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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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Obviously, Capcom doesn't care anymore.  I figure that right now, SFxT to them, isn't that serious, it's just a beta test where they can throw everything they can at one entity, and see what works and what doesn't.  Unfortunately, doesn't make for an appealing game.

As for the BBA Megaman thing, I think it's less that they hate Megaman, and more that they're taking shots at Inafune I guess.  Proof?  Look at the fact that BBA Megaman's Bio is pretty much Megaman Volnutt's Bio.  The trolling right now is BLATANT though.

Whatever, they'll learn their lesson.  And if they don't, does anyone here honestly give a shit if Capcom tanks?  I think I can be certain 95% of Dream Cancel would get off if Capcom stopped making FGs permanently.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


According to twitter's ono, inafune was the one who told him to use BBA megaman

Waifu Material


^ I'm sure if he did he was being sarcastic.

The thing is; if this is a beta test for what the public will accept from Capcom. Then that is a really expensive Beta test. This game cost like 10-20 million roughly? If they really wanted to do something crazy and see what they could do, why not just an XBLA/PSN/Steam game that would cost 1-2 Million? Ya' know? It just doesn't make sense to put all this money into something that looks like it will underperform in a market that is partially over saturated due too many releases of the same game with some added content by Capcom.

The whole thing makes no sense. If it bombs I don't think this will send the message to Capcom that we don't want Comeback Mechanics and Easy Mode bullshit. I think they'll take it more as 'fighters don't make as much these days" that is despite MK9 selling almost 10 million copies now...

If I can speak for the DC community for a second: I think a lot of us are maybe looking forward to Capcom bombing with this game, not so much because we hate Capcom and whatever. But if anything to see if SNKP can pick up where Capcom fumbled and strike back hard.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Except we wouldn't be seeing another KoF...or another SNKP FG period for another 3+ years unless they want to reuse every sprite they can find in XIII, and start working like...right now.  Plus, even when Capcom was bombing, SNKP put out arguably their best fighters (Garou, KOF02/UM) and it still didn't really help all that much.  Also consider during this time, Namco was not helping their own cause (Tekken 4, SCIII) and MK was extremely horribad. 

Even if Capcom goes down, SNKP isn't going to gain any more or less ground with a strike back.  Obviously they weren't even affected by dealing with a Capcom game release date close by when it seems they completely outsold UMvC3. 

I'll say it again, most people on DC would rather Capcom go down because Capcom sucks now.  Honestly, I couldn't care less, but I wouldn't mind seeing it out of pure amusement.  To see a decent amount of people (not on here, but in general outside of here) fake celebrate, then realize that they can't handle any other company's games.  Or that there's no company out right now that's a free shot to just make fun of them and look cool doing it.  So yeah, Capcom going down would amuse me, but in the long run, it would not affect much for those of us who actually diversify ourselves with other company's games.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: LouisCipher on January 27, 2012, 06:49:21 AM
^ I'm sure if he did he was being sarcastic.

The thing is; if this is a beta test for what the public will accept from Capcom. Then that is a really expensive Beta test. This game cost like 10-20 million roughly? If they really wanted to do something crazy and see what they could do, why not just an XBLA/PSN/Steam game that would cost 1-2 Million? Ya' know? It just doesn't make sense to put all this money into something that looks like it will underperform in a market that is partially over saturated due too many releases of the same game with some added content by Capcom.

The whole thing makes no sense. If it bombs I don't think this will send the message to Capcom that we don't want Comeback Mechanics and Easy Mode bullshit. I think they'll take it more as 'fighters don't make as much these days" that is despite MK9 selling almost 10 million copies now...

If I can speak for the DC community for a second: I think a lot of us are maybe looking forward to Capcom bombing with this game, not so much because we hate Capcom and whatever. But if anything to see if SNKP can pick up where Capcom fumbled and strike back hard.
i dont want this game fail despite how much i really dont like capcoms methods and tbh i snk got left behind again since they fucked up on the netcode despite what a bunch of people say i think they could've at least try to get that right especially since took out lobby's and such


I can't remember a Capcom game as controversial or as polarizing as SFxT is now, I swear. The news of this game is enough of an emotional fucking rollercoaster that playing the game itself will probably feel REALLY meh.

This Megaman thing is now pissing people outside of the FGC off now. Around MM's 25th (I think) anniversary, and the lackluster track record he's had lately, this like probably the final straw for a lot of people. I do find his inclusion funny, just in the sense of watching a company destroy itself with trolling. Hope Capcom's been preparing for something else involving MM for his anniversary, cause if this was it....

Anyway, everything that Capcom's been trying to experiment with this game, now it's confirmed sort of why - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-26-yoshinori-ono-outlines-vision-for-next-gen-street-fighter

Now I'm scared for the future, at least Capcom's FG future. All the other FG makers has to do is not do it like Capcom (mostly) and they should be all right.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 07:02:07 AM
Even if Capcom goes down, SNKP isn't going to gain any more or less ground with a strike back.  Obviously they weren't even affected by dealing with a Capcom game release date close by when it seems they completely outsold UMvC3. 

I'm almost sure UMVC3 sold more than XIII, at least in Japan, i don't have numbers for other territories, and i'm not going to VGchartz


Quote from: Delta on January 27, 2012, 07:26:01 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 07:02:07 AM
Even if Capcom goes down, SNKP isn't going to gain any more or less ground with a strike back.  Obviously they weren't even affected by dealing with a Capcom game release date close by when it seems they completely outsold UMvC3. 

I'm almost sure UMVC3 sold more than XIII, at least in Japan, i don't have numbers for other territories, and i'm not going to VGchartz

Oh trust me, I'm in no way trusting anything to VGChartz.  That'd be like trusting Kyo Kusanagi to not be a douche.  Idk, just seems like it did.  Wish we had concrete numbers though.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 07:39:25 AM
Quote from: Delta on January 27, 2012, 07:26:01 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 07:02:07 AM
Even if Capcom goes down, SNKP isn't going to gain any more or less ground with a strike back.  Obviously they weren't even affected by dealing with a Capcom game release date close by when it seems they completely outsold UMvC3. 

I'm almost sure UMVC3 sold more than XIII, at least in Japan, i don't have numbers for other territories, and i'm not going to VGchartz

Oh trust me, I'm in no way trusting anything to VGChartz.  That'd be like trusting Kyo Kusanagi to not be a douche.  Idk, just seems like it did.  Wish we had concrete numbers though.
eh numbers dont mean shit anyway maybe a little if you like wave your fanboi e-peen around


SFXT : Mega Man / Pac-Man Trailer (WARNING)


Capcom just trolled MegaMan fans something fierce.

Here's at least some footage of the exclusives.
You're too slow!!


Maybe the one thing I should be pissed off at with this is time went into the five extra's and not actual Street Fighter or Tekken characters. Karin, R. Mika (for those who wanted her), Sodom, Lei, Lee, Anna, Armor King, Alex, the list goes on of course.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


What characters go in don't matter too much.  All characters do is provide a skin to hitboxes and attacks.

I don't care what characters they put in as long as they aren't exclusives, which these unfortunately are (though idk why Pac-Man and BBA Megaman are exclusives).

Besides, again, everyone has their chance to get who they want in TxSF, since Harada seems to want to do character polls for the roster.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


But polls (specially results) are not always good, the thing Harada is doing looks nice on paper, but still we need to see how they implement it.


Quote from: Delta on January 27, 2012, 05:47:19 PM
But polls (specially results) are not always good, the thing Harada is doing looks nice on paper, but still we need to see how they implement it.

True, but at least there's more of a chance to see who you want to get in as opposed to Capcom just doing what they want.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.
