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The King of Fighters XIII General Discussion Thread

Started by krazykone123, July 28, 2010, 06:19:54 AM

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Blood Feast Island Man

Quote from: bubblanAB7 on August 09, 2010, 01:41:51 AM
I'm also a bit worried that everybody will have combos like Liz that doesn't require much meter and are easy to setup.

Sounds great to me. I hope SNK expands on this concept instead of falling into the "nerf everything, everything sucks/is boring" trap.


Quote from: bubblanAB7 on August 09, 2010, 12:03:54 AM
I haven't been that much into KoF but it seems to me that the grapplers never really want to grapple, at least not like a SF-grappler would.

Well, generally, they would combo into them a lot, and with the new EX system, it would make you think they'd produce even more, deadlier crapple combos.

I think back to fights with Orochi Yashiro, or even Shermie in older KoFs, and I just feel like I saw much more comboing into normal/SM grapples. I personally think it's mostly because everyone is feeling their free-float combo jollies, and that's the "it" thing for now. But I know, especially from XII, that odd throw priority can make grapplers feel poor, and I wondered if anything has been discovered in the playing of this particular game.

Quote from: Flowtaro on August 09, 2010, 12:13:43 AM
I have yet to play, but honestly i think you're getting the wrong impression. We have yet to see any actual high-level clark play, and in both the Raiden footage and Goro footage, they are throwing fools left and right.

Eh, I see more normal throw than special throws in their vids, and almost EX. My concern is mostly for the EX, though. I do feel it's just something people haven't "matured" into yet. One of the things that makes me want to get my hands on the game even more, I wanna get crackin' at playing the new, Improved (VS XII) Clark! XD

Dark Chaotix

In regards to HD mode, can you bypass like 2k2 could?? Like old maxima cB, cB, qcf+BC etc.

And have anyone found certain links into DM via BC bypass aswell? EG : Yashiro cA, cA, sA, sB, qcf x2 BC


KOF XIII tier listing, there are a few names I couldn't translate so if someone can fill in the spots that would be awesome.

link: http://bbs.kofunion.net/read.php?tid=162284



Shen,Robert,Yuri,Takuma, 紅丸,Raiden,Ash

大門 King 雅典娜 Ryo Vice 拳崇 Kim Chin Hwa 克拉克 Leona 舞 泰瑞 墮龍

KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri




Quote from: Kusanagi-Style on August 09, 2010, 07:07:53 AM
KOF XIII tier listing, there are a few names I couldn't translate so if someone can fill in the spots that would be awesome.

link: http://bbs.kofunion.net/read.php?tid=162284



Shen,Robert,Yuri,Takuma, 紅丸,Raiden,Ash

大門 King 雅典娜 Ryo Vice 拳崇 Kim Chin Hwa 克拉克 Leona 舞 泰瑞 墮龍


Benimaru is the last guy in A tier. I can't read the other ones except for Daimon but luckily it doesn't matter.

K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

Ralf, Joe

It annoys me that people have already made a tier list but whatever.


EDIT: Removed one of the quotes -Kane317

Quote from: bubblanAB7 on August 09, 2010, 07:28:37 AM

Benimaru is the last guy in A tier. I can't read the other ones except for Daimon but luckily it doesn't matter.

K', Iori, Mature, Kyo

Elizabeth, Kula, Maxima, Andy

Shen, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Benimaru, Raiden, Ash

Daimon, King, Duo Lon, Ryo, Vice, Clark, Kim, Chin, Hwa, Mai, Leona, Kensou, Athena, Terry

Ralf, Joe
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri


I managed to figure out how to drive cancel Terry's Rising Tackle into EX Rising Tackle today by using a pianoing type method like when you are trying to reversal in ST but instead of letting go of the inputs you hold them and it has to be done really fast

so it would be down charge up+A (HOLD) then while holding that press and hold C and it should cancel I'd imagine this can be done with all the charge moves but this move is probably more useful and practical since its an anti-air
" you fight well in the old style"


Dude you don't need to double quote when you are replying to the post above you. Especially when you are gonna reply with one word...

I'm not sure if I was seeing this correctly but is it possible to activate in the air? How about activating off an air normal?


Is it possible to safe jump in this game?

I know it's a kinda vague question but is it possible to safe jump standard SRK type moves like rising tackle and Kyo's SRK?


interesting video showing some block dash cancels and throw escape windows ends in a combo showcase for Kto, Iori and K'.
>>Da vidya link<<

On the damage bit:
Its been a long time since we've seen a 2d fighter where every character had monster damage potential. -Not since Super turbo really-  Most games seem to wanna follow post super-turbo SF's design philosophy of creating artificial dynamic math-ups through drastic power differences and damage potentials, on top of playstyle matchups. Kof has always had a small few characters who do 13 betty's lvl of damage. Theyre usually whp ends up being top tier, with every one else paling into comparison. 

2k2 Leona vs Iori for example. Leona is good but even at her best she pales in comparison to the number of dmg/comeback potential opportunities that Iori has.  Imagine how great BB:Cs could be is every char had the damage potential of bang or litchi. I think that's the reason ppl love the SF2 engine so much.

i guess i would like to see a game where where every character doesn't feel like they need anything to be competitive.
I think Kof 13 could be that game. only time will tell tho. what seems great now can suck later.

I'm interested to see the practice of maximizing every characters effectiveness, and pitting them against each other.  This nerfing thing in FG's is getting out of hand. Every char doesn't need to be mediocre.
SPOILER ALERT: RAWGNA and JEEN are brothers. Tell your friends.


Well looking at the lists, Im sure some people will find ways of making Clark and Joe awesome. I don't know looking at the thing makes me feel like the chars aren't as spread out as the list is except for prob S tier.


According to a french dude living in Japan, he said that XIII Clark is his best iteration in a KOF game and that Duo Lon is quiet strong in the game. And both are ine B rank of this tier list so i guess tiers are quiet compress. They even put Takuma in A rank and we all know yhis characer is very powerful.

Seems good news to me, maybe we'll see lots of different characters at SBO to confirm this.


Just peeped the tier list. loving how even the so called "low tiers" are C's and this still viable. no trash characters here. XD
I still say its too soon to be calling tiers. We haven't even seen half of the characters in action for real. a few here and there, but other than the top picks we don't see much of the rest. ie way more Kula than leona or chin. looking good indeed tho.
SPOILER ALERT: RAWGNA and JEEN are brothers. Tell your friends.


Quote from: SHwoKing on August 09, 2010, 10:03:10 AM
According to a french dude living in Japan, he said that XIII Clark is his best iteration in a KOF game....

Interesting perspective.  You definitely don't need every move for every iteration of Clark to be good, but it's hard to think of him at his best without Frankensteiner (dp K).  That move really adds a much needed dimension to his gameplay.  Having said that, I think Clark's still strong in the game and definitely can hold his own.

EDIT: d.B isn't cancelable either.
EDIT2: But allegedly he can still combo it into hcf+K like his previous years.