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The King of Fighters XIII 3rd |OT| Thread:Console Edition (UPDATE 8/26 1st page)

Started by Kane317, July 29, 2011, 06:17:26 AM

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wow, I coulnd't expect more. All what I was hoping is a reality. Rebalance, color edit, new stages, more deeply story mode, trial, survivor, alt outfits... A dream comes true. It only needs now a good online and this will be the better fighting game this year :P

I'm really happy, and hyped.

About alt outfits, I'm still wondering if this is something all characters will have or just a few more than arcade version (like Kyo and Liz we already seen)
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Ok after watching the SNKP trailer frame by frame, I figure out how KOFXIII Color Editor works.

1. The color squares are predetermined colors.
2. The Triangle like Tabs on the right are the different body parts that can be colored.
3. The stars on the Color Squares are most likely a way to say that color is new for you to pick. Meaning that you might have to pass the game with a character several times to gain new colors.

Ok now, here is how I see it works:
a) You pick a tab to select the body part you want to color
b) Then you select the color and it will automatically color that body part with that color you chose.

So there is no way to do shadings in this game like the old Color Editors, that also means no way to have "Naked Yuri" or "all Black/White" characters. That is great news for lots of people, unfortunately, you will be able to see weird colors from people, you can't get out of that.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on July 29, 2011, 01:19:51 PM
Ok after watching the SNKP trailer frame by frame, I figure out how KOFXIII Color Editor works.

1. The color squares are predetermined colors.
2. The Triangle like Tabs on the right are the different body parts that can be colored.
3. The stars on the Color Squares are most likely a way to say that color is new for you to pick. Meaning that you might have to pass the game with a character several times to gain new colors.

Ok now, here is how I see it works:
a) You pick a tab to select the body part you want to color
b) Then you select the color and it will automatically color that body part with that color you chose.

So there is no way to do shadings in this game like the old Color Editors, that also means no way to have "Naked Yuri" or "all Black/White" characters. That is great news for lots of people, unfortunately, you will be able to see weird colors from people, you can't get out of that.

I figured something like that when I saw the picture. Tahnk you for the info, Dark, is great :)
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


Thanks for the notes Kane, its pretty amazing to have some of the best players at the game be the first to loketest the console version.

SNK definitely hit all the right spots in terms of balance, not just tier nerfs but an overall balance and move properties change for the entire cast. Definitely didn't see this coming.

Here's hoping you guys can check up on K' more, is the follow-up to his QCB+K still safe or has it been nerfed ala Kyo's running grab?


Reactions to some of the changelist:

Quote from: Kane317 on July 29, 2011, 06:17:26 AM
-Neomax in HD costs 2 stocks but 3 stocks outside of HD.
Good change at first glance, though it does make me a little leery of how it'll affect the overall damage curve, mostly for 2-stock HD combos into NM.

-Liz's midscreen, 1 stock no drive 511 damage combo now deals 391
-Liz's Ex DM now does no pushback on blocked opponents
-Liz's Ex counter only allows followups with specials, not normals.
-Liz still can do the reset DM midscreen still (personally tested).
Glad to see that people were exaggerating how much she got nerfed *laughs* .  40% for 1 meter is still pretty scary, and EX counter "only" giving the follow-up combo options along the same lines of EX command grab is still pretty good.  All in all, sounds like people can stop bitching about Elizabeth being too powerful and just appreciate her sweet style.  Also great to hear the return of her XI outfit (combined with color edit means I can give her a purple scheme without grey hair, or as one of the players here calls it, the George Washington alt *laughs* ).

-Shen's gotten a slight damage decrease, I couldn't quite figure out where but Kunio's 799 (1 stock HD combo) now does 777
-Shen's fully charged qcf+P now only removes 50% of the guard gauge.
Sounds like a fair batch of changes.  It was kind of silly that Shen had an auto guard crush move he could freely followup that could also hit meaty and work as weirdly-effective antiair.

-Duo Lon's Ex f.AC now has more hit stun (or better recovery for DL) so that he can do s.C or s.D (before it was a near 1 frame that allowed only for d.A, and if you're close enough you can link that to s.C).
-Duo Lon's NM has finally been normalized and now does 448 instead of his silly 400 he used to do.  (Most characters are 450-500 in the arcade version).
Sounds good :)

-Overall, hit hitboxes have been adjusted and it's harder to cross characters up now.  It was noticable as we couldn't get K''s j.B or j.D to crossup.
I kind of liked the dirty wide-spread crossups, but I guess enough people were offended by them that toning them down is a good thing.  Any word on if Elizabeth's j.B and Leona's j.C are still cross-ups?

-Chin is now top tier.
The only way that'll happen is if he gets an HD version of his "pissing in the wind" winpose from the past ;)

-K''s hop no longer goes over a standing opponent.
-K''s second shell (qcf+P.f+B) now juggles opponent higher and when preceded by an Ex qcf+P, allows the second shell to hit twice, and hence combo into his qcf x2+P DM like in the RS trailer.
I don't know that K' really needed more ways to juggle, but I guess that doesn't sound too bad for a 2-stock combo.  Can he do qcf+PP~f+B, dash up dp into watermelon kick nonsense?  Also, when Oscar said he can follow-up an air-to-air j.D with j.qcb+K, was that as a combo or as an extra hit after aerial reset?  Guessing the former, since the latter sounds too much like anywhere juggle on a no-meter move, but just to be sure....

-Mai has been buffed overall.   Her air.d+B has faster recovery making it kinda safe, her air.qcb+P is also safer.
-Mai's air DM now falls "natually" as she travels across the screen a la '95 Mai's hidden air DM.
-Mai's air Ex DM also MaxCancels into NM.
-Mai's Ex Ryuenbu has startup invincibility.
-Mai's A Ryuenbu has a larger vertical hitbox acting like an anti air (assumingly it's like her beta version).
I don't use Mai, but I like these changes.  She really did warrent something to improve her air control.

-Takuma's stun combo juggles are much harder to perform and the timing is real tight.
Would've preferred a cap to stun damage in a single combo.  Just because he's harder to use doesn't mean people won't still learn it and do those stun combos anyway.  Still hoping this gets tweaked before the final release.

-Beni's Ex Raijinken now holds the opponent in position allowing you to follow up.  I believe CMD.Duc did (corner), Ex Raijinken (qcf+AC), A Raijinken, dp+K.  Overall CDM.Duc says he's been buffed.
Anything that makes Team Beautiful People more viable is a good thing :)

-Raiden's dropkicks have finally has its charge time increased.   Despite initials reports, 1.1 did not change his charge time from 1.0.  Personally, I must have charged ove 20+ seconds and I could not get level 3 to come out.  If you land the DK midscreen, the opponent will fly away really far not allowing a follow up.  His double DK shenanigans still work in the corner.
Charge time nerf sounds excessive.  I wanted to see the charge times increased, but not THAT much.  No follow-ups at midscreen is good, though, so no more free dropkick>EX tackle nonsense outside of the corner.

-Mature's qcb+K has better recovery
Yay :)

-Leona's HD combos have been nerfed slightly.
Nerfed how?  Slight damage drop similar to Shen's?  That'd definitely be fine with me.  Actually, is there a chance that there's just a general reduction in HD damage, or did you only notice a change with those two?

-Kula's corner juggles seem harder to connect.
This seems too light, given the changes to Raiden and Elizabeth.  If she can still do everything that she did before, just making it a little harder isn't really an answer.  Again, hoping to see more about Kula before the final release.

Once again, I apologize if I misreport something or I have left something out.  There were simply far too many changes to record them all let alone let my overstimulated mind process.
Hey, you've got nothing to apologize for.  Thanks a ton for the indepth change list from just one day :) .  Keep up the good work, and good luck at Evo! :)
Old man/bad player


So much news for the day I don't check up on the game.  A lot of the changes made me happy and want the game even sooner now, too many to list.  Have they given a time line for announcing DLC characters yet? 

And the color edit mode, YES!!!!! :)


No. 17's K' details, translated by MMC's Professor:

K' nerf details by 17:

2B can still be canceled.
Air Minutes Spike drops faster after hitting, but there's longer recovery.
EX Second Shell floats opponent high and far, but Minutes Spike can still somehow hit.

EX Minutes Spike damage down from 150>110 on ground, 120>70 in air.
Slight Frame disadvantage after Iron Trigger, both strengths.
Chain may be a little harder to connect.
Second Shell's hitbox is smaller. 2A or 5C>6A, 5C(2nd hit)>Weak Iron Trigger> Second Shell won't connect.
Second Shell's recovery is longer. Weak Iron Trigger> Shell > Feirce Minutes Spike > Feirce Crow Bites won't connect (weak will).
Short hop D has smaller hitbox, doesn't hit if done on the way up.
Fierce Minutes Spike whiffs against crouching opponent (weak will). (I assume he means weak doesn't whiff? -SAB CA)
Weak Crow Bites damage down from 60/40>50/30.
Narrow Spike recovery is longer, frame disadvantage when Blocked. About 7 frames by feeling.


For those of you who never look at the front page, and stay in the forums all day: DC has an exclusive interview with Atlus X SNKP:


Includes info on training mode, pre-order bonuses from Atlus, modes, network modes, and more!



Someone please tell me that Amazon is a participating retailer for that preorder OST pack, because KOF music is too good.
Old man/bad player


Honestly, who cares for english VA, I want more people that speak english to play the game.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Now that the answers are out, would we still need to reopen this thread?


hey does anybody know if classic iori is going to be pre-order dlc or not? trying to keep the people on GT from freaking out


I had another question for those who can go to the panel

There will be any chance to see 98 um final edition for consoles?

This is a question that I really want to know

Waifu Material


Quote from: Xxenace on July 29, 2011, 06:05:23 PM
hey does anybody know if classic iori is going to be pre-order dlc or not? trying to keep the people on GT from freaking out

No clear announcement as to wheither Iori is PreOrder DLC or not for the US/Europe. Atlus/Rising Star hasn't said one way or the other yet.