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KOFXIV Announced for 2016

Started by desmond_kof, September 15, 2015, 05:32:14 PM

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If it's a dream match, cool. If not, still cool lol.

The graphic thing bothers me because people complain about it. I mean, SNK isn't exactly making big bucks. People want it in KoF XIII style although we should all know that that's gonna be hard. I'm more focused on the gameplay, but I do understand that people aren't happy with the graphics. While I'm sure that they'll update the graphics by the final release, asking for the XII-XIII sprites are too much lol.

As for characters, I feel that Oswald and Adel should definitely be added in regardless of the other characters. Mainly because Adel was supposed to be the "other hero" of the Ash Saga. The only thing I know is that Kyo, Iori, Benimaru, Terry, Ryo, Athena, Kim, K', Mai, and maybe King are (or should be) definite additions. Everyone else is probably going to be fair game, although Leona has a good chance since there was a 3D model for her.

People want Rock in, but we'll see. It'll be cool if he's in, but if he isn't, I won't be surprised. New characters however would be cool, but that'll probably happen if it's not a Dream Match.

...I want Elisabeth, Whip, New Faces Team, Ash, May Lee, and Heidern lol. Most of my wants don't really happen though lol.


I didn't really give much thought to what kind of game it could be.

If it's a dream match, then we probably won't get any new characters. But that also means that they probably won't add existing characters that have not been in KOF yet either.

I kind of want it to be a story game, if anything to undo XIII's ending. Writing a character out of existence is not cool, even if I didn't like said character that much.


Rock, Alba, Fio, Nakoruru, Hanzo, and Ninon for KoF XIV? lol

I don't mind how XIII ended. It was a cool way for Ash to go. I personally always thought Ash was interesting ever since I first saw him and saw the 2003 and XI ending and everything came full-circle in the end. Although Adel should've gotten more spotlight...in fact he should've been the first character to make for consoles instead of Billy =/


From mmcafe.com SNKP is leaving the pachislot business and using those team for game development. A bit of hope for some on the fence with kof xiv. There is plenty of time to improve.


According to the news from the chinese site, Chinese company overhauled the business strategy of SNKp and decided to abandon pachinko business. 2 operating directions are mentioned in the news.
1.Developing mobile, PC and TV games and continuing recruiting talented people
2.Rectifying global licensing strategy

The Good Loser

If they put as much effort into it as they did for the pachinko trailer then that's a pretty good decision.



Unless they change the engine they are using to make the game the game, I am not expecting it to look vastly different. What I do expect is the models to improve, characters to look like their selves, some small design change, improve lighting, anti aliasing, improve effects and particles and colors because the trailer was dull. A lot of eyes will see the playstation experience and this snkp time to change perception.


The Good Loser

"KOF XIV is another new chapter after the Ash saga", interesting.


New characters confirmed and maybe a new hero of a new saga? Or will Elizabeth or Adel be the new heroes? Find out next time on the next episode of...

The Good Loser

Quote from: YoungsterYasakani on October 28, 2015, 12:31:51 AM
New characters confirmed and maybe a new hero of a new saga? Or will Elizabeth or Adel be the new heroes? Find out next time on the next episode of...
They really did cock tease Adel in XIII, sadly he wans't that integral.


So apparently, XIV is going to be at Playstation Experience (PSE) in San Francisco coming December 5-6. I live near the area, and I definitely know me and a few others are going to test it out. It says XIV was listed on the list of games that are gonna be there and be playable... so pray to god that the game plays good, at least. I'm really gritting my teeth to hopefully see this game play well and it not being another Maximum Impact, and hopefully that they'll tell us it's coming waaaay later in the year 2016. I'll try to get a stream, video, article, interview, or something else after my experience with XIV. I also hope that they'll have arcade sticks for us to play, because Sony should know that nobody is playing on PS4 Dualshock... at all.