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KOF14 Graphics

Started by enersha, September 02, 2016, 04:02:06 PM

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Hey all,
i am thinking about getting into kof14 because I hear it is an easier fighter to get into and i generally am not that great. Anyway, does anyone think SNK will improve the graphics of the character models over time? They ugly right now and I much prefer the kof13 sprites

also the loading screen between rounds really bums me out. does anyone think this will be removed over time?

Mr Bakaboy

Sorry the sprites are what they are. It would be too expensive to mess with them.

More then likely the load screen won't be changed.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


So Youre saying SNK will probably never have enough money to invest upgraded character model textures? And they will never remove the loading screens between rounds? I have never seen a fighting gAme with so many loading screens -would much rather have a 3-4 minute screen before the match, it really breaks the momentum of the game

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There's a good chance that XIV will be the baseline for their 2.5D fighters from now on, including experience in detailing character models, textures, and the like. They could invest in upgrades, but I wouldn't expect it for this game.

Load screens I half-agree with you, but they don't bother me as much. Hopefully future games won't have as many, depending on what they do.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Why do some people think the characters in this game are "ugly"? They look perfectly fine. I prefer realistic looking humans compared to the roided up weirdos in SF5. Man the consumer is never pleased I swear. This looks like a new generation game to me. Maybe people who don't like it need a better tv or something.. or just to calm their @$$ down and stop having unrealistic/ridiculous standards. Sheezus.


First impressions die hard. The reveal models looked like garbage. Now the models look pretty decent, but you aren't gonna change that perception.


To clarify I wasnt saying the art direction is bad. I really do like the art direction (although I think the characters should have more contrast). My complaint is with the quality of the textures of the character models. And saying that this game looks like current gen is a pretty wack statement. These graphics are straight out of the ps2 era. I think its highly likely that modders will eventually improve the models themselves


It is a pretty wack statement saying the graphics are straight out of the PS2 era. 

The graphics aren't great, but I'd argue that SFV's graphics aren't great either.  With both games though there isn't anything technically wrong with the graphics, the games run smoothly for the most part, and that is what is important to me. 

It is the game play that is important here.  If you enjoy the game play, you aren't going to care about the graphics after a while.   


SFV has many, many technical graphics glitches (see my profile pic lol). Youtube any story mode cutscene and take a shot of liquor every time something clips if you wanna get drunk fast.
I've also started a SFV clipping thread for the core game (not the story). Documenting the story mode clipping glitches would take weeks.

Also if you compare character models in KOF14 to The Bouncer(2000) the texture quality is about the same and the polygons are slightly smoother in KOF14


I'm sorry, but you are greatly over exaggerating.  The texture quality is much better in XIV than The Bouncer. 

XIV's graphics aren't the best, no one is going to argue differently.  However, the exaggeration that "Oh it looks like a PS2 game" is disingenuous at best, and at its worst being a troll.  If you are going to let the graphics stop you from buying XIV, cool that is up to you.  However, if you are serious about trying to get into KoF XIV, there is a demo and you can see if the game play is something you want to play.  Just stop with the graphics, because it isn't making you seem like you are actually serious about wanting to try KoF.   

The Fluke

I'm sure that things like this have been said before but; Try it in person. I played it offline with a couple of friends and they were surprised by how much better it looks in person. To me, kof 14 looks perfectly fine in terms of graphics and it has alot of charm. I can't stop laughing at Dino going Gurrr.

Micky Kusanagi

(Wasn't there another thread on this matter?)

SNK's resources are ridiculously low, that's it. There's no way anyone can demand or hope for better graphics than those SNK came up with for KOFXIV. Maybe things will get better in their next games, after this team gets more experienced with 3D modeling.

Good thing KOFXIV is selling relatively well, I was afraid all the anti-KOFXIV campaign based on its subpar graphics may make the game bomb miserably.
Ore no...kachi da!!


I was kind of worried about that too.  The graphics never bothered me personally, I wish it had stunning graphics, but it was the game play I wanted.  The game is so much fun, and it is fun to watch too.

Micky Kusanagi

Its graphics don't bother me as well, when I say "subpar" I'm just trying to be unbiased. No matter how outdated these character models may look, I clearly feel Ogura's flair in them, which is great for me because he's my favorite SNK artist (he's born the same day and month as me by the way LOL).
Ore no...kachi da!!


Oh I agree, the graphics aren't great by any means.  I think they're more than passable though.  I just think using the graphics as an excuse to not want the game is weak, especially with a demo out there.  Give the game a try, watch some videos, and make the decision there. 

For the money that the team had to make this game, they did a good job with it.  If this game does well, and makes them some good money.  XV might be able to look really good.  Either way, XIV is a really fun game, and well worth giving a try at the minimum.