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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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Quote from: THE ANSWER on October 28, 2010, 12:30:08 AM
I don't think releasing the game around the same date as MvC3 is going to be a problem, on the contrary it will proly affect MvC3 since now instead of KOF players buying a legit copy of MvC3 they will proly get a bootleg copy. I know "somebody" who is going to do that =).

Also we gotta be realistic fighting game players are older nowadays, most (not all) of us are over 18, have a job and are be able to affort 2 games if we really want to. Also the sooner the game comes out the better since we will need plenty of time to see what the response of the community is and how the game is accepted nation wide, that way the EVO organizers will be able to determine if the game is EVO worthy, which is OUR ultimate goal right?

I disagree, you go on youtube and listen to the fighting game community of America (AKA army of 4th generation SF players) and they are extremely closed minded. A lot of them will buy MvC3 because 1 it's marvel and 2 they love SFIV now but they will relate every game to SSFIV and bash it because it isn't. Though the market for fighters has opened and I don't think KoF will flop I think releasing it around MvC3 will be a problem. IDK about you guys but I intend on getting MvC3 KoF XIII (most importantly) and MK9 regardless of release but I don't know of many American fighter players that are open minded.

The optimism I have about it is I'm pretty much 100% sure we will see KoF Xiii at EVO next year and if they allow it on stream (which I'm very hopeful for) alongside MvC3 and SSFIV AE then I believe it will get a lot of people interested.

By no means am I bashing the game I just doubt it's market a bit. I'm also concerned because SNKp needs to tread lightly on the thin ice they walk. I hope for the best but I'm expecting... not the worst, but not the best.

That being said; if the game gets delayed I'll be pissed.


Quote from: Chowdizzle on October 28, 2010, 12:40:18 AM
Quote from: THE ANSWER on October 28, 2010, 12:30:08 AM
I don't think releasing the game around the same date as MvC3 is going to be a problem, on the contrary it will proly affect MvC3 since now instead of KOF players buying a legit copy of MvC3 they will proly get a bootleg copy. I know "somebody" who is going to do that =).

Also we gotta be realistic fighting game players are older nowadays, most (not all) of us are over 18, have a job and are be able to affort 2 games if we really want to. Also the sooner the game comes out the better since we will need plenty of time to see what the response of the community is and how the game is accepted nation wide, that way the EVO organizers will be able to determine if the game is EVO worthy, which is OUR ultimate goal right?

I disagree, you go on youtube and listen to the fighting game community of America (AKA army of 4th generation SF players) and they are extremely closed minded. A lot of them will buy MvC3 because 1 it's marvel and 2 they love SFIV now but they will relate every game to SSFIV and bash it because it isn't. Though the market for fighters has opened and I don't think KoF will flop I think releasing it around MvC3 will be a problem. IDK about you guys but I intend on getting MvC3 KoF XIII (most importantly) and MK9 regardless of release but I don't know of many American fighter players that are open minded.

The optimism I have about it is I'm pretty much 100% sure we will see KoF Xiii at EVO next year and if they allow it on stream (which I'm very hopeful for) alongside MvC3 and SSFIV AE then I believe it will get a lot of people interested.

By no means am I bashing the game I just doubt it's market a bit. I'm also concerned because SNKp needs to read lightly on the thin ice they walk. I hope for the best but I'm expecting... not the worst, but not the best.

You have a good point and I don't think you are bashing at all.

I based my opinion on the response from people at the arcade (AI) where you have KOF XIII and SF4 players sitting side by side LITERALLY. Every time there's a big tournament for SF4 most of the players there are rubber necking the game if not they are actually playing the game. I've had the chance to talk to quite the few casual players and top players about the game and most of them say "I can't wait for the console release to pick this up"

I also do think that a lot of people including my self will pick up MvC3 just because "it's Marvel baby" but that's about it, the game looks fun to play but I don't think it stays true to fighting games, is more of a circus show compare to KOF or a real fighting game. IMO

EDIT: I don't doubt that people will buy the game, my concer is if they are going to stick with it, there's a "Rug Rats" vid that has a perfect example of this and what I wouldn't want to happen.


I pointed this out in the Oni-Con thread but I think the international release of Q1 '11 for the consoles factors in that, that despite how popular the competition is in the US, MK9 and MvC3 means squat around the world (Sorry MK9 MvC3 fans).  Course, this was 10+ years ago so we can take it with a grain of salt, but out of countries I've visited that has arcades (8 if I'm not mistaken), there's only a KOF scene and some SF scene (I have not been to Japan or Korea so I didn't see Tekkan players) for fighting games.

So from a business standpoint I don't think they are worried.


Haha yea you're right about the international but most of the people are more worry about the exposure it will get for the US and so on than the business side for around the world.


I got a qustion How do you stop  juggles in kof. Is there any way to get out or is there any way that the damage gets nerfed as it long combo goes on
KOF Teams


no, you can't stop juggles in kof. there are no combobreaking or aerial recovery systems in place. once you get hit, you're pretty much eating whatever damage the other player is dishing out. as far as damage scaling, i'm not quite sure on the specifics in XIII. don't be surprised if you eat 70%+ damage in one combo in this game, though. it's not that uncommon.


Well that sucks. TBH thats the only thing I don't like about Kof. I don't mind long combos i just hate infinents(which is why I hate mvc2).Oh well at least they got rid of the infinents that were in the game
KOF Teams


Well, there are infinites in a lot of fighting games, and KOF is no exception.
If we talk about it, KOF is more known for its 100% combos rather than its infinites IMHO.


Quote from: PureYeti on October 28, 2010, 03:41:29 AM
Haha yea you're right about the international but most of the people are more worry about the exposure it will get for the US and so on than the business side for around the world.

yeah  Kane has a good point, but Im sure we are all aware of the kind of love kof gets internationally and agree that the only place WE should care that the game game gets exposure is the US.


Quote from: THE ANSWER on October 28, 2010, 06:47:33 AM
Quote from: PureYeti on October 28, 2010, 03:41:29 AM
Haha yea you're right about the international but most of the people are more worry about the exposure it will get for the US and so on than the business side for around the world.

yeah  Kane has a good point, but Im sure we are all aware of the kind of love kof gets internationally and agree that the only place WE should care that the game game gets exposure is the US.

Of course don't get me wrong, I want the same thing too.  Just pointing out that from a business standpoint they don't care so it's pointless speculating why they are launching it the same time as MK9 and MvC3.

Quote from: FataCon on October 28, 2010, 04:29:49 AM
...as far as damage scaling, i'm not quite sure on the specifics in XIII.

There are exceptions for multi-hitting DM and other special moves, but each hit (not input like reported initially) is reduced by 5% until the combo is finished (I believe SFIV is a 10% damage scaling).  Minimium damage for specials and normals are 20 damage points and the minimal multiplier for DMs are 50% of original damage.  The mook gives example of a 3 hit combo, if all three hits are exactly 100 damage points (most strong hits are 70 or 80 but for the sake of calculations) it'll be: 100 + (.95)100 + (.90) 100= 285 damage points (1000 damage points is being full health of course).


Quote from: Dr.Faust on October 28, 2010, 04:43:45 AM
Well that sucks. TBH thats the only thing I don't like about Kof. I don't mind long combos i just hate infinents(which is why I hate mvc2).Oh well at least they got rid of the infinents that were in the game

well, that's the measuring stick in KoF, the better you are, the longer and tougher your combos get. a character which has easy ways of dealing too much down usually gets somewhat snobbed by the purists. but if i'm not mistaken, the average KoF attack deals less damage than SF attacks. and 100% combos are REALLY hard to do, we've seen a bunch, but c'mon, how often do you have 5 supers and full HD available? also, in kof, you almost never get stunned; when a combo flops, you get up and get back at it.
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^


Quote from: Kane317 on October 28, 2010, 07:13:05 AM
There are exceptions for multi-hitting DM and other special moves, but each hit (not input like reported initially) is reduced by 5% until the combo is finished (I believe SFIV is a 10% damage scaling).  Minimium damage for specials and normals are 20 damage points and the minimal multiplier for DMs are 50% of original damage.  The mook gives example of a 3 hit combo, if all three hits are exactly 100 damage points (most strong hits are 70 or 80 but for the sake of calculations) it'll be: 100 + (.95)100 + (.90) 100= 285 damage points (1000 damage points is being full health of course).

thanks for the clarification on that. i actually remember reading that somewhere on these boards now that you mentioned it, so i apologize for having you need to reiterate it lol


mahvel & mk are US and to a lesser degree EU. only places where they might hold kof sales back if released same time. also mvc3 sucks, played it & hated it. im not a marvel kinda guy (cant stand the comics, movies or games), and i personally think even less of mk (utter crap fighter, at least marvel tries and fails, does mk even try?). if i ever try to get into more different fighters than sf/kof, i think i might try getting into ggac or the latest bb game. futuristic but still serious and competetive. i still own ac and most snkp/capcom fighters on the ps2 (still best system ever for 2d/fighters.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


You know guys in order for someone (at the age below 17) in the US to buy KOF they actually have to know it. Let's say I am 14 years old and I am in the store with my dad. I have no idea what KOF is and no idea what MVC is. I see MVC 3 with spiderman and wolverine on the cover and XIII with Kyo and Ash on the cover. Tell me how many are the chances for me to notice KOF. This is really sad cause Marvel does not have to create a game with nice mechanics to sell a game. The known heroes from Hollywood movies and comics will do the job

Now another scenario. I am 25 years old and I am at the store. I grew up with KOF, SF and MVC 2. I see both KOF and MVC next to each other. The chances of buying both is extremely high. If I am kind of broke at that moment I'll buy the one I wanna play more first and I'll buy the other some time later.

My point is that MVC 3 will not hurt KOFs sales even if they get released the same time. SNKp does not target the young audiences (thank god for that).  No matter what SNKp does in the US they cannot take down spiderman.

My advice. If they will heavily promote KOF release it 1-2 months before MVC 3. If they are just going to release it without any special promotion ( which I think this is the case considering SNKp's size) then the date does not matter at all. Just give to the people that they already know KOF a nice online experience.


So do you guys think SNKP/Ignition will do another Pre/Post Release National Tournament? Should they have it? and how will it affect sales?