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Goro Daimon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:58:51 AM

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Been too long since this guy has seen some love in here.  According to The ON Show 20, Goro's trial mode for the console is shown (20m-22min mark).  Interestingly, it appears he *may* have a new [SC] otherwise I can't figure out how it's done:  j.C, s.C, df.C, [HD], s.C, df.C, Ex hcb~f+AC, hcf A, qcb B, hcf C, [SC?] hcb x2+P DM, [MC] qcf x2+AC.

So unless the hcf+C has some new properties that make him do something entirely different (crumple maybe?), then it's safe to assume you can [SC] off of it into his DM.


I wonder about such an addition for Clark too, like maybe if he can SC out of flashing elbow. Yuri and Shen benefiting from SC'able throws only, and not having the grapplers able to do it, makes little sense. Even Athena and Elisabeth get throw buffs with their improved (Ex) Teleport -> Command throw games.

I wonder how this will effect DLC characters too, however. Iori WTPOF's w/ SC'able Scumgale and/or Kotosuki In? NEST Kyo with SC after rekka-ender Kotosuki You?

I'm just glad it appears to be system-wide, though I doubt Vice will get anything out of it :(

Rex Dart

That sounds like a great addition gameplay-wise, although I can't quite picture hcf+C (SC) DM not looking a little off. Would the cancel point be during the start-up of the move? Or would it be the exact moment Goro slams the opponent to the ground? Since the opponent switches sides during hcf+C, that would mean the input would look something like hcf + C, hcf x 2 + C. Which would make it a pretty easy hit-confirm.

@SAB-CA: If I was SNK, I'd give Clark an EX Flashing Elbow that picked the opponent up off the ground, allowing for an extended combo. Similar to what he had in MI2 / MIRA. Also, Vice should be able to DC her grab into her dp+P.


Quote from: Rex Dart on September 16, 2011, 07:50:08 PM
@SAB-CA: If I was SNK, I'd give Clark an EX Flashing Elbow that picked the opponent up off the ground, allowing for an extended combo. Similar to what he had in MI2 / MIRA. Also, Vice should be able to DC her grab into her dp+P.

Both great ideas; The EX Elbow kinda reminds me of Ramon, as well. Maxima also already has the "Extended combos off an EX throw" option already, so it's within the games understanding, as well.

I really wish I could land Overkill after Gorefest with Vice, though Splash would also be great. Always suprised EX Decide doesn't work after it, either; the only situation an "Anywhere Juggle" doesn't work, lol. Would be nice if you could juggle after the EX version, actually...

BTW, to keep this centered on Goro, does anyone know if he can do THIS:


or something like that in XIII? Because that was scary, but incredibly cool, lol.


Quote from: SAB-CA on September 16, 2011, 08:15:42 PM
Quote from: Rex Dart on September 16, 2011, 07:50:08 PM
@SAB-CA: If I was SNK, I'd give Clark an EX Flashing Elbow that picked the opponent up off the ground, allowing for an extended combo. Similar to what he had in MI2 / MIRA. Also, Vice should be able to DC her grab into her dp+P.

Both great ideas; The EX Elbow kinda reminds me of Ramon, as well. Maxima also already has the "Extended combos off an EX throw" option already, so it's within the games understanding, as well.

I really wish I could land Overkill after Gorefest with Vice, though Splash would also be great. Always suprised EX Decide doesn't work after it, either; the only situation an "Anywhere Juggle" doesn't work, lol. Would be nice if you could juggle after the EX version, actually...

BTW, to keep this centered on Goro, does anyone know if he can do THIS:


or something like that in XIII? Because that was scary, but incredibly cool, lol.

By giving Clark an option for a continuation combo after elbow would be SIMPLY overpowering, Vice is still Viable with 1 meter and 1 drive to take 30 + that can get BS setups thorough her EX whip after a poke out of the air. Goro shouldn't have an easy combo like that as shown in the vid. Instead they should have  given Goro from 2k2um (console version) roll cancel into is  DP+k.  Now that would make him fairly viable since not many use Goro in the first place. high risk = real reward.


Rex Dart

So, everyone has seen the video of Daimon's buffs. We all know he's better. At Paris Manga, Hokuto Youseff used him and wrote up some of his observations on MaxMode (emphasis added):

Quote from: Hokuto YouseffNew stuff:
    -Super Cancel on his special Grab: DP K [SC] Super, hcf C [SC] Super, hcf A [SC] Super
    -qcb B fee cancelable: with this trick you can do some crazy things with Daimon: It allow you to move much more faster, and to some combos never done before, or… For example, anywhere in the stage, you can jump CD and catch the oponent on the ground with hcf C (and super if one dc + 1 super meter in stock) You just have to jump CD (impossible to quick recover) dash a little bit, qcb B cancel into hcf C.
    You can juggle after ex command grab (hcb f C) anywhere in the stage: hcb f A+C, qcb B cancel into hcf A (super cancel possible)!
    And my favorite d/f C (anti air) cancel into qcb B (98 style!!!) then hcf A (you understand what)
    His 10th mission: jump C, C, df C [BC] C, df C hcb f A+C df C hcf A [DC] qcb B, hcf C, super lv1, Max Cancel. Not that difficult to do and using very well Daimon’s new buff.

Sounds pretty incredible to me. Really want to see that last combo.

(Credit to Orochinagi for re-posting it.)


Sounds like Goro finally figured out he was in XIII, and not XII! He had some nice superarmor in XII, and some of the best grapple range, but had most of this changed or diminished in XIII.

Glad to hear a jumping CD can turn into an OTG throw Anywhere; never understood why it hasn't always been that way, lol. I'd always see that hard knockdown, and wonder why noone went for it.

He should also get increased utility out of his EX Jiraishin too though, right? Or did it not have hard knockdown? EX Overhead into OTG into Supercancel could be quite nice, if it's all work...

t3h mAsTarOth...!

Quote from: Rex Dart on October 21, 2011, 10:32:29 PM
    -Super Cancel on his special Grab: DP K [SC] Super, hcf C [SC] Super, hcf A [SC] Super
    -qcb B fee cancelable: with this trick you can do some crazy things with Daimon: It allow you to move much more faster, and to some combos never done before, or… For example, anywhere in the stage, you can jump CD and catch the oponent on the ground with hcf C (and super if one dc + 1 super meter in stock) You just have to jump CD (impossible to quick recover) dash a little bit, qcb B cancel into hcf C.
    You can juggle after ex command grab (hcb f C) anywhere in the stage: hcb f A+C, qcb B cancel into hcf A (super cancel possible)!
    And my favorite d/f C (anti air) cancel into qcb B (98 style!!!) then hcf A (you understand what)
holy shit... talk about a "grappler"... thank god for all these changes... man these are crazy changes...

- any time goro hits/grabs you, super cancel... nice damage potential there...
- anti-air d/f+C > 97/98 combo... now we are talking "again"...
- spamming jump C+D? i sure am going to... *just hope hop C+D works too*

man and on top of that, he can actually do HD combos now... *hcf+C xx qcb+B loop?* he's just gonna throw you all over the stage and make you watch in HD... lol... this is good enough to change my team around Clark, Goro, Ralf... pretty much my 97 team... just clark+goro+ o.yashiro/beni/robert/iori...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


in the arcade version i thought clark, mai and goro suckedthe most out of all the characters. mai is better but still boring, clark got interresting again, and goro, man fucking goro. the guy has become a fucking beast, funny because i was wanting to do some of those combos in xiii but they where not possible. now theyve actually made goro the way i wanted him to be for xiii and its just too fucking sick. raiden doesnt seem to be THAT grapples anymore, goro took the position away from him.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


First page has been updated with console changes.


- Crouching C’s recovery time has been reduced.
- Kirikabugaeshi’s (qcf+C) recovery time on a whiff has been reduced. Doesn’t cause a knockback when blocked.
* EX Chou Ukemi (qcb+BD) can be canceled with a special or a super. Meaning that Goro can go straight into a throw from his invincible roll.
* Kirikabugaeshi (hcf+C) and Kumotsukaminage (hcf+A) can be drive canceled.
* A super cancel version of Jigoku-Gokurakuotoshi (hcb*2+ P) has been added to the game.
* EX Chou Oosotogari’s (dp+BD) recovery time on a whiff has been reduced.

Producer Yamamoto says:
As a judo fighter, we’ve strengthened his grab attacks. You need to super cancel, but he can combo his Jigoku-Gokurakuotoshi from all sorts of grab attacks. He can even do HD combos with just grab attacks, so please try them out.


On this cast you can see the many possibilities of Goro on KOFXIII with the console changes :
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :

Emperor Paine

His changes are epic. I will be picking him back up again. Re-establish my Clark/Vice/Goro team.


Goro seems so sick, he can supercancel 3 of his grabs. Grab confiriming into super lol.

Edit: I guess technically hcf+C isnt a grab, but its all the same.


Don't get grabbed, EVER!!!

You're too slow!!


What are his best AA's? It looks like crHP and stHK but I'm curious if one's better than the other.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.