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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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okay just contacted atlus and asked them about the release dates in other regions. they said they can't confirm if release dates are gonna change in other regions, but basically implied that it would be very unlikely that they won't change. so, yeah, it seems like this is not something specific to the states.
In it to win it!


The only bright side to this delay, to me, is that it's released on the week of my Thanksgiving break... So I'll get my 360 version day one... and the ps3 version might arrived to my house 3-days after, since I'm sure that it can't come thursday, on the holiday....

Oh, Wtf am i'm fooling? Nothing is set in stone until this game is actually released....
Whenever that might be...



Quote from: Xxenace on September 28, 2011, 12:08:45 AM
still would like to know why it was delayed

Yes, I'm curious to know the reason behind the delay.

But damn, I liked how that trailer was made. That was hype! But delay sucks, but I hope the reason will be good.


Not only was the game delayed...it was put to release at November 22nd?  Do they realize how loaded that month is for releases?  I mean, the only good news on that front is that they seemed to pick the one week in November that's relatively weak compared to the rest of the month but even then...I don't know.  Whatever the delay is for is apparently big enough to warrant a delay...but not enough to keep the game on the shelf until a safer month?

And what does this do to the game's Status at NEC?  Now the console version of the game will be out for only a grand total of 2 weeks prior to NEC.

There better be a really good reason for this delay, which I would believe there is, and it's only a slight delay, but it's risky to go for it in November.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Notice that in this trailer, when flashing the stages, the first one shown was Iori 95 stage.

It was also pretty nice to see Saiki's Kick -> Teleport put properly to use.


I hope than they gave us a full explanation rather than a ''We delayed the game to give you a better experience''

Waifu Material


Damnit, for one part it's sad, for other i will have more time to play other games in my list.


Don't get sad, just push the game like it's crack cocaine! If you've got an arcade, get friends to try out the game, even on your dime, and teach as many people the basics so they get hungry to learn more! Do all you can and time'll just fly by!


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on September 28, 2011, 01:43:12 AM
Don't get sad, just push the game like it's crack cocaine! If you've got an arcade, get friends to try out the game, even on your dime, and teach as many people the basics so they get hungry to learn more! Do all you can and time'll just fly by!
or i just play battlefield 3 til late november

also its take FOREVER for the psn store to update

Para Para Pony


Quote from: Para Para Pony on September 28, 2011, 02:11:38 AM
nov. 22nd is my birthday! ^-^

Nice birthday present then :D

Btw if they are doing this to improve the online then they can delay it even more



Quote from: DarKaoZ on September 28, 2011, 02:40:39 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on September 28, 2011, 01:55:42 AM
also its take FOREVER for the psn store to update

Well it's up, but no KOF96.
yeah i noticed guess snk delayed that til november as well eh


While I wait I'll finally purchase third strike, and put more time into MK 9, black friday is going to the bomb, Kof xiii, Sonic generation, and Skyrim

hopefully Iori with the power of flames and stages are include in the release.