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Pet Peeves Thread

Started by Remzi, July 04, 2011, 07:42:57 AM

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Post your pet peeves here, these can be related to gaming or utterly unrelated.

As for me, it's Marvel players saying OTG means 'off the ground'. OTG = On the ground. I don't care if it lifts you off it, it hits you while you're on the ground. It's not that hard to understand.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


fighting games without move list(although you rarely see this anymore)

people who use text talk in a conversation

i have like a million and one of these

The Fluke

People who call crossups crossovers.. Slight difference there. Surprisingly common, surprisingly annoying.


Xxenace, you'd hate me. I got into a habit of using text talk on my microphone.
Fluke, never heard anybody do that. Of course, I tend to avoid Capcom players, they're often less intelligent.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon

The Fluke

Quote from: Remzi on July 04, 2011, 10:48:37 AM
Fluke, never heard anybody do that.

I've encountered it online, but i do happen to have a friend i play with offline aswell that always without fail says crossover instead of crossup. I've tried hinting to him that it is supposed to be crossup but he doesn't seem to catch on.


Quote from: The Fluke on July 04, 2011, 11:20:19 AM
I've encountered it online, but i do happen to have a friend i play with offline aswell that always without fail says crossover instead of crossup. I've tried hinting to him that it is supposed to be crossup but he doesn't seem to catch on.

It's really hard to understand.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Quote from: Remzi on July 04, 2011, 10:48:37 AM
Xxenace, you'd hate me. I got into a habit of using text talk on my microphone.
Fluke, never heard anybody do that. Of course, I tend to avoid Capcom players, they're often less intelligent.
just be glad i dont live near you lol


Quote from: Xxenace on July 04, 2011, 01:00:19 PM
just be glad i dont live near you lol
It's just on mic, if I were to "lol'd" in person everybody would think I'm weird. I wonder why.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


My pet peeves... Hmm...

1. Cats that bash a game without even playing it well enough to understand the system and how things work... I come from the VF and Tekken scenes, and those cats bash each other with the elite mindset, and those that do try the game out don't go at it with the mindset of actually seeing how things work. People only hate on Samsho Sen because its not an authentic Samsho. But I'd be damned if it doesn't have the best netcode... Better than NGBC, SF4, BB, and AH3 combined!!! That's word!!!

2. People that hate long juggles that do massive damage. Let's be real, games back in the day had high damaging combos, too, although some were only a few hits. Tekken 6 wasn't the start of half life combos, I was doing massive damage with Kazuya and Armor King back in T2. In some games, the highest damaging combo = ringout, and that could mean one launcher to 2-3 moves, and just rushing down til the opponent fell off... Up that defense and don't worry about getting "caught up" in juggles...

3. Dudes that get mad fighting online, especially on rank matches... It's the internet... Lag happens, and so does losing to "stupid things"... I feel I'm aight at fighting games, and I have days where I'm not doing so hot... Real talk, get mad at an offline event... Better yet, think about why one lost and work on those weaknesses...

4. The "Japan > the world @ fighting games" commitee... No they're not, so stop X-COPYING them like that's all "x" character's got!!! That's the reason we (collectively) don't come close to other countries when it comes to certain games, because all we do is sit up watching youtube mimicking the next jp player in whatever game, instead of breaking the character down and understanding how he/she works and getting creative, coming up with our own stuff... Check this out, when (insert Japanese player) crushes cats in Time Killers, Primal Rage, UMK3, Kakuto Chojin, Tobal No.1(or 2), or TMNT:TF(SNES) @ EVO 2011, lemme know...

5. Tier whores. You wanna win so bad, that you forsake learning the game's system and intricacies just to pick the strongest character. If you learn the system to its fullest and still wanna tier whore, then aight, I'll let that slide. But don't get mad when you get crushed with that "top tier" character... The way I see it, if the player is strong

6. The "Justin Wong OMG" commitee... He's somewhere in another discussion in another thread on this site, I can't remember where. Just read that mess right there, and if I gotta re-explain it, I'll do so...

I'm not about bashing cats, and I do give props where its due, so don't think I'm hating on those cats... Its just people put these dudes on a pedistal, and its as if they'd give a testicle to be one of them... Whatever with that man, I wanna be better than them... Or better than the person that's better than them...
I'm on FightCade!!!



That's probably the worst thing about the internet and by extension gamer-culture. Now, we all know a certain forum that's a troll-nest but it's when I'm in a game and they're trolling that it starts to piss me off.

This is something that can effect any game, but anything Free To Play attracts them in huge numbers.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I'm with Jinx on his # 1 & 3-5. 2 and 6 I'm more indifferent about.

A few I might add, but probably can't be helped are these:

1) People who think SNK characters in CVS1/2 are made by Capcom, or think they're BETTER on a Capcom game. Small elements that give SNK characters on a CVS system an advantage aside, what f'ing lies.

2) Newer tech or TV settings that can determine whether a move's frame rates can be correct or not. Saw a match at a SSF4 local tournament where a Balrog player called foul because something wasn't or didn't look right with his playing. The organizer investigated,changed the TV to the "proper" setting, and the match was replayed. Call me ignorant or old-fashioned, but when did the game screen have a say in who won a match?

3) People basing a game's validity on sales moreso than the game itself. Usually the best-selling games are just the easiest to get into, and not the gold standard of it's genre. Dissing a game with documented depth, innovation, or creativity just because it didn't sell well, or as well as something really popular is one of the worst arguments for superiority I've ever heard. Maybe that's more of a casual vs hardcore gamer argument, but if the casuals ever took more than a casual glance at their games, and different games, who knows how perspectives might change.

4) People who get mad at me for losing. This is more confusion than pet peeve, but unless you're a teacher of mine and/or are striving for me to get better and let me know ahead of time, it's a shock to the system to see my opponent angry instead of happy. I don't disagree that I should've won (cause I wanted to), but keep that shit to yourselves please.

5) The push for online over offline. On the one hand, I know the divide between players (espeically fighting fans) can be big, even huge at times; I also realize the convenience of playing competitively from your own house. On the other hand, I'd like to see netcode standards across the genre or industry good enough to meet those demands. I'm not sure whether netcode is getting worse with newer games that are coming out, nor am I sure that added conditions for online play like MK's online pass is a good thing. Online is important, don't get me wrong. I just wish companies like Capcom, SNK, Namco, NRS, etc cared about it even more than we do. But even in an attempt to avoid lag, people forget how much you learn from playing someone sitting right next to you. I'd still be using a D-pad controller had I not sat down next to stick user after stick user to learn I was missing out. I'd also learn different playstyles, and the fact that people offline open up more to their own knowledge of the game and manners moreso compared to online's mostly cut-throat mentality. It's differences like this that make me try to build a fg community in an area devoid of one.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


What really grinds my gears?

Gamers who make fun of me or not take me serious for not trying to playing like said pro or person on Youtube. It's a bit sad nobody is original anymore. Too many times I heard "What you are doing is gimmicks and it won't work in a real match lolololol". Is it really wrong for me to play how I want to play? If I always tried to copy someone, then gaming wouldn't be fun for me anymore.

Also fanboys of pros drive me nuts at times. When I was in Smash, this dude got into a hissy fit because I didn't know who said pro was and because I showed no care in the world about said pro. I swear some of these man children act like these pros are their best friends IRL or something. You think with all this energy to meatride, they would better spend it on getting themselves better. I mean if you are going to a tournament, you have to fight your said "idol" anyway. Respect is one thing but obsessive behavior over someone is a bit weird don't you think.

That's why I like places like this, I can play the way I want to without disapproving eyes trying to put me down all the time.
You're too slow!!


Quote from: solidshark on July 05, 2011, 10:29:42 PM
2) Newer tech or TV settings that can determine whether a move's frame rates can be correct or not. Saw a match at a SSF4 local tournament where a Balrog player called foul because something wasn't or didn't look right with his playing. The organizer investigated,changed the TV to the "proper" setting, and the match was replayed. Call me ignorant or old-fashioned, but when did the game screen have a say in who won a match?

As much as I love technology, things like this make me hate it to a degree, especially when you not only have to worry about things in game, but you have to worry about the tv settings and whatnot... I remember playing Tekken at a hangout spot back in the day, and the guys changed the tvs out over the weekend, but obviously weren't paying attention to what type of tv they bought, so it messed up our game horribly. Even the most simple frame trap couldn't be used, because the tv sucked that bad... I was just glad it was casuals...

Quote3) People basing a game's validity on sales moreso than the game itself. Usually the best-selling games are just the easiest to get into, and not the gold standard of it's genre. Dissing a game with documented depth, innovation, or creativity just because it didn't sell well, or as well as something really popular is one of the worst arguments for superiority I've ever heard. Maybe that's more of a casual vs hardcore gamer argument, but if the casuals ever took more than a casual glance at their games, and different games, who knows how perspectives might change.

My heart hurts when good games get bad raps because the netcode wasn't great, or it didn't get enough publicity, or simply because its not SF/Tekken/SC/etc.). My number one example is Battle Fantasia. The console version was basically overhauled so that it was greatly balanced, unlike the arcade version, which you can also play on there by changing the settings. I personally think that its a great blend of 3S and GGXX in terms of play style variety, applying yomi and the rewards of successful application, combos, etc. My only gripe was that there weren't enough stages, and there was only like 3-4 good fight songs. Other than that, the game was well put together I thought. It's major flaw in the western world: bad netcode... It's playable, region pending, but its still not as fluid as BB's netcode. It's still a good game to play locally at least, but barely anyone takes the time out to see how good it is and writes it off simply because of the netcode (which is strange, because other "popular" games have or had bad netcodes and they still get play)...

Quote5) The push for online over offline. On the one hand, I know the divide between players (espeically fighting fans) can be big, even huge at times; I also realize the convenience of playing competitively from your own house. On the other hand, I'd like to see netcode standards across the genre or industry good enough to meet those demands. I'm not sure whether netcode is getting worse with newer games that are coming out, nor am I sure that added conditions for online play like MK's online pass is a good thing. Online is important, don't get me wrong. I just wish companies like Capcom, SNK, Namco, NRS, etc cared about it even more than we do. But even in an attempt to avoid lag, people forget how much you learn from playing someone sitting right next to you. I'd still be using a D-pad controller had I not sat down next to stick user after stick user to learn I was missing out. I'd also learn different playstyles, and the fact that people offline open up more to their own knowledge of the game and manners moreso compared to online's mostly cut-throat mentality. It's differences like this that make me try to build a fg community in an area devoid of one.

That's basically part of the beef on the DOA Central forums... I actually remember when DOA2U came out, and cats were beefing about having offline scenes vs online scenes... I'm wigging out, tripping because having an offline scene is what makes fighting game communities fun, and makes it more of a "community". We commune together and beat the crap outta each other and learn. Staying strictly online is stupid if you have the option to hit up a local offline scene. That's like cats back in the day that would battle rap over the internet, and never show up face to face to battle the cat that lived up the street, 'cause most times they were writing their rhymes and/or biting someone elses rhymes, and they would make up excuses like "I can crush you online, that's all I need... blah blah blah".

Quote from: FreeRunner on July 05, 2011, 10:45:59 PM
Gamers who make fun of me or not take me serious for not trying to playing like said pro or person on Youtube. It's a bit sad nobody is original anymore. Too many times I heard "What you are doing is gimmicks and it won't work in a real match lolololol". Is it really wrong for me to play how I want to play? If I always tried to copy someone, then gaming wouldn't be fun for me anymore.

Yeah man, a bunch of cats follow some bandwagon of sorts... Most of that though consists of young heads not knowing how to come up with crap on their own, so they bite offa someone who's trying to be original, and crushing cats while doing it (there's some who aren't though, we know who they are... :) ). Society in general is like that though. Think of all the artists who have come out after Michael Jackson trying to do the exact same thing he did. Strangely enough, Michael Jackson was doing the exact same thing James Brown and Elvis Presley were doing musically speaking... Take it a step further, Elvis was biting off of a bunch of other artists original styles and original songs!!! I'll save that one for another time :) .

If they're not taking you serious, take advantage of that!!! Make those fools think twice, or thrice about doubting you... I take advantage of that when I come across a strong player online, and they see my rank or whatever, and they start tripping like the rank matches the skill. I'm like "yeah whatever with that". They get crushed, and I get a msg, or voice chat saying they didn't expect that at all... Props is given, and the rest is history, at least until they start giving me the bombardment...

QuoteAlso fanboys of pros drive me nuts at times. When I was in Smash, this dude got into a hissy fit because I didn't know who said pro was and because I showed no care in the world about said pro. I swear some of these man children act like these pros are their best friends IRL or something. You think with all this energy to meatride, they would better spend it on getting themselves better. I mean if you are going to a tournament, you have to fight your said "idol" anyway. Respect is one thing but obsessive behavior over someone is a bit weird don't you think.

Can't really do much about them, but "try" to ignore them... Real talk, outside of the "pro cats" that post here, and pros that are mentioned here, I don't know any of them, nor do I care to... Same goes for any fighter I play that have a plethora of "pro players"... You might not know who Chibita, Kaqn, or DIO are, and although I do, I still don't care about 'em like that... If anything, the goal is to be better than those cats in whatever game they play...

People tend to have someone that they look up to, and in many cases it gets obsessive. Whatever they're known for, if that's what a person is striving to be like, then don't be "like" them, be "better" than them. That's why I get hype when pro players get crushed by new cats, not other pro players... On the flipside, I get upset, because whoever that new cat was, people are gonna meatride him/her to death...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: FreeRunner on July 05, 2011, 10:45:59 PM
Gamers who make fun of me or not take me serious for not trying to playing like said pro or person on Youtube. It's a bit sad nobody is original anymore. Too many times I heard "What you are doing is gimmicks and it won't work in a real match lolololol". Is it really wrong for me to play how I want to play? If I always tried to copy someone, then gaming wouldn't be fun for me anymore.

QuoteYeah man, a bunch of cats follow some bandwagon of sorts... Most of that though consists of young heads not knowing how to come up with crap on their own, so they bite offa someone who's trying to be original, and crushing cats while doing it (there's some who aren't though, we know who they are... :) ). Society in general is like that though. Think of all the artists who have come out after Michael Jackson trying to do the exact same thing he did. Strangely enough, Michael Jackson was doing the exact same thing James Brown and Elvis Presley were doing musically speaking... Take it a step further, Elvis was biting off of a bunch of other artists original styles and original songs!!! I'll save that one for another time :) .

If they're not taking you serious, take advantage of that!!! Make those fools think twice, or thrice about doubting you... I take advantage of that when I come across a strong player online, and they see my rank or whatever, and they start tripping like the rank matches the skill. I'm like "yeah whatever with that". They get crushed, and I get a msg, or voice chat saying they didn't expect that at all... Props is given, and the rest is history, at least until they start giving me the bombardment...

QuoteAlso fanboys of pros drive me nuts at times. When I was in Smash, this dude got into a hissy fit because I didn't know who said pro was and because I showed no care in the world about said pro. I swear some of these man children act like these pros are their best friends IRL or something. You think with all this energy to meatride, they would better spend it on getting themselves better. I mean if you are going to a tournament, you have to fight your said "idol" anyway. Respect is one thing but obsessive behavior over someone is a bit weird don't you think.

Can't really do much about them, but "try" to ignore them... Real talk, outside of the "pro cats" that post here, and pros that are mentioned here, I don't know any of them, nor do I care to... Same goes for any fighter I play that have a plethora of "pro players"... You might not know who Chibita, Kaqn, or DIO are, and although I do, I still don't care about 'em like that... If anything, the goal is to be better than those cats in whatever game they play...

People tend to have someone that they look up to, and in many cases it gets obsessive. Whatever they're known for, if that's what a person is striving to be like, then don't be "like" them, be "better" than them. That's why I get hype when pro players get crushed by new cats, not other pro players... On the flipside, I get upset, because whoever that new cat was, people are gonna meatride him/her to death...

Yeah I always try to ignore them when they do that. Meatriding is here to stay, but people have to fight for themselves. This is kinda reminding me of a post I made a long time ago on Smash http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=224036.
You're too slow!!


The recent hackers that messed with VG companies and think they are untouchable and go saying "X company will be next" or bragging about it and all that shit.