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I'm not new to the series, but new in the Depth of KOFs

Started by UndyingGotunks, January 26, 2015, 08:33:01 AM

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I'm definitely a fan of all fighters...of course my juices were revived by Street Fighter, but now that I'm beginning to branch off in other games. I'm seeking to transition into an all around fighter and to do so this game is on the top of my list.  I'm trying to get a idea of the system compared to others. I'm highly interested and looking to get better.


Welcome to the forums, UndyingGotunks.

Where are you from?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I am from the United States.  The state of Georgia.  And I always played the games, but now i wanna take it seriously. 


Welcome to the site bro.

Do you know Malik at all? I think he's in Georgia now.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I live in SC, do you have the game on Steam? If so, I'll add you to my friends list. Our connection would probably be decent.


Quote from: desmond_kof on February 18, 2015, 11:00:02 PM
Welcome to the site bro.

Do you know Malik at all? I think he's in Georgia now.

I know of a Malik, but I'm not sure if I know the same one you speak of.  And to the other questions nah...I play on xbox live all the time.  So anyone wanna put me on game?  Whose willing to get better at this game with me?