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The Latin American Cup 2011: PERU GRAND CHAMPIONS!

Started by Dark Geese, May 17, 2011, 07:01:11 PM

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Dark Geese

Quote from: Alucard DX on August 13, 2011, 03:24:20 PM
Good luck with the event Dark Geese. ;)

I have been aware of your efforts to suport KOF for a while keep up the excelent work you are doing. :)

I am not a fan of 2002 OG because here in Portugal we only played KOF 98, but i like KOF 2002 UM.

I  try to make the new generation of players to play KOF here in my country but its hard they only want to play Capcom games maybe that will change when KOF XIII comes out on consoles.

In the past there was alot of kof players but now they only play in GGPO and the rest desapeared.

Well Sir the way things are going maybe I can create a European Cup of sorts in that area and promote more people to play different games as I am in Mexico and Latin America!

I have been talking to people from Morocco about going there and that could be a start doing  things for the African Cup!

Thank you for the support appreciate it!  =)

Here is a video I have already made guys alerting people of some of the "things" currently going on right now:

Dark Geese Update 8-13-11: Cx supports Piracy+ Peru Update!

The problem here is taking without asking. There are many people that have asked me to record the matches and I say it's fine. =)

But when you take without asking, there is a serious problem! We have agreed only the organizers can record the matches, but again all someone has to do is ASK!!!

Mexico vs. Brazil starts today with:

Kula (MEX) vs. Kabezchina (BRA)


Toshi 40 x 25 Kula

thanks to KOFPeru people for the results

Dark Geese

Quote from: Vinn Aleixo (aleixoFM) on August 14, 2011, 07:02:07 AM
Toshi 40 x 25 Kula

thanks to KOFPeru people for the results

Wow thanks!


Kula 40, Javier 28.-5 points
Bart 30, Toshi 23. - 5 points
Bart 35, Javier 33.-5 points.
Andres 30, Elmer 26.-5 points.
Bart-Elmer- Bart won by No Show of Elmer....default...


Joker 40, Andres 25.-5 points
Joker 40, Kula 31- 5 points
Toshi 30, Andrés 17.-5 points
Toshi 20, Luis Cha 15.
Toshi 40, Kula 25.

Peru 25, Mexico 25.

Dark Geese

It's now 25-25 because Bart vs. Elmer Bart won by default because Elmer didn't show up...so Bart got the points..

Today's Matches:

Joker(Perú) VS Bart(Mexico)
Kabecina(Brazil) VS Andres(Mexico)
Joker(Perú) VS Luis Cha(Mexico)


Joker told me Sabãozinho arrived in Peru hours ago

Dark Geese

Yes so Mexico vs. Brazil Officially begins today and we will have dual setups with cameras recording both of them so that we can make sure everyone plays KBC and Sabaozinho.....

Also the 4v4 Mexico vs. Peru has been changed to 2v2v2 Mexico vs. Brazil vs. Peru whoever each country chooses to represent themselves first to 40 so that Sabaozinho and KBC can attend..

In progress: Mexico vs. Brazil!

Kbzcinha 29, Andres 23 (FT40).

Mexico 0, Brazil 0.

Dark Geese

Final Result Andrés 40, Kbzcinha 34.

Mexico 5, Brazil 0!

In another section:

Peru 30, Mexico 25.

Joker defeated Bart 40-36!

We aren't done yet. The plan was made to balance things, Personal matches are in favor of Peruvian System, so we are doing the Team Battle and Tournament in favor of the Mexican style system.

Here is the system for calculating everyting final version:

You may wonder why are we doing personal matches, la corona and the tournament? The personal matches first to 30 etc favor Peruvian style, so to make it fair, we are doing the tournament in Mexican style. The 2v2v2 is something extra for fun of course!! =)

1, Every personal match is worth 5 points

2. First place in the tournament is worth 8 points, 2nd place 7 points, 3rd place 6, points, 4th place 5 points, 5th place 3 points.

3. For The Team Battle, winning Team overall gets 20 points (First to 40). This also gives an opportunity for rematch! Who will Peru choose to represent the 2 players for The Team Battle? Will Mexico choose Kula and Bart?

So this is far from over yet!!!!!!!


How many personal matches are planned for Mexico vs Brazil?  Any for Brazil vs Peru?

Also, can you explain a bit of how the 3-way team tournament will work?  SBO-style or elimination-style, winning team stays on or each team takes turns playing 2 consecutive matches, what happens if one team reaches 40 when the team that didn't play in the last match is at 39 wins, etc.

Kind of sad that the Cup's almost over, but that means you can start sharing some videos soon, so it's not all bad ;) .  Really curious to see what Joker and Toshi have been doing to give the Mexican players such a hard time.
Old man/bad player

Dark Geese

Quote from: omegaryuji on August 15, 2011, 02:34:22 PM
How many personal matches are planned for Mexico vs Brazil?  Any for Brazil vs Peru?

Also, can you explain a bit of how the 3-way team tournament will work?  SBO-style or elimination-style, winning team stays on or each team takes turns playing 2 consecutive matches, what happens if one team reaches 40 when the team that didn't play in the last match is at 39 wins, etc.

Kind of sad that the Cup's almost over, but that means you can start sharing some videos soon, so it's not all bad ;) .  Really curious to see what Joker and Toshi have been doing to give the Mexican players such a hard time.

Mexico vs. Brazil:

Andres vs. KBC-Andres won 40, 34.
Kula vs. KBC
Luis Cha vs. KBC
Bart vs. KBC

Andres vs. Sabaozinho
Luis Cha vs. Sabaozinho
Kula vs. Sabaozinho
Bart vs. Sabaonzinho

7 matches left for Mexico vs. Brazil and I am going to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on them to finish everything today I don't care if they have to cut everything to ft15 or 20s. They always say "The people arrive late" well I assure you that won't be an issue next year, I'll be a Nazi Asshole about arriving late, when it starts it starts you're here or your not, I don't care your name.

Get with the program or get another hobby.....

The way the Team Battle works is the later, Winner stays on the stick while alternating with the others, but we are probably going to break it down into Mexico vs. Brazil, Mexico vs. Peru, Brazil vs. Peru,

that way we see individually which team wins and then can determine who wins overall...

So it may be ft20 per sets to expedite time...

Yes this event has exceeded all of my expectations and again I don't see anything else happening this year that's gonna rival it in not only competition but the AMOUNT OF FIGHTS.

SBO and these other tournaments are 2-3 days max, mine is a full week.....of nothing but top level players.

Put a bunch of top players and egos in one room, make them all clash, and not only are some people bound to be humbled, but some are going to win and lose.

Formula for success! For Brazil vs. Peru, if the Brazilians stay one more day, Luis Cha (since he's not leaving till the end of the week) will record Brazil vs. Peru matches...



Thanks for the fast answers, DG!  Would be cool if the Brazilians can stay to play personal sets against the Peruvians, though I guess at worst, there'll be a lot of footage of them from the team tournament.  No disrespect to the Mexican players, of course...just want to see as many matches between different players as I can *laughs*

Quote from: Dark Geese on August 15, 2011, 03:25:08 PM
7 matches left for Mexico vs. Brazil and I am going to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on them to finish everything today I don't care if they have to cut everything to ft15 or 20s. They always say "The people arrive late" well I assure you that won't be an issue next year, I'll be a Nazi Asshole about arriving late, when it starts it starts you're here or your not, I don't care your name.

Get with the program or get another hobby.....
I wish more organizers would have this attitude.  It's frustrating to show up for tournaments on time, only to have to wait another 2-3 (or more) hours to start things because some big name didn't want to wake up before noon or something.
Old man/bad player

Dark Geese

Quote from: omegaryuji on August 15, 2011, 04:27:02 PM
Thanks for the fast answers, DG!  Would be cool if the Brazilians can stay to play personal sets against the Peruvians, though I guess at worst, there'll be a lot of footage of them from the team tournament.  No disrespect to the Mexican players, of course...just want to see as many matches between different players as I can *laughs*

Quote from: Dark Geese on August 15, 2011, 03:25:08 PM
7 matches left for Mexico vs. Brazil and I am going to put an extraordinary amount of pressure on them to finish everything today I don't care if they have to cut everything to ft15 or 20s. They always say "The people arrive late" well I assure you that won't be an issue next year, I'll be a Nazi Asshole about arriving late, when it starts it starts you're here or your not, I don't care your name.

Get with the program or get another hobby.....
I wish more organizers would have this attitude.  It's frustrating to show up for tournaments on time, only to have to wait another 2-3 (or more) hours to start things because some big name didn't want to wake up before noon or something.

I'm gonna ask them today if they are going to do this because today is Judgment Day, today we have to get like everything done. So tomorrow they could play the Peruvians some more, Luis Cha can play some KOF13, KOF2000 etc...

Yeah I don't play that shit with the big names stuff. Now sure they can get mad but I don't play that, I'm a Nazi Asshole when it comes to that, maybe it's the Marine brat blood in me.


man this is pretty even

if I remember well kula said he felt joker was the strongest no wonder now he's having problems

I can't wait for those videos

Mexico i'm rooting for you bitches

Dark Geese

Quote from: Rukawa on August 15, 2011, 08:45:02 PM
man this is pretty even

if I remember well kula said he felt joker was the strongest no wonder now he's having problems

I can't wait for those videos

Mexico i'm rooting for you bitches

Well Chapter one has concluded...

PERU won the Personal Matches.

Mexico vs. Brazil is happening right now:

Kula 40, Sabaozinho 11.

Bart 40, Kabezcinha 38.

Mexico 15
, Brazil 0.

Bart is also playing vs. KBC right now.

Chapter II is the Team Battle....


Please refrain from double posting -Kane317

Check this out, everyone is telling me Sabaozinho did a bug in 2002 that transforms Iori to Orochi Iori, verified by people, this if this is true of course it changes things I will talk to Luis Cha about it, obviously even in 2002, this changes things a lot....Brazilian Bug- Iori Top Tier????? 0-o

Everything may have wrapped up but Luis Cha stays 2 more days to play KOF13 and KOF 2000..as well as get footage of Javier playing 95..


So wait a sec, this game has been out for how long now and a bug was just reported by many that transforms Iori into blood Riot mode? That's.....well, I don't even know what to say to that.