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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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This is not funny at all. Better Frionel doesn't lied to us. I want to hear what he has to say.
I'm really surprised by this guy jelous because info didn't go out first in japan... 
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Agreed. Nothing but drama, or a ploy to get SNKP to say something.


Quote from: a11111357 on May 04, 2011, 11:09:03 AM

I can understand the Novelist sentiment, especially from a professional level... but what an odd thought.

At least the SNK fans in Japan can PLAY the game. Europe and USA barely have any machines available! While it'd be more "respectful" to inform the JP fans, since they are the "core" fan / monetary base for the series, the fans abroad are probably the most hungry for info, since we're more in the dark about even being able to experience the game in the first place.

In the end, the fans should be band together, and be pissed for not getting any info! :)

I DO think that pressure from Japan has more of a chance at forcing SNKP's hand a bit, though. Oh well. They seem to like to time releases of info around the same time as other things (such as KoF: Mobage and the LOV crossover being released around the same time of TWN! releasing), so lets see if they have anything new to say when TWN!'s DLC releases on May 11th...


Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on May 04, 2011, 11:49:44 AM
This is not funny at all. Better Frionel doesn't lied to us. I want to hear what he has to say.
I'm really surprised by this guy jelous because info didn't go out first in japan... 

I can sort of understand. It's kind of like you living at home with your family, then finding out something about one of them through through a friend of a friend in the streets.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


If people are honestly not going to play this game because they feel that K or Raiden ruin it(which let's be honest, these are SF4 fans talking) then how can they praise a game like AE where the majority of the players who have played it are all unanimously agreeing that Yun, Fei Long and Yang pretty much break that game?


Quote from: Cibernetico on May 05, 2011, 05:49:51 AM
some people feel that K or Raiden ruin the game (which let's be honest, these are SF4 fans talking)

Do you think so? I'm not a SF fan AT ALL... If I talked about SF is because something I don't like about this game is that online is crowed of Kens and Ryus. I wouldn't like to see the same happening in KOF XIII, I would like to see variety of chars and have the chance to fight against all of them. And is not only a personal worry, I think this could help to make the game funnier and more atractive to new players.

But maybe I'm wrong, maybe new players prefers have chars like K', Raiden, Kula or Liz to start with.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Quote from: Cibernetico on May 05, 2011, 05:49:51 AM
If people are honestly not going to play this game because they feel that K or Raiden ruin it(which let's be honest, these are SF4 fans talking) then how can they praise a game like AE where the majority of the players who have played it are all unanimously agreeing that Yun, Fei Long and Yang pretty much break that game?

Are you serious? People are actually saying this?



Welcome to the current reality of the fighting game community. Capcom can do no wrong EVAR!

This attitude kills me for several reasons, the most relevant being that while Capcom was ignoring the fighting game community, SNKP gave us quite a few games, including NeoGeo Battle Coliseum and KOFXI. It's sad that no goodwill was created by that.

K' and Raiden do look very tough to deal with and I'm sure that will be a challenge. At least the controls don't work against the player and most of the cast seem to have pretty good tools of their own.


Quote from: nilcam on May 05, 2011, 07:12:42 PM
Welcome to the current reality of the fighting game community. Capcom can do no wrong EVAR!

This attitude kills me for several reasons, the most relevant being that while Capcom was ignoring the fighting game community, SNKP gave us quite a few games, including NeoGeo Battle Coliseum and KOFXI. It's sad that no goodwill was created by that.

K' and Raiden do look very tough to deal with and I'm sure that will be a challenge. At least the controls don't work against the player and most of the cast seem to have pretty good tools of their own.
this i can agree with most we ever got from capcom during that time was a bunch of colections


Quote from: Cibernetico on May 05, 2011, 05:49:51 AM
then how can they praise a game like AE where the majority of the players who have played it are all unanimously agreeing that Yun, Fei Long and Yang pretty much break that game?

Last I checked Yun, Fei and Yang can't 100% your ass in a matter of seconds, nor do they have a move that can go through, literally, anything (and lead to a 100%).


Last I checked K' is way more dangerous than Raiden and he doesn't have any moves that do what you just described. You also need to consider the type of game you're playing. KOF 13 is a 3 on 3 game so 100% combos can be seen as 33%. He also needs full everything to deal that 33% damage.

Yun is way more bullshit in AE than Raiden is in 13. At least Raiden you can deal with dks by blocking, rolling, and playing safe. Against Yun if you block you'll still get opened up. He has 50 ways to tick into his command grab and all of those are also frame traps that hit you during those pre jump frames. If you somehow miraculously get away he can just ex lunge back in and be +1 if you block or you eat an ultra if you don't. Yun's combos all deal about 30% meterless even off a command grab.

Basically my point is. There's bullshit in every game and I'm going to buy them regardless. Just learn to deal with it. Online there's always going to be characters that are favored. In SSF4, Ryu and Ken were definitely the most popular characters but they weren't the best characters and Ken was not even mid tier.

Rex Dart

I'd just like to point out that liking Street Fighter 4 is not a crime.  ;)

Yun/Yang might be comparably to K', but not to Raiden. Raiden is really strong, and really hard to fight against, partly because he goes against the flow of the game. He can pretty effectively turtle, while charging the DKs. K' is better overall, but he still has to play (somewhat) aggressively. Theoretically, this opens up some holes in his defense, so you can punish him if he makes a mistake or you can read his moves. (THEORETICALLY.)

Raiden doesn't work like that. It's like chipping away at a fortress that's eventually going to explode.


Quote from: Rex Dart on May 05, 2011, 08:10:26 PM
I'd just like to point out that liking Street Fighter 4 is not a crime.  ;)

Yun/Yang might be comparably to K', but not to Raiden. Raiden is really strong, and really hard to fight against, partly because he goes against the flow of the game. He can pretty effectively turtle, while charging the DKs. K' is better overall, but he still has to play (somewhat) aggressively. Theoretically, this opens up some holes in his defense, so you can punish him if he makes a mistake or you can read his moves. (THEORETICALLY.)

Raiden doesn't work like that. It's like chipping away at a fortress that's eventually going to explode.

I totally agree with you m8. It doesn't matter if they leave K' like this but they need to do something with dropkick. It is breaking the game.

They can leave Raiden as it is if they manage to create a perfect and flawless netcode. But imagine facing Raiden with some lag spikes:S


Quote from: Demoninja on May 05, 2011, 07:44:39 PM
Last I checked K' is way more dangerous than Raiden and he doesn't have any moves that do what you just described. You also need to consider the type of game you're playing. KOF 13 is a 3 on 3 game so 100% combos can be seen as 33%. He also needs full everything to deal that 33% damage.

Yun is way more bullshit in AE than Raiden is in 13. At least Raiden you can deal with dks by blocking, rolling, and playing safe.

Have fun turtling, blocking and playing safe against a grappler, not to mention a simple block string into a drop kick breaks your guard completely, opening you up for a big combo.

To me XIII's K' is like 3rd Strike's Ken, very solid overall but not completely BS.