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KOF XIII 5th |OT| Thread: Console Change log edition

Started by Kane317, October 27, 2011, 12:42:32 PM

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Yeah, I don't think the backdash change is a bad thing in general, just that it seems like it'll penalize grapplers more than other characters since it gives an option that avoids instant throws and quick pokes leading to non-"anywhere juggle" combos.

Just hope that SNK has considered how it'll work with air commands moves and specials.  Being able to instantly go into BDC b+B with Iori, BDC d+C with Kyo, etc. seems like it'd let those characters fly away while being safe against throws and certain lows really easily.  BDC divekicks might be annoying, too, depending on how it'd work.
Old man/bad player


Quote from: Diavle on November 03, 2011, 08:04:39 PM
It'll introduce a whole new mind game for sure, baiting backdashes and then punishing, or being baited into baiting a backdash and then getting punished back. I think its going to be fun.

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 03, 2011, 07:56:04 PM
It's nice to know that the weeks until the next games come out will be filled.

November 8th is Ultimate Norcal vs. Capcom 2

This weekend is Canada Cup.

November 14th is the Prerelease Event.

Next day is the release of UMvC3 which has a tourney on stream the 19th (though it will probably be at Guard Crush/WNF on the 16th as well).

And of course, the next week is KOFXIII.

Filled couple of weeks.  Good time to be a stream monster...or live in Cali.

Canada Cup is going to be so good, there are so many top class players attending its not even funny.

Yeah, Canada Cup will be pretty godlike, at least on the SF front.  Idk how hard people will go on the other games though.

Makes sense though, Canada Cup was always a SF event compared to like Season's Beatings Marvel side so meh.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: omegaryuji on November 03, 2011, 08:53:11 PM
Yeah, I don't think the backdash change is a bad thing in general, just that it seems like it'll penalize grapplers more than other characters since it gives an option that avoids instant throws and quick pokes leading to non-"anywhere juggle" combos.

Just hope that SNK has considered how it'll work with air commands moves and specials.  Being able to instantly go into BDC b+B with Iori, BDC d+C with Kyo, etc. seems like it'd let those characters fly away while being safe against throws and certain lows really easily.  BDC divekicks might be annoying, too, depending on how it'd work.

BDC means ? sorry few terms r still unknown to me


BDC means backdash cancel, which I guess isn't something you see used as much in KOF notations as for other games, now that I think about it *laughs* . 
Old man/bad player


Quote from: omegaryuji on November 03, 2011, 10:57:15 PM
BDC means backdash cancel, which I guess isn't something you see used as much in KOF notations as for other games, now that I think about it *laughs* . 

You don't see it much at all, because even I didn't recognize it for a while.  At least, you don't see BDC's on their own, more like they tend to go with other subsystems (like FADC's in SF4 for example).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: omegaryuji on November 03, 2011, 10:57:15 PM
BDC means backdash cancel, which I guess isn't something you see used as much in KOF notations as for other games, now that I think about it *laughs* . 

ahahah yeah
i was like ... maybe D + BC ? but then it wasnt makin any sense with ur examples


Quote from: Diavle on November 03, 2011, 02:42:28 PM
Is it me or is Kane really screwed with the new back dash? Ppl can easily get out of the Chin high/low mixups now by the looks of it (take a single hit and be safe or eat a mixup and get comboed). It will also probably be a decent way to get out of hop attack and other forms of pressure, take a little damage in exchange for space and safety.

Thanks for the concern for my safety hehe.  I think this just takes the wakeup game a little further and on the surface it's going to limit a lot of options for grapplers.

Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 03, 2011, 04:20:02 PM
if chin does a crouching  ;b and the opponent backdashes, i think chin might still be fast enough to quickly  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;b to catch them and cancel that into his half bar combos if not more damage. they are safe for the overhead though.

You're overlooking one thing, if I hit them with a d.B then technically they're in a aerial reset state so my hcf+B will not connect.  If the d.B misses, the hcf B isn't fast enough to punish them.  Now Liz and Vice might be able to take advantage of their aerial resets, but I dunno if Vice is fast enough, Liz should be able to for sure.


Quote from: omegaryuji on November 03, 2011, 08:53:11 PM
Yeah, I don't think the backdash change is a bad thing in general, just that it seems like it'll penalize grapplers more than other characters since it gives an option that avoids instant throws and quick pokes leading to non-"anywhere juggle" combos.

Remember, Dune noted that Goro's Super / Drive cancel grapple combos gave no meter to the opponents. If not a glitch, maybe it's a trade off to grapplers loss of on-wakeup throw situations?

If so, that might even be UNfair, lol.


minor nitpick i notice everyone calls Vice's arm grab Decide but it's Deicide (Killing God).

The Fluke

Quote from: chrisp on November 04, 2011, 12:03:32 AM
minor nitpick i notice everyone calls Vice's arm grab Decide but it's Deicide (Killing God).

Are you a fan of the band or do you just like correcting people?

I believe your'e right and i'm sure i've seen it written out as deicide in earlier threads but maybe it's a "thing" and we should get used to it. I have no idea so i don't pay it much attention.


Does anyone have an air special with startup invincibility?  I could see backdash into that as a pretty effective wakeup,

Also, wouldn't a meaty sweep reset the situation if a backdash is predicted, or maybe a standing jab into a hop crossup attempt?


Quote from: SAB-CA on November 03, 2011, 11:45:27 PM
Quote from: omegaryuji on November 03, 2011, 08:53:11 PM
Yeah, I don't think the backdash change is a bad thing in general, just that it seems like it'll penalize grapplers more than other characters since it gives an option that avoids instant throws and quick pokes leading to non-"anywhere juggle" combos.

Remember, Dune noted that Goro's Super / Drive cancel grapple combos gave no meter to the opponents. If not a glitch, maybe it's a trade off to grapplers loss of on-wakeup throw situations?

If so, that might even be UNfair, lol.

As long as clark is not screwed

Waifu Material


So anyone seen the videos from elivepro? The ones with Frionel going over some changes with Team Japan and Gaoru...


All I can say is that Goro's HD combo looks painful.


Quote from: chrisp on November 04, 2011, 12:03:32 AM
minor nitpick i notice everyone calls Vice's arm grab Decide but it's Deicide (Killing God).
I've seen it written both ways.  For what it's worth, the katakana says "diisaido", which I'd tend to think is closer to "decide" since I'd think "deicide" would be "deisaido".  But I don't really know japanese, just how to sound some stuff out *laughs* .  Plus, Deicide makes sense with so many of her moves being named after bands.

Quote from: arstal on November 04, 2011, 01:15:55 AM
Does anyone have an air special with startup invincibility?  I could see backdash into that as a pretty effective wakeup,
I think V-slasher's still invincible out the ass, and you might be able to do it with qcf,d/f,b~b+P.  Maybe also Kim's air EX DM, and Mai and Andy can both neomax in the air (maybe others as well, but I remember those two for sure).
Old man/bad player


Quote from: chrisp on November 04, 2011, 12:03:32 AM
minor nitpick i notice everyone calls Vice's arm grab Decide but it's Deicide (Killing God).
Well, SNKP has had it as "DeCide" in games before as well. But the latest Atlus movelist vid had it as Deicide, like you mention. That's close in concept to "God Slayer" as well, think they're making a reference to the old NES RPG they made, know in the west as "Crystalis"?

Quote from: arstal on November 04, 2011, 01:15:55 AM
Does anyone have an air special with startup invincibility?  I could see backdash into that as a pretty effective wakeup.
Maxima EX Air Vapor has full body guardpoint. Leona could possibly V-Slasher? She might even be high enough off the ground to X-Calibur. Dunno about Mai, Kensou, Hwa, or Robert...

Quote from: sibarraz on November 04, 2011, 01:23:20 AM
As long as clark is not screwed

He shouldn't be. Matter of fact, if it lets a person hop and get insta-air moves, Clark might be the best to mix that up, with his lengthy full-body Guardpoint. Also, since he can cancel normals into hops, it should really help him follow up and keep the pressure in a unique way.
Quote from: AmedoS310 on November 04, 2011, 02:30:53 AM
So anyone seen the videos from elivepro? The ones with Frionel going over some changes with Team Japan and Gaoru...


All I can say is that Goro's HD combo looks painful.

Posted in the vid thread. Yup, those changes and detailed chaine exploration are very solid:) Goro looks awesome now, haha.