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Official KOF XIII side tournament at EVO 2011. Sponsored by Atlus.

Started by THE ANSWER, July 16, 2011, 10:01:17 AM

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Who did take top 6?

Nevermind, I found.

Results for the KOF XIII side tournament 1. BALA 2. Romance 3. Mr. KOF 4. Reynald 5. El Rosa (Mex) 6. Xian from Singapore.
SNK would make a great money, if they made a conspiracy/thriller style movie about the production of KOF XII/XIII. (с)


Dark Geese

Okay guys out of respect for everyone else as I know what it's like, please have the utmost patience in regards to videos. This is the last thing I think they are thinking about right now they are probably sleeping in a hotel room I know from being at EVO before and then getting bombarded about video questions. Just wait a week before you ask them anything about videos please, give them time to get settled, travel home, get situated please people.

Now to the good news and controversy:

Congratulations to BALA for winning and proving to those that may have felt him winning at ReveLAtions was a fluke that it was not!!!

Some other things to note for discussion:

1. You did it USA. You put yourself on the map for KOF13, Congratulations, in an international tournament you took top 4, defeating the person that got 4th at SBO (which again I will talk about later) - Xian.

2. Congratulations Mexico- Mexico is again showing the world that it is a force to be reckoned with with BALA. Also with El Rosa taking top 5 that shows this!!!

Now to the "controversial stuff":

Without knowing all the details of the tournament or Xian's performance/stick comfort level etc, I will say this again proves my point guys that SBO isn't the end all be all of everything. Like The KOF Cup stole the thunder from Duelling the KOF and SBO, this tournament steals more thunder from SBO because it proves that ranking Top 4 in SBO for KOF13 doesn't really mean much.

Basically as I've been saying for years guys, all SBO is is a glorified SuperRegional tournament AT BEST..nothing remotely close to a World Championship!!!

Good job to all that entered/ran/setup the tournament, now I certainly have to handle my own business this weekend as well as it appears some "unexpected but pleasant" possible news coming up...



Quote from: Dark Geese on July 31, 2011, 05:49:50 PM
Basically as I've been saying for years guys, all SBO is is a glorified SuperRegional tournament AT BEST..nothing remotely close to a World Championship!!!

Not just KOF. Any fighting game what was/is in SBO.

The BBCS2 EVO Finals > Any SBO BBCS match

Dark Geese

Quote from: AleixoFM on August 01, 2011, 12:15:42 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on July 31, 2011, 05:49:50 PM
Basically as I've been saying for years guys, all SBO is is a glorified SuperRegional tournament AT BEST..nothing remotely close to a World Championship!!!

Not just KOF. Any fighting game what was/is in SBO.

The BBCS2 EVO Finals > Any SBO BBCS match

Yeah see but that's not my area of expertise..I can only rely on KOF because that's my area of expertise so glad you are dropping some insight into things..


Well, here's some footage one of the KOF XIII Side Tourney events...


The downside is its only one match, and part of it... Then it goes into MK9 Finals...
I'm on FightCade!!!


^ That's from the exhibition

Btw, all results and vids should be made a new thread in the results section, so I'll be waiting for that when the guys get back online here.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


We'll post full results later. Top-8 was recorded,

In regards to the SBO thing, you guys need to understand that Xian only played KOF once after SBO. He also needed a specific layout to play on, which he wasn't able to use at times due to us flipping coins for set ups. For playing once in a year, the guy is still damn good.

I'll post more later, I need food, sleep, and a bunch of other things.

edit - didn't realize I wrote "the gay is still damn good" thanks Noc, and 4leaf for pointing out my typo


I just got back from Vegas but I have to go to work soon. I'll post my shout outs and thoughts on the tournament when I get back tonight. Overall it's probably one the best turn outs we've had so far for an EVO side tournament.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.

Dark Geese

This is why I prefer console 300% over arcades any day of the week. It's a hassle changing configurations and sticks possibly every match. I remember what we had to do with Hummer it took ten minutes to change the sticks every time he played. If people understood things from an organizer's perspective, they would see why we prefer console.

1. No whining about sticks/lag on sticks or whatever- You bring your own end of story.
2. No whining about button layout or hitting the buttons too hard- You bring your own.

Only problem with console is if it's not arcade perfect. Yes I understand some people want to play in the arcade, but it's just more work than I feel is necessary to have things on the arcade all the time when all it takes is people choosing to not be stubborn and learn the console version. Don't be afrad to try anything new, you just may like it.


Quote from: Giby on August 01, 2011, 09:07:39 PM
We'll post full results later. Top-8 was recorded,

Lies, nobody recorded RJ and myself, at least not me hehe =(  We tied for 7th place which I'm pleased with the results considering there were 54 participants, and also factoring the ppl that got eliminated (sorry Kunio and Salim ^.^).

@DG.  I think this is one of those situations that is taken way OUT of context since you were not there.  Not one single player, had anything but MAD respect for Xian, he was incredibly classy and well mannered on top of his skill--which sadly I can say is not the case for most high level players.

Xian participated in SBO'10 as many you remembered last year in Japan, he said when he returned to Singapore the scene completely died for XIII (1 machine left in Singapore) and he has not touched the game, except maybe once, before playing the night before of the side tourney.  One whole year.  He also placed top 32 for MvC3 and AE just to get an idea how versatile of a player he is.

Xian who plays a typical Singapore/HK layout of:

Was unable to configure his buttons on one of our setups, and had to play on a setup 2 which his many opponents refused to play on since they wanted to use American sticks.  There were very little we could do there but a coin was tossed, and both parties had to deal with the outcome.

The true controversy comes is not so much the stick situation but with the call with Bala's matches.   First and foremost, I respect Bala's skill as a player, but I personally feel that he needs to work on his class if he wants to ever gain international respect.  This is what happened (and I know 4leaf doesnt want me to post this but too bad):

4leaf was playing Bala, and like ReveLAtions, 4leaf started off incredibly strong.  In fact, 4leaf was nearly straighting (OCVing) Bala with his Mature till Bala's last character who had about 30% life when all of a sudden Bala raised his hand saying his buttons had problem.  This was on the last round of his last character (4leaf was still on his first), when he was about to get defeated.  

Everyone watching was FURIOUS (no joke) that he would even suggest that on the 5th round.  The Cali-Mexicans themselves, El Rosa, Mr. KOF, Reynald, Abe and myself were all in agreement that 4leaf should win that round by principle alone  The 4 of us judges decided that we'll rule it in 4leaf's favor however, at the last minute 4leaf wanted to reset the game out of honor, which IMO, Bala should have declined out of good sportsmanship.

We all have played games with less than ideal settings, but true sportmanship and class that allows us to have the judgement to call something like that after the game.  As this was a high profile match everyone was watching, and since many of us discussed this throughout the night, we all noticed that there were no signs of there's-something-wrong-with-my-button-look on his face.  Afterwards, Mr KOF jumped on to test the joystick himself, nothing--just to prove a point.  In fact, when Bala was testing the button after we "stopped" the match, it looked fine to us everytime he pressed the button.  Then to add insult to injury, Bala grabs the only other Japanese stick (we all know he plays both but more comfortable with the American stick as he refused one whole tourney we had in AA, coz it was on Japanese sticks) making 4leaf playing on the American stick which we don't like playing on.

All in all, we're pretty disappointed in Bala, he may have the skill to be a champion but certainly lacks class.  I think everyone lost respect for him that day.

EDIT: 4leaf wants to clear up he actually was the one to offer Bala the Japanese stick to Bala, my bad.

Dark Geese

Kane- But I did say that remember I said "without knowing the situation with the sticks etc" I put that asterik there.

Again all I am about is people giving someone a free pass just because he's from SBO or having heightened expectations because someone is from SBO. That's all I am saying nothing more nothing less. Just because they played at SBO and ranked top 4 doesn't mean they are going to go anywhere in the world and win for free that's the extent of my argument nothing more nothing less.

Also what you are talking about in the BALA situation many don't talk about it here (Because its happened in Mexico) but I have dealt with that issue before WITH SKATO..hence again I say I'm  pretty much 97% done with arcade tournaments..I dealt with the same thing you guys are saying with the whole "The tournament was rigged" thing with Skato pressing the buttons very very hard thus breaking them and blaming the stick.

No one else had problems with the stick or buttons but Skato yet because of all that I have got a select few in Mexico saying "The tournament was rigged so that Skato wouldn't win."

So trust me..I know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

So trust me I know what that is like....


Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 12:00:38 AM
Kane- But I did say that remember I said "without knowing the situation with the sticks etc" I put that asterik there.

Again all I am about is people giving someone a free pass just because he's from SBO. That's all I am saying nothing more nothing less. Just because they played at SBO and ranked top 4 doesn't mean they are going to go anywhere in the world and win for free that's the extent of my argument nothing more nothing less.

Nobody said he was free.  Like I said, those who were there and are not just speculating, all agree that we have nothing but respect from him, you can ask The Answer yourself.  As a SBO top 4 finalist, I think it would be naive to think that he's not a strong player at the very least.

Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 12:00:38 AM
Kane- But I did say that remember I said "without knowing the situation with the sticks etc" I put that asterik there.

Again all I am about is people giving someone a free pass just because he's from SBO. That's all I am saying nothing more nothing less. Just because they played at SBO and ranked top 4 doesn't mean they are going to go anywhere in the world and win for free that's the extent of my argument nothing more nothing less.

Also what you are talking about in the BALA situation many don't talk about it here (Because its happened in Mexico) but I have dealt with that issue before WITH SKATO..hence again I say I'm  pretty much 97% done with arcade tournaments..I dealt with the same thing you guys are saying with the whole "The tournament was rigged" thing with Skato pressing the buttons very very hard thus breaking them and blaming the stick.

No one else had problems with the stick or buttons but Skato yet because of all that I have got a select few in Mexico saying "The tournament was rigged so that Skato wouldn't win."

So trust me..I know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

So trust me I know what that is like....

I have an opposite opinion about this; If this was played on the arcade then you don't even have the stick problems as they're more durable than the console.  I don't quite agree with your no-more-arcade argument but it's ok to disagree.  I suppose since it's kinda like a hybrid console/arcade system since it's technically on the arcade but for obvious reasons we couldn't lug the whole cab to Vegas and had to make due like it was a console.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Kane317 on August 02, 2011, 12:03:44 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 02, 2011, 12:00:38 AM
Kane- But I did say that remember I said "without knowing the situation with the sticks etc" I put that asterik there.

Again all I am about is people giving someone a free pass just because he's from SBO. That's all I am saying nothing more nothing less. Just because they played at SBO and ranked top 4 doesn't mean they are going to go anywhere in the world and win for free that's the extent of my argument nothing more nothing less.

Nobody said he was free.  Like I said, those who were there and are not just speculating, all agree that we have nothing but respect from him, you can ask The Answer yourself.  As a SBO top 4 finalist, I think it would be naive to think that he's not a strong player at the very least.

Well good, I heard a lot of comments in my inbox on youtube with people handing him the first place prize which I took as a slap to the face for both the USA and Mexico.. also read what I posted above what I edited about the stick situation, been there done that hence I quite frankly am not for arcade tournaments....

Kane in relation to your comment well again how to you address the BALA/Skato issue then? Stuff like that makes the organizers look bad to a degree as if the sticks they were using are faulty.

I don't like people saying the sticks I purchased or are using are not working when 99% of everyone else says they are fine. I'd rather just tell them to bring their own sticks that way I don't have to deal with this kind of stuff. Skato basically was mashing the sticks and buttons and we had to keep stopping to fix them over and over when again no one else had this problem BUT HIM..so again rather than keep dealing with this crap I'd rather just make future tournaments with Skato console only. I just don't want to deal with all that mess..bring your own stick and what happens is your fault!

Yes I agree it is okay to disagree lol.