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The Virtua Figher 5 thread: just 6 months before the end of the world

Started by solidshark, February 22, 2011, 07:23:05 AM

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Quote from: diztron on June 08, 2012, 09:48:22 AM
Im still not sure i might wait for guilty gear
might as well spring for both unless money is a problem

Proto Cloud

@Xxenace: I got you back anyway. :)

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 08, 2012, 05:48:31 AM
Then stop complaining about the people here playing it on PS3.  Whoops, 360 red ringed again.  That's the 10th one this month!

But in all seriousness, Broken 360s are my third most profitable piece.  So many broken systems around.  3/4ths of them have the service date on them. 

I never was complaining about people playing it on the PS3. It was a joke and you were too slow to get it and had your Sony fanboy fog glasses on. Cute comments btw, retard.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on June 08, 2012, 12:10:22 PM
@Xxenace: I got you back anyway. :)

Quote from: Homies Over Shotos on June 08, 2012, 05:48:31 AM
Then stop complaining about the people here playing it on PS3.  Whoops, 360 red ringed again.  That's the 10th one this month!

But in all seriousness, Broken 360s are my third most profitable piece.  So many broken systems around.  3/4ths of them have the service date on them. 

I never was complaining about people playing it on the PS3. It was a joke and you were too slow to get it and had your Sony fanboy fog glasses on. Cute comments btw, retard.

Let's try to stay on topic, fellas. This topic is about VF5:FS. Not which system is better.

It ends here.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Stone Drum

so.... how many of you guys actually knew how to play vf5 before showdown?  If so, any comments on how the new game feels in comparison? 

And any Lei-Fei players? :p


Quote from: Stone Drum on June 08, 2012, 10:15:29 PM
so.... how many of you guys actually knew how to play vf5 before showdown?  If so, any comments on how the new game feels in comparison? 

And any Lei-Fei players? :p

Been playing since VF1. Played the mess outta Vanilla 5 on both consoles, too... Here's my take on it:

Some people have said the movement is slower, and I totally disagree... The movement is fast, at least on a front to back aspect. The sidesteps are a bit slow, I will say that, but successful evades are even faster... I do like how you're forced to keep momentum, as getting hit while backstepping counts as a counterhit, and you can get punished real quick if you're not on top of your spacing... I like the combos honestly, as its a bit more open ended for the majority of the characters. I personally have only a few combos I need though, but I'm still exploring more damage options.

I dibble-dabbled with Lei-Fei ever since 4, and while he's not as strong as he was in Vanilla 5, he's got alot to look forward to imo. New stances, and more setups to follow. He's not as "flowchart-esque" as he was before, but that's good imo because it makes him less "predictabo". I haven't played with him this time around yet, but I'll get around to it...

My only beef right now is some hitbox issues are still in, but they're not like Tekken's hitboxes. Oh, and one of Sarah's launchers went from 33K to 11K, which is not natural to me. I guess it's to be more of a punisher I guess...

H.O.S., technically you're right calling it peer-to-peer, but when it comes to system topology (as in a logical network topology instead of a physical topology), it is a client-server, well that's what the architecture is considered anyway. It can very well be considered the same in a physically up to a point, but that's probably opening up a can of worms. You might actually connect to someone that's considered the host; however, at the end of the day, you still have to go through a server that does the actual matchmaking and determines who will actually be the host, rather than just straight up connecting to someone directly with no "middleman" per sé... We can agree to disagree though.

Anyway, I figured this hasn't been posted up, so to help those who aren't on VFDC or are, but prefer the video aspect of learning, here's some tuts by Sega:

Part 1
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - Tutorial Video #1

Part 2
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - Tutorial Video #2

I'm on FightCade!!!


no the money isnt the problem its just to many fighters to play dont want to buy a game i dont play like sfxt


Quote from: diztron on June 09, 2012, 08:09:06 AM
no the money isnt the problem its just to many fighters to play dont want to buy a game i dont play like sfxt

I hear you on the time Diztron, too many good fighters and so little time to play. We've reached that oversaturation point analysis' feared. But FS will definitely be my second game short of KOF now.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


11K for Sarah?  I haven't seen that in her move list, am I missing something?  I know he 1K launches, do you mean that move?

I think this game is well worth $15, I got the $30 deal with all the DLC.  The game is so much fun, and the netcode is really good.  I wish KOF had it's netcode, but KoF is still a lot of fun.


Got it and I haven't stopped playing the online, is so butterly smooth. Been rocking Jean since I pop-it-in, wait... I mean, since I installed it... yeah.

Already 250 fights in Ranked, thinking of going back to El Blaze, since I used him in VF5 Vanilla, but having so much fun with Jean, he is so cool.


Running Wild

Shoutouts to online Jacky players that try to Somersault Kick all day.

I'm gonna just sit here and block or evade, you aren't getting your cheesy 40% 1 hit move.


Quote from: Xxenace on June 10, 2012, 09:13:30 AM

y'all should be part of the jacky master race

Jean Rocks! =P

Quote from: Running Wild on June 10, 2012, 10:11:57 AM
Shoutouts to online Jacky players that try to Somersault Kick all day.

I'm gonna just sit here and block or evade, you aren't getting your cheesy 40% 1 hit move.

I remember fighting someone like that too, got me off guard the first round, then later I just blocked/side-step the move and just punished with my 90+ combo.


Flip kick Jacky's are easy to beat.  PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Spam Brad's are easier.


You guys got any tips against Sarah? Got mauled by one today.

I use Eileen.


Quote from: KarnF91 on June 10, 2012, 04:34:07 AM
11K for Sarah?  I haven't seen that in her move list, am I missing something?  I know he 1K launches, do you mean that move?

My bad, yeah you're right it's 1K... I didn't go through the command list, I just went in and started tinkering, and I thought 1K wasn't working for me, so I tried 11K... Oh well, I still am not fond of the move change. It's been 33K for so long that I don't understand why they'd change it. 1K should've been a low, but she's not my main so I'm not sweating it too much...

Quote from: Diavle on June 11, 2012, 02:59:37 PM
You guys got any tips against Sarah? Got mauled by one today.

I use Eileen.

Don't use PPP2K. It's -18 on block, so you will be punished...

Sarah's gonna basically poke with P, 2P, 6PP, and moves that go into flamingo like 3PK. In flamingo, most Sarah player's will either attempt to stun you for a combo, or beat you in a frame game to do something strong (i.e. flash kick). You're gonna want to see what their patterns and habits are to truly make a good decision on what to do against them. Sometimes a simple evade is the best option. She has decent circular moves so you wanna be on the lookout for them also.

Moves that Sarah's shouldn't do because you can punish:
PPPK - you'll mostly see noobs use this. launch punishable I believe.
1K - this is that nice looking launcher. I don't know Eileen's best 15f punish, check VFDC for that.
6P+K3PK - you can and should PK punish this
3K+G - this is that sweep that Nina has in Tekken I think it's her ss+4?. Anyway, it's -18 on block. Launch that hoe!!!
flamingo~P2K - PK punish. The 2K is low. If you don't block it, there's jf followups that she can do.

Somersault kick is -27 on block and when done from flamingo -28 on block. If you can't sidestep it, just block. They'll regret it...

I can't think of anything else off the bat. If you've played Tekken and know how to punish in that game, it's pretty much the same. Look out for moves you can PK punish, launch punish, and mid attack punish (sometimes elbow/knee attacks or strings). Here's some links to help:

http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?ver=5fsa&chara=eileen - Eileen's move list in full effect!!! Frames, and other info that the game doesn't necessarily show.

http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/forums/74/1/Eileen -  Eileen section of VFDC. If you've played the older VF5, or if you just started on VF5FS, this section will help you out. There's quite a few good Eileen players there, Tricky and Xzyx987X are 2 that come to mind. They'll hook you up!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!