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Clark Still (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 04:00:27 AM

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Quote from: LouisCipher on October 19, 2011, 03:56:56 AM
Only thing I'm concerned with is if the online is bad that could make Clark the de-facto character to troll with... that and Nude Raiden.

Meh, the same people who'd do that, would also be picking Raiden, and spamming "READYYYY..... GOOOOO!"'s autoguard. With a dash of Athena / Kensou Fireball spam! At least with Clark, you can stand away, let them spam, and then punish accordingly.

Quote from: bigvador on October 19, 2011, 10:08:36 AM
i just realized that his name on here is Clark STILL i thought it was Steel

The "Steel" was seen as too obvious a reference to "CLARK Kent, AKA Superman, the man of STEEL", so it was changed to "Still" years ago.


First page has been updated with console changes.


* His Stepping (Forward+BD) is faster
* Weak SAB has full-body autoguard but comes out slower than before
- EX SAB>Flying Elbow can be MAX canceled
- EX Gatling Attack’s invincibility runs out when its hit detection comes out. Projectile invincibility doesn’t, even after hit detection comes out.
- If Fierce or EX Gateling gets blocked, the Afterattack throw won’t come out any more
* Vulcan Punch can be canceled with another move on startup. This allows for some new combos like close Fierce punch (2nd hit)>VulcanPunch>SAB

Producer Yamamoto says: He’s a throw character so we’ve buffed his throws. With moves like his Weak SAB, his front step, and being able to do a super cancel from a 1-frame throw, he should be able to fight like a real thrower.

Rex Dart


@1:10:00-ish, Clark's weak SAB autoguards Leona's jD, Leona goes for a grab, but Clark is able to tech it. So full-body autoguard AND he can still get out of throws. Outside of other command grabs, they only option is to try to stay out of range.

Scary shit.


This is like karmic revenge for me. As some of you know, I main Alex in 3rd Strike. And one thing I really hate about Alex is being thrown out of my powerbomb setups. So this... goddamn I feel like the terminator when he brings out the Minigun.

AND he can use it to absorb a projectile and take no damage? I was thinking of using Ryo for his parries but I guess not at this point.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Question: why don't people use the follow up to Gatling Attack? I think it's a better combo ender than a jumping D.

Is it that it does little damage or is it just not convenient?


I would guess reset potential.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


What is a reset potential?


A reset is basically ending a combo without doing a hard knockdown. So the opponent has to guess which way to block or counter any followup. This is done a lot in Marvel and because of Clark's Autoguard this makes him much more scary.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: marchefelix on November 17, 2011, 08:31:09 PM
What is a reset potential?

Look at SNKP's own gameplay vid here today, at 3:51 seconds:


See how Clark lets the opponent land on their feet, after doing his gattling combo in the corner, and then instantly gets a crouching low into a game-winning combo? His jumping ;d reset the opponent back to neutral position, and he quickly forced them into having to react to his attack.

They guessed wrong, and lost because of it! :)

What makes new clark dangerous is how his new SAB adds to the mix. While they were falling to the ground, he could have started his Guardpoint-SAB, and grabed them as they recovered. Of he could do the weak kick he did there, or even a quick hopping A or C, to try and overhead them, if they anticipated his low attack.

Keep in mind, also, that it was mentioned that the Death Lake Driver followup to his Gattling only works from grounded gattling. If it's one that hit an in-air opponent, it'll apparently whiff. I'm not sure if Clark gets any advantage when landing from the throwdown, either, someone with more gameplay with this game will have to answer that!


The follow up to the Gattling attack (DLD) still works on airborne opponents. 

Like what what you said, it's a better reset and allows to start the mix ups all over again.


Clark is a different character in console version, his SAB is really a tricky move since you had 3 variations to do, and If your able to pull the ex version with an extra stock you can do to much damage easily

If you combine that with gattling attack, and some good normals, you had a well rounded character imo

Waifu Material

Emperor Paine

Oh I can't wait. Clark is definitely going to be someone to fear.


Man, I wasted 30 minutes in training mode trying to figure out why I couldn't super cancel from normal command grab.

Undefeated online KOF player.


Quote from: CharREX on November 23, 2011, 09:12:12 AM
Man, I wasted 30 minutes in training mode trying to figure out why I couldn't super cancel from normal command grab.


Fail CharREX.  Need to pay attention to change notes.


I'm having a really hard time with comboing into his grabs.

I've tried Mission Mode and doing crLKx2 and then EX but cannot get it out for the life of me.

What are some good combos into his grabs because I couldn't any so far.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.