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For what system will you buy KOF XIII

Started by THE ANSWER, November 01, 2010, 05:31:06 PM

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For what system will you buy KOF XIII

Play Station 3
Xbox 360
Both systems


Got the PS3 for XII, I think most of AI has the PS3 as well.

Homies Over Shotos

I don't think I've ever played you online and since you're in Arcade Infinity, the games would be smooth.  Up for a few rounds of 12 Kane?


Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on November 03, 2010, 11:44:56 PM
I don't think I've ever played you online and since you're in Arcade Infinity, the games would be smooth.  Up for a few rounds of 12 Kane?

I'm super rusty, truth is I'm real reluctant to ever play older KOFs coz it messes with my game for the current one (hence I've dropped 98UM, 2K2UM, and XII and don't really go back to it).  Like I explained on the PM, I'll see if I have some time a little later to dig up my joystick (since I moved).

Homies Over Shotos

You're one of those people?  The one that drops older games once the newer ones come out because of new timings or styles?  That's only legit if you use Kensou as he changes EVERY game.  Probably Robert I guess since they like to rotate him a lot too.


Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on November 04, 2010, 01:36:30 AM
You're one of those people?  The one that drops older games once the newer ones come out because of new timings or styles?  That's only legit if you use Kensou as he changes EVERY game.  Probably Robert I guess since they like to rotate him a lot too.

Nah man, it totally messes me up.  When I started XIII I kept doing j.D, s.C, CD with everyone and messed me up hard.  It took me forever to adapt to XIII lol (I'm old man, hehe, I can't adapt as fast as I could when I was 14 when '94 first came out--do the math).

Getting real OT but Gunsmith and I were talking about how much slower we are lol, he was complaining his thumbs don't move as fast too.  Ash said the same thing too.


PS3, I refuse to pay to play online, haha

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Kane317 on November 04, 2010, 02:26:46 AM
Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on November 04, 2010, 01:36:30 AM
You're one of those people?  The one that drops older games once the newer ones come out because of new timings or styles?  That's only legit if you use Kensou as he changes EVERY game.  Probably Robert I guess since they like to rotate him a lot too.

Nah man, it totally messes me up.  When I started XIII I kept doing j.D, s.C, CD with everyone and messed me up hard.  It took me forever to adapt to XIII lol (I'm old man, hehe, I can't adapt as fast as I could when I was 14 when '94 first came out--do the math).

Getting real OT but Gunsmith and I were talking about how much slower we are lol, he was complaining his thumbs don't move as fast too.  Ash said the same thing too.

Don't call yourself old.  I'm only four years younger then you.  That's depressing me.  But the offset of slightly losing your reflexes is that you gain more strategical ability.  How else do you think people like me are able to beat scrub teams online with Mature, Daimon and Clark/Chin/Leona/Terry?

HIEN SHINPAKKU!  Is one of my favorite moves.  It's always a free hit for Daimon.  Ground Pound LOL.

Mature also has some nice normals jumping b counters most jump attacks thanks to its angle.


Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on November 04, 2010, 03:20:00 AM
Don't call yourself old.  I'm only four years younger then you.  That's depressing me.  But the offset of slightly losing your reflexes is that you gain more strategical ability.  How else do you think people like me are able to beat scrub teams online with Mature, Daimon and Clark/Chin/Leona/Terry?

You're old.  No point in fighting it.  Heh.  That was my last post on it coz we're deviating too much lol (my bad).


I'll be getting it for 360 since it's the only next gen system besides the Wii that I got. I just hope the online is good this time around.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.



I don't have a PS3, but if I did I would of bought it for both.


PS3. But I might buy it for 360 too, a bit later.


Quote from: JeremyH on November 04, 2010, 02:59:18 AM
PS3, I refuse to pay to play online, haha

I have a ps3 myself, and I'm planning on getting a 360 soon because PSN is trash compared to XBL. Just because something is free doesnt make it better.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Homies Over Shotos

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on November 04, 2010, 04:44:48 PM
Quote from: JeremyH on November 04, 2010, 02:59:18 AM
PS3, I refuse to pay to play online, haha

I have a ps3 myself, and I'm planning on getting a 360 soon because PSN is trash compared to XBL. Just because something is free doesnt make it better.

No it isn't.  I have a PS3, and play a lot on the 360 and the service barring a few things is essentially the same.  Actually the online is smoother on PS3 most of the time due to dedicated servers for most games.  That and I don't have ten year olds yelling crap in my ear.


Let's not kid ourselves(no pun intended), but both systems have their shares of idiots yelling on the mics. That's why God created the mute feature!


I don't own both systems but will get KOF XIII for either system, yes, I will get my own console because of KOF XIII.