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I love KOF XII

Started by nilcam, May 07, 2011, 05:06:07 AM

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For what its worth, I like the game... I mean its not the greatest, but I see why the system was built the way it was... So many people, especially in the US, saw KOF and freaked out because it "looked hard to play"... So in turn, a more accessible version was made... I'm pretty sure if Sirlin was into KOF, and decided to make an HD Remix, it would end up playing like this... Plenty of combos became repetitive, but with some effort, you can make the combos flashy and practical...

Strangely enough, there are cats on the VF.com boards who prefer XII over XIII or any other KOF for that matter...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Anyone played Sonic 3 and got to the Carnival Night Zone Act 2, where you came to a dead end and the only way to get out was to pass through the red drum under you? XII might have been like that to many people.

Dark Geese

I like the Clash system in KOFXII, it changes the way the game is played at a high level. At a high level clashing is a must and it totally changes the idea of trying to chip someone out with a special!

I still play the game seriously!

Now I am going to play KOF13 obviously more when it drops, but again I play basically them all to keep me in tip top shape so that it won't take me very long to get at a competitive level in 13 when it hits consoles (a matter of days, my magic number is hopefully "three days").


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 11, 2011, 09:32:52 PM
(a matter of days, my magic number is hopefully "three days").

What you mean by that?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 12, 2011, 03:52:57 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 11, 2011, 09:32:52 PM
(a matter of days, my magic number is hopefully "three days").

What you mean by that?

I wanna be able to learn the game in 3 days like Armando and be able to compete! I'd love it to be two days, hence again I don't care if 13 doesn't come out right away, that's more time for me to level up in the older games so that when it does come out, again it won't take me very long to get at a competitive level..


OHH I understand...now, thanks. I'm down to play you in some XII again as well, soon.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 12, 2011, 04:44:18 AM
OHH I understand...now, thanks. I'm down to play you in some XII again as well, soon.

Well great then we have some XII matches coming soon between me and Desmond!


The SoCal group actually really enjoyed XII, we obviously liked it and along with the UK bunch were the few groups that promoted videos of us playing when it out in the arcades.  Don't forget we also had the machine at my place for a bit and CMD.Duc (Ash) and myself played a lot on the console the first 2 weeks and Duc even hit #1 if I'm not mistaken.  I don't want ppl to think that we only play(ed) XIII.

I really liked the charge CDs into crumple, I don't see why they can't keep that going in future KOFs; it just adds a little more mind games to the current mechanics.  As much as I like s.C, CD, DM I think it wouldn't translate as well as it forced only certain DMs (basically DMs that could "chase" the opponent after the DM) to take advantage of the system and wouldn't work for XIII.

The CC system worked well but it was kinda like a double edge sword.  At low-level to mid-level matches it helped even the playing field.  However as time progressed at higher level matches it felt kinda like how "Max Guard Canceling" worked in '95.  

In KOF'95, as long as you were completely MAXed, you could cancel your block frames into a special (and I think even a DM). Using Rugal as an example, you could time it so that you block by doing qcb, hold back (hit occurs), immediately do ub+K and it'll perform his Genocide Cutter (qcb~ub+K).  If you basically perfected that system, it was kinda dull and nobody would want to attack and it rewarded turtling more. From a balancing standpoint, certain characters has huge advantages depending on the motion of their specials.

CC isn't as bad, but if you play ppl like Mr. Kof or Reynald (which IMO he was better at XII than he is at XIII, and course he's not shabby at XIII at all).  It was scary to stick anything out against them as they never hesistated to CC you.  This diminished the zoning game greatly, and ultimately made the game feel different.

Finally, the online play really killed the charge CD attacks as anyone could see it coming a mile away due to lag.

EDIT: Just re-read my post and I hope it didn't come off a negative, I do like XII =)


All in all, XII's footsies game is my favorite one to date. Also, the Bradley guide for the game was decent for any one to learn at a modern pace.

Dark Geese

If Reynald and Mr. KOF are down, they should know I am ready to play them both in KOFXII (been plotting my revenge for 2 years LOL!!!), I believe I can beat both of them =)  (FT10 John and Reynald??), but I am aware they may not play it anymore...

Here are some decent KOFXII Absolute Battle 2010 Casuals between me and Shinstarwin (He's not bad guys not bad at all!) as well as Anthony from SA:


Vs. Anthony from San Antonio:

We almost had some KOFXII at the DFW tournament but I decided I didn't wanna lug my PS3 and KOFXII...and of course that's what Starwin wanted to play...xD


Quote from: Dark Geese on May 12, 2011, 03:30:50 PM
Here are some decent KOFXII Absolute Battle 2010 Casuals between me and Shinstarwin (He's not bad guys not bad at all!) as well as Anthony from SA:

Urm, maybe you have a different definition of "not bad", or maybe the videos don't do him justice, but skimming over a couple of vids, one of them you straighted him and the other you beat him real bad..."Not bad" usually means you win, but he gives you a hard time--you don't straight "not bad" players.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Kane317 on May 13, 2011, 12:55:21 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on May 12, 2011, 03:30:50 PM
Here are some decent KOFXII Absolute Battle 2010 Casuals between me and Shinstarwin (He's not bad guys not bad at all!) as well as Anthony from SA:

Urm, maybe you have a different definition of "not bad", or maybe the videos don't do him justice, but skimming over a couple of vids, one of them you straighted him and the other you beat him real bad..."Not bad" usually means you win, but he gives you a hard time--you don't straight "not bad" players.

Remember I'm trying to be nice here =), if you really want my POV on everything trust me I assure you I will be quite harsh because of what I am used to seeing in Mexico.

So I say "not bad" for a North American (because as you know North America really isn't overall on the same level as a lot of other countries so you gotta treat it completely differently)....to qualify it...  Just like I'd say Anthony SA in the 2002 UM vids is "not bad" for a North American..but if he really asked me "How I rank compared to Mexico" I'd tell him the truth I'd say "The Bottom of the Bottom."


Quote from: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 06:19:45 AM
The SoCal group actually really enjoyed XII, we obviously liked it and along with the UK bunch were the few groups that promoted videos of us playing when it out in the arcades.  Don't forget we also had the machine at my place for a bit and CMD.Duc (Ash) and myself played a lot on the console the first 2 weeks and Duc even hit #1 if I'm not mistaken.  I don't want ppl to think that we only play(ed) XIII.

I really liked the charge CDs into crumple, I don't see why they can't keep that going in future KOFs; it just adds a little more mind games to the current mechanics.  As much as I like s.C, CD, DM I think it wouldn't translate as well as it forced only certain DMs (basically DMs that could "chase" the opponent after the DM) to take advantage of the system and wouldn't work for XIII.

The CC system worked well but it was kinda like a double edge sword.  At low-level to mid-level matches it helped even the playing field.  However as time progressed at higher level matches it felt kinda like how "Max Guard Canceling" worked in '95.  

In KOF'95, as long as you were completely MAXed, you could cancel your block frames into a special (and I think even a DM). Using Rugal as an example, you could time it so that you block by doing qcb, hold back (hit occurs), immediately do ub+K and it'll perform his Genocide Cutter (qcb~ub+K).  If you basically perfected that system, it was kinda dull and nobody would want to attack and it rewarded turtling more. From a balancing standpoint, certain characters has huge advantages depending on the motion of their specials.

CC isn't as bad, but if you play ppl like Mr. Kof or Reynald (which IMO he was better at XII than he is at XIII, and course he's not shabby at XIII at all).  It was scary to stick anything out against them as they never hesistated to CC you.  This diminished the zoning game greatly, and ultimately made the game feel different.

Finally, the online play really killed the charge CD attacks as anyone could see it coming a mile away due to lag.

EDIT: Just re-read my post and I hope it didn't come off a negative, I do like XII =)
Quote from: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 06:19:45 AM
The SoCal group actually really enjoyed XII, we obviously liked it and along with the UK bunch were the few groups that promoted videos of us playing when it out in the arcades.  Don't forget we also had the machine at my place for a bit and CMD.Duc (Ash) and myself played a lot on the console the first 2 weeks and Duc even hit #1 if I'm not mistaken.  I don't want ppl to think that we only play(ed) XIII.

I really liked the charge CDs into crumple, I don't see why they can't keep that going in future KOFs; it just adds a little more mind games to the current mechanics.  As much as I like s.C, CD, DM I think it wouldn't translate as well as it forced only certain DMs (basically DMs that could "chase" the opponent after the DM) to take advantage of the system and wouldn't work for XIII.

The CC system worked well but it was kinda like a double edge sword.  At low-level to mid-level matches it helped even the playing field.  However as time progressed at higher level matches it felt kinda like how "Max Guard Canceling" worked in '95. 

In KOF'95, as long as you were completely MAXed, you could cancel your block frames into a special (and I think even a DM). Using Rugal as an example, you could time it so that you block by doing qcb, hold back (hit occurs), immediately do ub+K and it'll perform his Genocide Cutter (qcb~ub+K).  If you basically perfected that system, it was kinda dull and nobody would want to attack and it rewarded turtling more. From a balancing standpoint, certain characters has huge advantages depending on the motion of their specials.

CC isn't as bad, but if you play ppl like Mr. Kof or Reynald (which IMO he was better at XII than he is at XIII, and course he's not shabby at XIII at all).  It was scary to stick anything out against them as they never hesistated to CC you.  This diminished the zoning game greatly, and ultimately made the game feel different.

Finally, the online play really killed the charge CD attacks as anyone could see it coming a mile away due to lag.

EDIT: Just re-read my post and I hope it didn't come off a negative, I do like XII =)

I hope you meant Reynald was better than I at 12. Overall Reynald was the better player in 12 even though i was considered the favorite wihtout the use of cheap characters =)  but we have to remember KOF 12 was not sticking to its true form of KOF fundamentals such as the prior KOF titles/engine customizing a combo was cool...but later on i thought....anyone could just mash buttons on CC which wasn't smiled upon.... 12 was a game of its own and purpose...was it a demo? i don't know....but what i do know is that  Reynald would Survive in a 12 and 13 ERA...but not the prior KOF's from 97 and up. I respect Reynald  enough to want to have him as  a teammat.. But there is much for him to learn from me as far as High Level KOF principles go. The importance of winning by your brains outweighs everything compared to a character that has all the abusive tools to be a  TIER.  Here are my fives to winning a match....By following the guide lines means CONTROL!

Match all your team mates colors!
Don't Use Down C!
Don't Drop Combos!
Win with all Skill!



I always wondered how will XII be if they somehow could find a way to patch the game adding all the moves that some characters gained on XIII (plus the extra characters)

I love the system, but the game still feels so ''there''

Waifu Material


Who was considered cheap in XII anyway??? I can kinda see how Kyo could be but that's about it honestly...
I'm on FightCade!!!