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NorCal KOF!

Started by Tone, November 26, 2010, 03:26:13 AM

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That is awesome you have both configs! Not confirmed but I'll try to arrive between 12-2pm on Friday. If this changes I will update here the evening before.


Alright, I posted in our thread on SRK. I'll see how many people can make it that time. I just remembered I have something to do after class so I'll only be there from 1-2.

Edit: okay I just remembered, I don't have to go to English on Fri so I'll be there from 11-12 and 1-2 and 3+. Just an FYI, not a lot of people follow the ratio system so expect a lot of Shen, Kula, K'.


Don't worry, we don't follow the ratio system either, it was just for that tournament we had. By the way, what time does that place close?


Quote from: Demoninja on February 16, 2011, 09:11:02 AM
Just an FYI, not a lot of people follow the ratio system so expect a lot of Shen, Kula, K'.

I keep hearing this misconception everywhere: the ratio system is arcade specific, and only used for specific pre-agreed tournaments, definitely not in casuals or some way of life/honor code.


Yeah, the way I saw it was that it was to reduce popular character usage at a specific arcade. If it was used here, Shen Kula and K would be 4s on a 6 point system. Literally everyone else is used by at least one person.


Quote from: Demoninja on February 16, 2011, 09:06:58 PM
Yeah, the way I saw it was that it was to reduce popular character usage at a specific arcade. If it was used here, Shen Kula and K would be 4s on a 6 point system. Literally everyone else is used by at least one person.

Wow.  I can't wait to see some Chins and DLs pop up.


There's one person who uses Chin and a lot of people aka 3 or 4 that use DL a bit. Me being one of them.


i probably won't be able to make it until the end of the month. but, i'll be sure to let you guys know when i do.
kof scrub in training


I just arrive in SF today. I'm confirming I'll be at Rack and Cue (tomorrow - Kane317) about from 11 - 3pm


Whoa, was this today? I left RnC at around 12 and didn't see anyone playing KoF. If it's for tomorrow, I'll be there for sure.

Edit: Didn't even really read your post and just posted haha. I get it.



Hahaha I only got one match with Ash, was the dude with dreadlocks...also, sorry if I give crappy directions, being in that arcade too long always makes me forget where stuff is.


Hey Ash, ggs. Glad I stopped getting ocv'd after I came back from class haha. I was the one running DL, Shen Raiden. You gotta teach me some Shen stuff sometime.


Good games everyone! Wish I had more time to play with you guys. I see that you all have a lot of potential since you've only had the game for a couple of weeks. Next time we meet I expect to lose at least half the games. Keep up the good work and remember EPIC FINISH!


Quote from: Ash on February 20, 2011, 01:27:10 AM
Keep up the good work and remember EPIC FINISH!

What does that even mean?