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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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KOF XIII in France!!!
I just read in Orochinagi that KOF XIII for XBOX 360 will be at Paris Manga on the 2nd of October.


photoshopped by 键太郎


I have so less information in hand so I cannot say it for sure, but I feel KOF is changing it's way. I wonder if SNK is looking for a different target market or something else, but I can tell KOF is no longer the same as we play 1998 or 2002.

I truly hope XIII can make a good sales now. I can feel how much time and spirit SNK had put into XIII. Even with Blazblue and Street Fighters out there, I believe XIII will be may game of the year.
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 17, 2011, 09:07:48 AM
I have so less information in hand so I cannot say it for sure, but I feel KOF is changing it's way. I wonder if SNK is looking for a different target market or something else, but I can tell KOF is no longer the same as we play 1998 or 2002.

I truly hope XIII can make a good sales now. I can feel how much time and spirit SNK had put into XIII. Even with Blazblue and Street Fighters out there, I believe XIII will be may game of the year.

Well it's different this time, this is just like XI, they managed to make a good fighter (competitive) with a good story, ever since they made it numeric, they have more time to make a good fighting game mechanic-wise and story-wise. So KOFXIII is one of those products, just like XI was. Since the game is not yearly I can see more of this happening, you can bet XIV won't be a dream match.


Well, I just renewed my hopes for XIII couple of months ago. I just hoped it'll go well on sales and more new players will get to it.


si nobody knows about the EU bonusses and/or price of the game? im hoping it wont be more than 50 euros (which is already like 75 bucks in dollars).
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on September 17, 2011, 05:38:38 PM
si nobody knows about the EU bonusses and/or price of the game? im hoping it wont be more than 50 euros (which is already like 75 bucks in dollars).

So much consoles preview at EU events and nothing about eu bonuses?

The Fluke

It really does seem like we've been forgotten, swedish release date also seems to be a month after uk release.. I'll just import so i don't care, but it is odd.


On the subject of KOF changing...well, games do change, especially fighting games.  KOF kept the same basic gameplay formula for a very long time, even when other series like SF and Tekken would drastically change the mechanics with each new installment.  XII was also an attempt at something different, but that didn't seem to go over too well.  If it results in a quality game I'm all for change.


Quote from: MC2 on September 18, 2011, 02:01:03 AM
On the subject of KOF changing...well, games do change, especially fighting games.  KOF kept the same basic gameplay formula for a very long time, even when other series like SF and Tekken would drastically change the mechanics with each new installment.  XII was also an attempt at something different, but that didn't seem to go over too well.  If it results in a quality game I'm all for change.

     Well i dont agreed with what you're saying man, at least not entirely you are right in saying that games change especially with time and fighters are a great example of it, but look at the games that you picked for examples SF and TEKKEN.

     I dont think that neither of this franchises can compare to KOF in terms of changes, i mean take a look at TEKKEN other than TEKKEN-TAG that series hasnt change since TEKKEN3 you still play it the same way today as you did back when 3 came out is all about air juggles and keeping people on the ground, i've seen many a good player lost a match without even having a chance to attack just cuz the opponent knock them into the air with the first hit, and that's game over.

    SF is probably your worst pick cuz that game is legendary for being the same game since SF2, and just to be more specific go ahead go back and play RYU in SF2 and see if he doesnt play the same way in every other SF game he has been in, is almost like CAPCOM thinks people simply wont play him if he was to change in some way they even took out that kick move he has in SF3S.

     Now go ahead pick Iori, Ralf, Kyo, Kensou, Chin, Benni just to name a few and go back see how they play back in the 90's and play them now see if is the same.

    Shit man does anyone remember KOF96 the first time i saw Kyo go from fireball to rekka i was like what the hell what happen to Kyo cuz i was so used to the way he played in KOF95 SNK changed the whole game that year and i told myself no one ever heard of the main character completely changing his moves the way he did, you guys remember seeing RYO change his fighting stance now that was like whhhaaaat  oh shit is on now.

    Now dont get me wrong i think that SF and TEKKEN are great franchises in their own right but when compare to KOF they havent changed as much.

Xboxlive gamertag ZYN-COBRA22     I can survive anything even nukes........

Running Wild

Quote from: zyn-cobra22 on September 18, 2011, 04:35:05 AMthat series hasnt change since TEKKEN3 you still play it the same way today as you did back when 3 came out

Do you even play Tekken?

Quote from: zyn-cobra22 on September 18, 2011, 04:35:05 AMSF is probably your worst pick cuz that game is legendary for being the same game since SF2, and just to be more specific go ahead go back and play RYU in SF2 and see if he doesnt play the same way in every other SF game he has been in

Are you... serious? If you play Ryu in Super Turbo and try to play him the exact same way in Alpha 3 or Third Strike, you are gonna get your ass kicked. Even in SF4, Ryu in that game is totally different from his SF2 days.



Put me on the side of "KoF makes more significant gameplay+character changes than SF". They've all had their defining BIG changes games (Such as SFIII series with it's parries and universal overheads, or KoF and it's striker-games), but on a whole, SNKP is much more open to change their characters very cores.

You can't play characters all the same in SF, between games (Like Makoto and Dudley in 3S VS SSFIV), but their moves, personality, and basic "niche" in the game stays primarily the same.


Anywho, as far as KoF changing... I don't really feel that here. Not in a negative or worrying way, anyhow. I feel it's just evolving along a path that it's been taking potshots at for years.

You can see grassroots to much of XIII, in the games SNK has made since reforming into SNKP, or that they made near their "original" death. The storymode is similiar to the involved cinematics of the endings of KoF 2003 and XI. The pre-fight convos in Arcade mode are similiar to SvC Chaos's Convo system. The more exaggerated art style we have now started to rear it's head with the new characters in 2003, if not beforehand. Weighty console extra ideas were presented in the MI series, as well as a more complex story, and bonus costume parts for characters. Their quality of balance also started to show up strongly in the UM games.

KoF XIII is finally making me feel like SNKP is joining the current-gen development circle. Just took 5 or 6 years! ;) I think NGBC XBLA was a good early taste (with the widescreen game, color edit for online, redrawn portrait art, and freshly-created stages), but XIII is finally the real deal.

I always felt like I could hold a UM game up alongside a SFIV, or a BB, in terms of gameplay quality, and say "What I'm playing is just as good as what you're playing!" though the "didn't I see these same sprites in 96?" look and content of the game made this action little more than a sad cry for attention. XII didn't help this either; maybe if KoF XII was a PS3 / 360 launch game, it could have, but when it made it's way out, it wasn't even close.

But now we have *THAT* game that puts us on comparable ground. Not only does it have all the pros of other veteran fighter series, but it also has all the bells and whistles that come along with modern gaming. While "Solid fighitng Engine!" and "the ability to play it with a friend beside me, on my couch!" was enough for the older console / arcade games, people expect so much more now-a-days.

We're finally at a good spot with KoF now, for continued growth with the current consoles. Save for the fact that we DON'T know how the public will accept the game just yet, I feel incredibly positive towards everything they've done, so far.


Quote from: The Fluke on September 17, 2011, 09:31:49 PM
It really does seem like we've been forgotten, swedish release date also seems to be a month after uk release.. I'll just import so i don't care, but it is odd.
Hrm. Both Webhallen and Gamereplay addresses the release date as 30th of November. But hopefully, that's only a preliminary date. Games are usually released in Sweden on the same day as other PAL countries.

But if that date is true, I guess I'm gonna have to import.


    You know what man i can tell you right now that im new to this site, but im not new to fighting games man not by a long shot, i've played every fighting game u care about and some u probably never heard of before, like most players from my generation i've started with SF yes the first one and then moved on to two like most people did, and i've played every SF from 1 all the way up to 4 and everything in between i saw it go from version to version from console to console and if there's something that that franchise can say for itself is that for better or worse is still SF, when CAPCOM was promoting SF4 they had the producer Ono and that other guy Seth something ( i forgot his last name) tell everybody that if you had not play the game in a long time u could still play it now cuz they were playing that whole nostalgia bit (read) is the same game and the same characters u have play before, and if u need more prove go ahead boot up SF4 pick GUILLE and go crasy with his 2 moves that's right a character that's over 20 years old and has not learned a new fucking move in the process.

   You wanna know something funny GUILLE was the reason i got into SF2 back in 1991 and funny enough GUILLE was the reason i dont play SF anymore.

     As for TEKKEN yes i've have played it and play it still, so please tell me how is the fight different from TEKKEN3 if you need more prove of what i speak of i'll give u a good example, go watch EVO2011 TEKKEN6 was there look at the matches and tell me how is it different from what i said on my post, you either get launch in the air for a juggle or you get killed on the ground, shit man im not even gonna talked about getting hit on the wall cuz if you have played TEKKEN you know that's ur ass.

     If you wanna tell me that the graffics in KOF did not change from 96 to XII well u got me there see im a fan of KOF and SNK but im not blind.

      And so can u play RYU the same way in every SF since SF2 YES are u gonna win? maybe not, but can u still play him none the less.

     Now can u play KYO the same way in every KOF since 94 simply put NO.... there's no maybe you just cant.
Xboxlive gamertag ZYN-COBRA22     I can survive anything even nukes........