is instead knocked to the floor softly, allowing Liz to land yet another punch and DM.

The fact that this follows conditions probably make it too specific to be an infinite, as of now I can only speculate that for the last hit to whiff, the DM must be landed as high as possible.... I suppose that I should search a jp bbs when I have the time as to uncover the secret.

Sum:  Using, s.B, the Liz player whiff's a s.B and cancels it into the second dp (A version in this case) to gauge his timing so that he can do the third dp, real clever.  You also get to see a specific corner condition double DM combo as well.


I'm revising the wiki so you may need to c&p over the info again later on, but yeah Liz can dp, Granda Rafale, st.C reset then do Grand Rafale again, shit is nuts.


err I have trouble connecting the j.D after the 2 dps any tips?


Quote from: sharko on December 05, 2010, 03:49:05 AM
err I have trouble connecting the j.D after the 2 dps any tips?

It's actually neutral jump D, my bad I should've been more specific.


Posting this combo since it's not the BnB you see all the time.


I saw something pretty interesting that i hadn't seen prior to this, but does the stand jab reset after super only work in the corner?


Quote from: Jammerlich on December 16, 2010, 10:30:32 AM
I saw something pretty interesting that i hadn't seen prior to this, but does the stand jab reset after super only work in the corner?

Yeah, and it would seem it's conditional to the height of the juggle so the final hit didn't knock then down.


Hi everyone!
I found the guard crush trap what I named "17 trap". lol
If you feel it's a useful, let's try it!

・It makes a opponent induced guard crush by continuous block except
Ralf, Clark, Daimon and Maxima
・Liz can combo in the corner wherever she starts this trap because she
proceeds by dp+P.
・It uses 1 stock and 100% drive.
・It is avoided by guard cancel attack or roll if a opponent has a stock.
・It starts by small j.CD (it's easy to be blocked by a opponent)

small j.CD, cl.C, f.B, HD, CD, dp+C, (HDC)qcf+AC, CD, dp+A(guard
crush), small vertical j.C, cl.C, f.B, dp+C, qcf+C, dp+A, (HDC)qcf+K,
qcf+C, qcf+C, dp+A, (HDC)qcf+K, qcf+C, qcf+C, dp+A, dp+A,
(If she has no stock) j.C
(If she has 1 stock) j.C, qcf hcb+P
(If she has 2 stocks) j.A, qcf hcb+P, cl.C, qcf hcb+P

If you change qcf+K, qcf+A(guard crush), small j.C instead of
dp+A(guard crush), small vertical j.C, it's easier to hit small j.C
right after because qcf+A's recovery frame is less than dp+A.
But the command is little bit harder than use dp+A, so it's up to you.

If you feel it's difficult small j.C after guard crush, you don't need it.
It's nasty!! Don't you think so? lol
By the way, I don't publish it yet to Japanese players... lolol

Rex Dart

Damn, that's crazy!

I suppose having a full HD bar and a cornered opponent with no bars wouldn't happy very often, but still really cool. I've actually never considered the guard crush potential of HD. I wonder if any other characters can do something like this.


Quote from: No.17 on May 23, 2011, 11:32:36 AM
Hi everyone!
I found the guard crush trap what I named "17 trap". lol
If you feel it's a useful, let's try it!

・It makes a opponent induced guard crush by continuous block except
Ralf, Clark, Daimon and Maxima
・Liz can combo in the corner wherever she starts this trap because she
proceeds by dp+P.
・It uses 1 stocks and 100% drive.
・It is avoided by guard cancel attack or roll if a opponent has a stock.
・It started by small j.CD (it's easy to be blocked by a opponent)

small j.CD, cl.C, f.B, HD, CD, dp+C, (HDC)qcf+AC, CD, dp+A(guard
crush), small vertical j.C, cl.C, f.B, dp+C, qcf+C, dp+A, (HDC)qcf+K,
qcf+C, qcf+C, dp+A, (HDC)qcf+K, qcf+C, qcf+C, dp+A, dp+A,
(If she has no stock) j.C
(If she has 1 stock) j.C, qcf hcb+P
(If she has 2 stock) j.A, qcf hcb+P, cl.C, qcf hcb+P

If you change qcf+K, qcf+A(guard crush), small j.C instead of
dp+A(guard crush), small vertical j.C, it's easier to hit small j.C
right after because qcf+A's recovery frame is less than dp+A.
But the command is little bit harder than use dp+A, so it's up to you.

If you feel it's difficult small j.C after guard crush, you don't need it.
It's nasty!! Don't you think so? lol
By the way, I don't publish it yet to Japanese players... lolol

I will be testing it this week! Thanks Kunio :)


when your attacking in HD and your opponent is blocking he gets bar for blocking, you dont. just how fast doies the bar fill? like does it fill completely before the guard crush if the opponent has no meter at all? and how empty does it have to be? like when opponent has a 1/4 of meter he will have 1 bar filled before being guard crushed.

either way good find.

also kunio, are your friends still planning on making those combo vids? the guys who did te womans team and iori team?
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!