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Chicago Area/ midwest Scene

Started by bzerk, May 30, 2011, 12:18:33 AM

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Quote from: Efo on July 20, 2012, 06:50:04 PM
Man I get on and so far people make it sound like losing to me is a bad thing.... You know what its fine I like the hate and the fact that everyone thinks im free, now I know what to call myself... I am calling myself Wind since everyone thinks im free as the wind apparently.

step 1: directs efo to this page http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=1908.225

Step 2: efo learns to play only the "S" row characters

Step 3: efo =   not free

Problem solved, your welcome ;)


bzerk you said ex kyo was mid tier and here i see him as S tier..... wth!!!


Quote from: Efo on July 20, 2012, 06:50:04 PM
Man I get on and so far people make it sound like losing to me is a bad thing.... You know what its fine I like the hate and the fact that everyone thinks im free, now I know what to call myself... I am calling myself Wind since everyone thinks im free as the wind apparently.

Yeah? Thanks for "buying in" bro. Bzerk we did it!!!!!
Mad Angels all day
Excuse me, do you know anything about the Mad Angels?
- Ryo Hazuki


Quote from: bzerk on July 20, 2012, 07:10:43 PM
step 1: directs efo to this page http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?topic=1908.225

I like how everybody in my main team in that tier list is A+. The A+ team... I like that.
Mad Angels all day
Excuse me, do you know anything about the Mad Angels?
- Ryo Hazuki


Ok I think I found my team well 2 possible choices:

1. Andy/Saiki/Shen
2. Ex Kyo/Andy/Shen
3. Andy/Claw Iori/Shen

I realize from watching tutorials, my videos, and everyone else that I tend to play like im playing ae and need to really understand this game so I may take a small break from street fighter and try to learn this game more in dept, but for now this is the teams I am thinking of using just dont know which one but for right now I am thinking team 2 for right now. 


i didnt call you free efo...my point was...well, you made my point for me

Quote from: Efo on July 20, 2012, 10:00:03 PM
I tend to play like im playing ae and need to really understand this game so I may take a small break from street fighter and try to learn this game more

you hardly play with us at GGA or NC...and by the end of the night when youre done with AE you never wanna play with me anyway cause i dont have DLC...how would you feel if i did better than you in an AE bracket after all the work you put in knowing that i hardly touch AE anymore? lol dont take it so personal homie, im happy as a pig in shit that youre doing well in kof, i want all of chicago kof to be godlike asap, but i was just surprised i didnt do better is all. either way...i was wrong in my post to begin with haha, we tied...but still, i have higher expectations of myself.


Quote from: Efo on July 20, 2012, 07:46:01 PM
bzerk you said ex kyo was mid tier and here i see him as S tier..... wth!!!

thats prob the only thing I disagree with on that list,  still think ex kyo is only "A" maybe "A+" at the most.   Oh athena should be a grade higher;)

Quote from: n0thin89 on July 20, 2012, 08:49:31 PM
I like how everybody in my main team in that tier list is A+. The A+ team... I like that.

Notice everyone I play is "S" lol   High Tier Hero = <--- This Guy ;)


mike its cool im not upset bout it.... your right to be shock since i still put more time in ae the kof but recently i tend to enjoy playing this game more since everyone is more friendly and want everyone to level up then ae and bzerk why are you hatin on ex kyo.... what did he do to you


Quote from: Efo on July 21, 2012, 12:43:45 AM
bzerk why are you hatin on ex kyo.... what did he do to you

You mean what ex kyo didn't do... Which is that he didn't beat me in every tournament Bzerk has entered. Harharhar.

Quote from: bzerk on July 21, 2012, 12:23:28 AM
Notice everyone I play is "S" lol   High Tier Hero = <--- This Guy ;)

Mr. Karate, Hwa, Kyo, EX Kyo, and Takuma... Smart player.
Mad Angels all day
Excuse me, do you know anything about the Mad Angels?
- Ryo Hazuki


Quote from: Efo on July 20, 2012, 07:46:01 PM
bzerk you said ex kyo was mid tier and here i see him as S tier..... wth!!!

Yes! Efo finally bought in! Welcome to the dark side.

And yeah I havent touched ae in ages I'm trying to master kof and besides I'm having waaay too much fun with this game. And I am extremely close to finally finding my final team as well so far I have king and takuma just looking for one more char I've been dabbling around with iori and duo Lon Shen, ryo and I only use Clark to scrub ppl out. But yeah I'm having the most fun with takuma. I can't get enough of dem dere Cadillac combos.


Quote from: skillz08 on July 21, 2012, 08:13:01 AM
But yeah I'm having the most fun with takuma. I can't get enough of dem dere Cadillac combos.

Takuma got them "Cadillac Grills"... Throw them bowls.
Mad Angels all day
Excuse me, do you know anything about the Mad Angels?
- Ryo Hazuki


it dawned on me today that ive already saved up about two thousand points with Juri and i only been playing her a few days...kof netplay made me resort back to AE this entire week that ive been stuck at home, what is the world coming to?! fuckin Juri cant short hop...cant roll...cant neo max...BITCH IS LAME

that being said, james our connection ruled tonight...we must get some online games in again soon. i hate that the arcade is the only time i get serious matches in...i need more than twice a week  :(


Bleh I've been playing AE too much. I should try online with one of you guys eventually.

See some of you tomorrow though! I want to play a lot of KoF between and after running the tourney.


Might not be there Monday due to car repairs that are out of this world. Door, side mirror, fender, etc.

EDIT: unless somebody gives me a ride home.  ;dn ;df ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a or ;c
Mad Angels all day
Excuse me, do you know anything about the Mad Angels?
- Ryo Hazuki


Even though there's nobody here who isn't also in SRK or the Facebook group, I'll still post this anyway.

New Tournament

Chicago 4 Ultimate in Midwest Arena
August 18th
Nickel City
Northbrook, IL
All day long