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The Tekken Tag 2 Thread

Started by baccano1932, July 23, 2011, 09:38:09 PM

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The more and more I hear about this game, the more I want it.  Free DLC is always nice, I'm just thinking what characters could they have for DLC though?  They are around 50 now I can't think of who they'd have in DLC.

I understand why Capcom did what they did on SFxT, but I think it's bad business in the end.  If they have them on the disc all ready, they were planned out far enough before the release that they should be unlocked all ready.  But if you are going to have them as DLC, they should be free.

But along the line of having them on the disc to reduce load times and the such.  Wouldn't they be able to achieve the same result with a patch?  It'd get the character data onto the HDD. 


Quote from: KarnF91 on April 18, 2012, 12:21:29 AM
The more and more I hear about this game, the more I want it.  Free DLC is always nice, I'm just thinking what characters could they have for DLC though?  They are around 50 now I can't think of who they'd have in DLC.

I understand why Capcom did what they did on SFxT, but I think it's bad business in the end.  If they have them on the disc all ready, they were planned out far enough before the release that they should be unlocked all ready.  But if you are going to have them as DLC, they should be free.

But along the line of having them on the disc to reduce load times and the such.  Wouldn't they be able to achieve the same result with a patch?  It'd get the character data onto the HDD. 
dont use logic when talking about capcom

Proto Cloud

Quote from: KarnF91 on April 18, 2012, 12:21:29 AM
The more and more I hear about this game, the more I want it.  Free DLC is always nice, I'm just thinking what characters could they have for DLC though?  They are around 50 now I can't think of who they'd have in DLC.

I understand why Capcom did what they did on SFxT, but I think it's bad business in the end.  If they have them on the disc all ready, they were planned out far enough before the release that they should be unlocked all ready.  But if you are going to have them as DLC, they should be free.

But along the line of having them on the disc to reduce load times and the such.  Wouldn't they be able to achieve the same result with a patch?  It'd get the character data onto the HDD. 

Basically, the gist of it is that from the beginning they wanted to have all the extra content on disc to make everything as a convenience from the get go. Saves on memory limits, load times, hard drive space, etc. They thought that with the amount of content from startup was good enough to justify the 60 dollar price. Which it kind of does, because it has a decent, sizeable roster. The problem is that keeping it on disc is stupid because someone is invariably going to crack it open and turn it into a PR nightmare. (My biggest issue is that the game itself sucks ass)

The thing that makes Capcom stupid is that they never quite factor in that having more content usually leads to more sales, better customer feedback/loyalty/appreciation and a longer shelf life. And if they did plan on doing DLC anyway, that as inconvenient as it would've been, people wouldn't have made as much of an issue if it was real DLC.

Honestly, Namco is smart on playing their game like this and showing Capcom how it's done. I hope their sales of TTT2 crush SFxT so Capcom gets the hint.


The PR nightmare can be somewhat avoided though if they...you know, at least tell everyone their intentions from the start.  Everyone got over Jill/Shuma pretty quick, and I think they wouldn't have been AS killed for it if they at least were forthcoming with their plans.

Namco is damn smart for going at Capcom like this, but they better deliver.  Especially when they're promising "superior" netcode.  They seem to be piggybacking off of SCV's netcode, so I'm a bit...nervous even though I've heard good things about it.

It won't crush SFxT's sales unless everyone rallies around TTT2 specifically to get back at Capcom, which I doubt since it's a completely different genre essentially.  Capcom would be more likely to get the hint if TxSF beats them down, as it would be more direct in being opposition.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

What are you talking about? IT'S FUCKING TEKKEN! Of course it'll sell better. Since when did Capcom own the fighting game market? Last time I checked Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Super Smash Bros have all easily beat Capcom by millions. Many times over.

And yes, if they announced their intentions at first it would've helped slightly, but their USA PR team are the worst at handling anything, much less damage control.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 18, 2012, 02:47:22 AM
What are you talking about? IT'S FUCKING TEKKEN! Of course it'll sell better. Since when did Capcom own the fighting game market? Last time I checked Tekken, Mortal Kombat and Super Smash Bros have all easily beat Capcom by millions. Many times over.

And yes, if they announced their intentions at first it would've helped slightly, but their USA PR team are the worst at handling anything, much less damage control.

But crushing it?  I doubt it.  And again, in the end, IT WON'T MATTER.  3D Fighting Games are a different market than 2D fighters, and anyone who thinks otherwise should be shot.  It's sure as hell not gonna snap Capcom straight, as Capcom has no reason to look at TTT2.  More characters that aren't DLC as a good thing?  Woopdee do, Namco as of now will be the ONLY company doing that, unfortunately they're the exception, not the rule.  After that, then what?  What will Capcom have to learn from TTT2 other than learning how to suck less at PR control?  Nothing.  Which is why I said TxSF crushing SFxT would be a bigger deal, as it would be outselling their game with their own properties.  That will be a bigger blow to the ego, and THAT will be what knocks some sense back into them.  TTT2 doing it?  You must be tripping.

And the US PR team wouldn't have to do much if they let their intentions known early.  Why's that?  There will be blowup, but as we've seen the best healer of salt is TIME (well that, and not insulting people).  As long as the PR team wouldn't say something outlandishly stupid, people would eventually get over it.  Now, people still wouldn't be too happy with the quality of game, but hey, there's only so much you can do on the PR front.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 18, 2012, 02:11:00 AM

Basically, the gist of it is that from the beginning they wanted to have all the extra content on disc to make everything as a convenience from the get go. Saves on memory limits, load times, hard drive space, etc. They thought that with the amount of content from startup was good enough to justify the 60 dollar price. Which it kind of does, because it has a decent, sizeable roster. The problem is that keeping it on disc is stupid because someone is invariably going to crack it open and turn it into a PR nightmare. (My biggest issue is that the game itself sucks ass)

The thing that makes Capcom stupid is that they never quite factor in that having more content usually leads to more sales, better customer feedback/loyalty/appreciation and a longer shelf life. And if they did plan on doing DLC anyway, that as inconvenient as it would've been, people wouldn't have made as much of an issue if it was real DLC.

Honestly, Namco is smart on playing their game like this and showing Capcom how it's done. I hope their sales of TTT2 crush SFxT so Capcom gets the hint.

I'd get it if this was 2006 HDDs aren't that much of a problem anymore.  Load times couldn't be that bad if they introduced the content via a patch I'd imagine.  Was just a random thought to begin with, trying to make sense of all of it.

Content is great, but if the core game isn't worth playing it doesn't matter.  The only reason I would have gotten SFxT was because of the Tekken characters.  I'm not a big SF fan to begin with, I've never liked how the game feels.  After watching videos of the game I decided to not buy it.  I have hopes for TxSF though.

Back to this game.  It'll be interesting to see how this game does, but I don't think it'll have much impact on Capcom.  I have a feeling it'll sell better that SFxT, because the Tekken community has been waiting a while for it, I think they'll get a lot of newcomers too.  When TxSF comes out I have two hopes for it.  1)  It's overall a better game than SFxT.  2) Crushes SFxT in sales.  If that happens, Capcom has to take note (they won't though). This time next year I'm sure there will be Ultimate SFxT with a slight re balancing and the DLC characters.


No, they'll take notice if TxSF crushes them.  It's one thing for other games to beat them in sales, most of the ones that do have precedence doing so, and it tends to not bother them.  However, if they get beat down by a game that has the exact same properties (roster wise, you know what I mean), and they get destroyed by someone else making a game with their own characters?  Well, whose ego WOULDN'T be affected by that?  It's almost like saying someone else can do your trademark better than you, and everyone else likes them doing it better than you doing your own work.

If Capcom somehow ignores that, I'll almost have to compliment them, because they'd be shaking off a huge kick to their balls.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Boy you love sperging at all the wrong moments. All I was trying to correct was what YOU said:

QuoteIt won't crush SFxT's sales unless everyone rallies around TTT2 specifically to get back at Capcom, which I doubt since it's a completely different genre essentially.

Pay attention next time to not make yourself look like an ass.

I do agree though that if TxSF crushes SFxT, it might have a better impact than TTT2 because Tekken is already a powerhouse and Capcom knows that. Always had, always will.

I just wish they knew the difference between their franchises and the reason why Tekken has reigned supreme all these years. Because if they did, I'd guarantee, SF would probably the biggest fighter out there now, but because of poor decisions on Capcom's part, it isn't.


And again, focus on what I'm saying.  Yes TTT2 will likely beat out SFxT in sales, but it won't CRUSH them.  At least, it depends on what we each consider crushing is.

I'm seriously just going to start caps locking on key words since everyone loves to just skim.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Running Wild

When has a Tekken game ever not sold well?

When you compare the Tekken series to Street Fighter, every Tekken game has sold pretty damn well, the biggest sellers in the SF franchise was the original World Warrior and Turbo (Both on SNES), and SF4/SSF4. The other countless games in between... not so much, save for like Alpha 3 on PSone? I know that one sold enough to get a re-release as a Greatest Hit at least. Every Tekken game was also a greatest hit though.


For those wondering about the netcode yes it is based on SCV's but it's not like they're just copy and pasting it into the game as Harada said in the interviews."Our technologists have done a great job working on data compression techniques that have also really helped". So they are working on improvements to handle the games additional on screen characters and such.

In terms of sales figures lets just remember that sucess is sucess and regardless of whether or not they "crush" capcom isn't that big of a factor in my opinion since the end user isn't all that similar, historically at least and all this talk about Capcom learning their lesson is somewhat moot unless Capcom themselves feel the effects going forward in terms of decreased sales. As a result of people either prefering Tekken as a whole or just being fed up with Capcom's DLC strategy etc. etc.
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Which won't really happen, going from Capcom games which are 2D fighters straight into Tekken is pretty brutal.

But TTT2 should be great.  I might get it, but I'm already bad at juggling games, and I can't imagine trying to add a 3D fighter to that will go well.  Plus it's out in September...idk, I'd rather be playing Anarchy Reigns.  But if I get that Tekken itch again, idk if I can stop myself from copping it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


If people do go from a capcom game to TTT2 how many will stay with it for long?

For me Tekken has all ways been a hard game to just play casually and enjoy it.  That's why I gave up on Tekken 6, it was hard for me to enjoy it casually.  I can enjoy KoFXIII casually, and I'm pretty sure DoA5 will be the same as well.  I hope I can enjoy TTT2 casually, but I doubt it, then it's how serious do I want to be.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on April 18, 2012, 04:23:44 AM
And again, focus on what I'm saying.  Yes TTT2 will likely beat out SFxT in sales, but it won't CRUSH them.  At least, it depends on what we each consider crushing is.

I'm seriously just going to start caps locking on key words since everyone loves to just skim.

Tekken 6 sold at least twice as many copies as SFIV in its entirety and it was one of their weaker selling games. What makes you think it won't crush Capcom again?