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The Tekken Tag 2 Thread

Started by baccano1932, July 23, 2011, 09:38:09 PM

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Proto Cloud

For the love of God Namco, put in Kunimitsu!


Quote from: jinxhand on February 18, 2012, 09:39:10 PM
Compare the balancing of the first MvC3 and T6-- T6 had more characters at that point, and was more balanced than MvC3 was...

To be fair, I think Namco actually has SOME interest in making games that are at least slightly balanced, unlike capcom.  Capcom apparently makes characters who they intend to be borderline unplayable, and characters who they want to be borderline overpowered.  How many 7-3 or 8-2 match ups are there in recent tekken games compared to in SSFIV:AE2012?
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too

Proto Cloud

That's a bit unfair when 3D fighters are generally easier to balance than their 2D counterparts. 3D fighters tend to have more focus on few concepts on combat compared to 2D fighters.


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

I still don't understand the necessity of a whole new cab just do add 2v1 and 1v1. I thought they were going to add something else to make it worthwhile, like Kunimitsu for example. With what they're doing, they could've done a patch instead.


A more complete change list with the characters missing from the previous link. However it uses google translate so some of it doesn't make much sense unfortunatly.

Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 03:34:26 PM
I still don't understand the necessity of a whole new cab just do add 2v1 and 1v1. I thought they were going to add something else to make it worthwhile, like Kunimitsu for example. With what they're doing, they could've done a patch instead.

I've yet to see anyone give an explanation as to why it's a whole new release and the only I can possibly fathom is that they want them to be seperate games? which wouldn't really make much sense because Harada has said in the past that he didn't want people play different versions of the same game.

Also I just can't stand it when people constantly harp on a character(s) not being in a game, especially in a game that already has the vast majority of the characters in the universe and brought back quite a few fan favorites that haven't been around in a while.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".

Proto Cloud


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 03:34:26 PM
I still don't understand the necessity of a whole new cab just do add 2v1 and 1v1. I thought they were going to add something else to make it worthwhile, like Kunimitsu for example. With what they're doing, they could've done a patch instead.

Probably for the $$$$$


Beginner and intermediate level players were complaining to Harada that they have trouble learning 2 characters. There was an interview somewhere where he mentioned it.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 09:52:01 PM
Because she was in TTT1?

Still they're two completly different games and she's not the only character from the original not in TTT2 and I don't see you saying they should've also brought them back so to me it ends up sounding like your just another person who wants one of their favorites that didn't get brought back,without really regarding any other factors. 

Quote from: PureYeti on March 29, 2012, 12:13:56 AM
Beginner and intermediate level players were complaining to Harada that they have trouble learning 2 characters. There was an interview somewhere where he mentioned it.

This fact has been mentioned previously in older posts and I don't think anyone else here feels like this was a very significant upgrade and in the end since the original version of TTT2 could be updated through patches the majority seems to feel that it should've just been patched in instead of releasing brand new cabinets and everything.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".

Proto Cloud

Except those that aren't in TTT2 are either clones, boss characters, intentionally broken characters or clone boss characters.

She's literally the only legit new character they need to add in and they're golden.


Well Proto you just might get your wish after all. Plus new "fight lab" mode for beginners and some challenges for advanced players.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".

Proto Cloud


Namco can have all my money now!


Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 12, 2012, 04:40:52 AM

Namco can have all my money now!

They can take mine too, and it won't be going to DLC characters and the like YAY!
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".