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Metal Slug Series

Started by Custle, January 10, 2011, 12:31:32 PM

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Mr Bakaboy

3 probably was the best made version, but I can't help playing Metal Slug 1 on the MVS over and over.  Trying to beat it on no continues of late.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I'm stuck between 3 and X.

If I had to decide, I'd say X because it doesn't have an extra-long level at the end like 3 does.

The Fluke

I completed metal slug one in 2 continues, so a pretty sloppy run but i somehow did well where it's more acceptable to fail.. haha. I got a score of 686282 wich yet again feels pretty decent. I think i'm gonna try to top that, it's really nice to play the game on the neogeo x when you don't have it plugged in to the tv. I still have the plastic film that protects the screen on though so it looks a bit weird.


Metal Slug is probably the game of my childhood. I must of spent hundreds of quarters when I first started playing it. Metal Slug 3 was my personal favorite. I also enjoyed Metal Slug X. As for the original, it is was fun and all but I always found it preety cheap how easily I would die in that game (yet again I was preety young when I played it). Marco 4 Life!


The first Metal Slug I played was the second one. I spent so much time(and quarters) trying to beat it as a child. Then I learned of the existence of Metal Slug X, a harder version of 2. It's so difficult that I still can't beat it without dying once.

Spending so much time and effort on X is probably why it's my favorite.

Dark Chaotix

Not sure if anyone knows or can help, but does metal slug 1 or 2 have lag online?

Dark Chaotix

I ended up doing a a playthrough no death for metal slug 1.

Free Credit! - Metal Slug Playthrough


^cool vid. I'm about to get myself a few Metal Slug MVS carts. Thank god for CMVS component out. Gonna definitely try recording a few runs of my own.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


SNKP just release Metal Slug Defense to the iOS and Android. It plays similar to Tower Defense so if you are a fan of that then its worth checking it out. If not, its free ;)
