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KOFXIV Announced for 2016

Started by desmond_kof, September 15, 2015, 05:32:14 PM

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I think I solved the Maxima dilema... Mustache Time!

What is a heel persona?


Quote from: solidshark on February 17, 2016, 09:28:01 PM
Overall, things are very much improving, and I'm looking forward to the next trailer and the next time it's playable.

Oh, and does Kula Lay Spin animation look different than it was before to anyone else?

The characters and moves seem to be updated in general, from cleaned up animation to better effects. Leona's Climax super also looks updated, for example.

The game will be playable in Hong Kong this weekend btw. King, Billy and Robert are supposed to be playable in the new build.


Quote from: TrueOrochi on February 17, 2016, 09:43:58 PM
What is a heel persona?

In wrestling a good guy is a face, and a bad guy is a heel, for SNK universe references when Raiden wears his mask he's a bad guy character, however he has a good guy persona named Big Bear that doesn't wear the mask (KOF XIII kinda messed with that having his big bear alt costume but staying the same character).

Lastly Maxima sporting the almost but not quite TRON look is just something to get used to, kinda like people that yelled "UNIBEAM" whenever his someone performed his NEOMAX.


Looking at the trailer more, Maxima's df+C launches opponents now.

The Good Loser

suprised no one noticed a change in Kyo at the end

Andy's hair has more physics

And i doubt K' was sleeping XD he said "nigena" (think it means you cant escape?) or however you spell it.


Quote from: Amedø310 on February 17, 2016, 10:59:24 PM
Looking at the trailer more, Maxima's df+C launches opponents now.

Wonder if it's only when used raw or when part of a combo as well.


Quote from: ottomatic on February 17, 2016, 09:36:15 PM
Gameplay and characters I'm loving what I'm seeing, I just hope the backgrounds eventually get some spectators.

Posted as screenshots, I'm liking the detail and style I see in them, despite them being sparse. But I'm starting to wonder if them being sparse is intentional, maybe for the sake of the netcode, like how XIII SE allowed you to leave backgrounds static.
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The Good Loser

Just a quick thought, the backgrounds may have "hidden" guest characters so not to spoil the roster they intentionally might have left them out. Plus, the Aquarium stage and the stadium both have people in it.


Quote from: ottomatic on February 17, 2016, 10:21:48 PM
In wrestling a good guy is a face, and a bad guy is a heel, for SNK universe references when Raiden wears his mask he's a bad guy character, however he has a good guy persona named Big Bear that doesn't wear the mask (KOF XIII kinda messed with that having his big bear alt costume but staying the same character).

Thanks, I never knew that.

On a side note, Playmore might include team members in the backgrounds making them considerably busier. Also, why would you want low quality 3D models shown outside of shadows or cameos to clutter up stages?


Quote from: TrueOrochi on February 18, 2016, 05:47:21 AM
On a side note, Playmore might include team members in the backgrounds making them considerably busier. Also, why would you want low quality 3D models shown outside of shadows or cameos to clutter up stages?

I realize that it adds nothing gameplay wise but it makes for a certain ambiance. I'm down for beautiful but fairly empty stages but I like something to sell that this is still a regular televised tournament (in the story). I love stuff like rainy stage in 99, but if all the stages are devoid of spectators it may feel a bit more like the SVC Chaos stages. Maybe they'll get added later maybe not.

Either way I'm still 100% down for this game: gameplay looks fun, I'm excited at each reveal even if I anticipated the characters inclusion, and I just love KOF. I hope we get some real curve balls thrown at us like maybe a savage reign/kizuna encounter character, or buriki one character, or throw us the hell off and toss in a 3 count bout character (If they need another grappler).

The Good Loser

sad(?) to say, New Leak confirmation.


"Tizoc with a dinosaur mask and tail"
"Post edited by leaker on 6 months ago"

If we go by this, no elisabeth team, no shen, no duo lon.


I still don't wanna say that list is true but it gets harder and harder to deny it's plausibility with every reveal. I'm still down with whoever they give us as I like learning new characters. A part of me hopes that if real at least one of the pachinko girls has some form of reference to their time in pachinko (special or super animation, maybe they have a projectile that tosses pachinko balls, or even intro/win pose animation).

Also if that list is true we won't have Yuri this time around, or is it Takuma. Leaker only specified the team, not which version (I have a feeling Yuri would be in as she has near perfect attendance for KOFs (damn you XII) while Takuma has missed out on a few).

In any case, looking forward to this weekend. Hopefully someone experiments, records, and posts so we can see get better in depth system details, but I'll probably be satisfied with just some good gameplay vids.

The Good Loser

IF the team gets cut my bet is on Takuma, Ryo taking his place for Mr Karate as i thought. Or... Or maybe.... Yuri for... A Ms. Karate? XD


Well, Shen, Duo and Elizabeth kinda serverd their purpose in XIII (Duo Lon not quite), so I understand why they aren't in XIV (if the leak is 100% true). What I don't understand, why K' and the gang are in the game. 2003 hinted K' might have some future, but after that they are kinda there. I know they are popular characters, but SNK has dropped or killed characters in the past. They better have good reason to be in the game storywise.
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The Good Loser

My take is that maybe someone from the NESTS saga survived and is bringing it back (Krizalid?) and the russian supposed boss is financing it or so