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KOF XIII Evo Discussion

Started by thec0re3, August 02, 2011, 09:05:32 PM

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Quote from: metaphysics on August 04, 2011, 06:02:11 AM
Quote from: Dark Geese on August 04, 2011, 04:27:52 AM

So me saying the whole SBO discussion, even as I was telling others here, that is in reply to the 10+ messages I got with people asking me "Who I thought was going to win EVO for KOF13" and them all saying they thought Xian was going to win it because he got Top 4 at SBO.

hey man nobody who was at Evo thought Xian was gonna beat everybody in the tournament because most of us knew he hadn't played in a year, if anything we were surprised he did so well. And don't be so quick to discredit SBO he placed 4th stopped playing for a year, and came back to beat people who have playing it regularly since it came out.

people could be saying the same thing about your tournaments. I don't think it would be a good idea as a T.O. to discredit such a highly regarded tournament by using Xian's placing as an example that definitely does not hold weight.

of course I say this with utmost respect and simply stated why I differ in opinion


I don't care if it's the winner of SBO '10 for XIII, or the 4th placer.  If he hasn't played in a year, he's going to have a hard time regardless; Nobody thought he was going to win, but we knew he would be a challenge.


I'm about THIS close to closing this thread. I feel like nothing constructive or helpful is coming out of this thread, its mainly just finger pointing and bringing that controversial situation that happened at EVO2011. If I see anymore mentioning about that rather than some building upon what we need to do to make a good show for EVO2012 then this thread will be closed and deleted. Understood?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Geese

Talking in regards to the SBO thing and not the other situation, I can personally use my own fight against Mago in NGBC in 2007 to discredit SBO in addition to what I have heard from other Japanese players in regards to SBO itself.

All it is is a glorified Super Regional tournament with games mostly that appeal for promotion and change every year. This stuff is from the Japanese players themselves, so totally taking out the Xian situation, I still feel the way I feel after again beating Mago in NGBC and talking to Japanese players in depth (Hummer, Fujihara-san, Dune, Bata, Danke, and others) about SBO. People don't need to look at SBO as THE tournament, just look at it is a  glorified Super Regional that changes it's games every year, this is again not just from me, but from the ACTUAL JAPANESE PLAYERS THEMSELVES THAT GO TO SBO. According to them, Duelling the KOF actually holds more weight than SBO in regards to KOF, because it keeps the same games so we can truly see who is the best IN THAT REGION EVEN because the games are there over a longer period of time.

You can't truly judge who is the best I say in that Region over a long period of time if you just keep the game in for one year. It could change in that one region from year to year!!!

Hopefully this is the end of the SBO discussion so you guys see why I have my POV the way it is on that.

Now what do we need to do to make a good show in EVO 2012? Well these areas below need to step up their game so that we all can be on a respectful competitive level when KOF13 hits consoles and there won't be serious gap levels of skill from other parts of the USA:

1. North Carolina (Ex-Triad member P-Soul, I talk to him on facebook, I'm depending on him to take KOF13 to the next level to represent North Carolina!)

2. Ohio/Chicago

3. NYC (If some how we could get the Flushing FOBS to travel or people to get them to play KOF13 and others play to get to that level, but hey I know how hard that is..yes I know trust me...been there tried that with Arturo)

4. Minnesota (Desmond, Sina, lead the charge, if no one else wants to join, hey that's THEIR LOSS! If Minnesota can get on Sina's level you guys will all do fine!)

5. Texas in general (There's a huge gap between just myself and the rest of Texas!!!)

6. The South (Oklahoma, Atlanta, etc)

7. The NorthEast (NYC/Philly, NEC, etc)

Again guys I've traveled to these places over the past some on a consistent basis (NEC, Final Round, MWC,) so I feel qualified to tell people about the level of skill I have seen from going to these places, and that we need to make sure all these places are on the same skill level as SoCal or rather close if we want to avoid that ranking I was talking about because it can be a 60 man tournament, but if the gap is as wide as I have seen in my travels,

Then again the top 10-15 ranking spots will be going to:

1. SoCal
2. Me
3. Mexico/Latin America
4. Japan/Asia
5. Maybe one other person or so from another country

Again, I have seen these other places guys, I would like to hear from someone that has also seen all these other places as I have, tell me is my justification and reasoning wrong??????   The opinion and POV of someone who has traveled as much as I have in regards to SNK and has seen what I have seen I feel will hold more weight.

With all due respect, if many of you have not seen these different areas, how can you comment on the level of skill there is there?

I understand the optimism trust me I understand it for many reasons (PC/PR and not), but I'm actually getting to the nuts and bolts, the constructive criticism the soul searching that truly must be done to make sure this prediction doesn't happen.

I will be making a video addressing all this, but also guys remember as I have said, if you want people to take you seriously (The other parts of the USA), then you have to be able to defeat non-serious players (like Justin Wong)....

I feel that pretty much one of the only other people that I would feel is qualified to give their impressions of what they feel on this other than me would be Oscar, because he has traveled around the USA about as much as I have...before settling in SoCal right now (which again is another topic entirely guys, which I completely understand why!).

Dark Geese

Now with that said to further stir the pot and motivate you guys, I'm going to say out of all those places, the ones I feel based off my travels to have the best chance to break that ranking prediction with reasons given why:

1. North Carolina: Simple. The Triad. For years they ruled the Eastern parts of the USA. If they can get it back together like they used to, lead by P-Soul, they can crack the Top 15. Even without them getting it back together I say P-Soul alone stands a good chance of cracking the Top 15. They were also of the people that "could defeat Justin Wong in KOF" (Cajunstrike beat him in Final Round to win KOFXI a longgggg time ago).

2. NYC: If you guys can get Chris Hu and the others to play it seriously, then you all stand a very good chance of cracking the Top 15.

3. Minnesota:  Simple- You guys own the MidWest. =) If you all can somehow (yes I know easier said than done trust me) not only put your differences aside but all get on the same level as Sina, you too will stand a much greater chance of cracking the Top 15.

4. NorCal: Based off what I have seen from Tone at EVO 2009 and NDP 2009, I say he and his crew should lead the charge to take KOF13 even farther!!! Plus if you guys go play vs. SoCal more to learn stuff from them level up etc, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't crack Top 15!!! I've also seen you guys playing KOF13 on ranbats so that's good, that's a start you guys have potential. Just remember what I told you guys at ReveLAtions to which Mr. KOF agreed with me, in order to get to that level you have to play more people at that level.

In other words to get on SoCal's level you have to play more people on SoCal's level guys....while playing against yourselves is great, playing against SoCal is not going to hurt you....

Just like Mr. KOF playing vs. BALA in KOF13 more often won't hurt him either....

This is all constructive criticism!!!!!

The purpose again is to MOTIVATE, cause everyone to get fired up and look in the mirror..

"Everyone talks of change, but very few talk about the changes they need to make in order to make that change happen.."


wow this thread got really crazy really fast... sounds like a lot of misunderstandings all around.

oh well, drama to some degree is good for fueling the competitive flames. i'm down to see some epic money matches when console tournaments start happening hahahha
In it to win it!


What's up guys!? I'm back, I just submitted my EVO report so let's try to redirect the thread and focus on the positive things that happened.

I would also like to join you guys in thanking Giby for all his support and if you didn't bring that second setup this event would have been a mess or not as big as it was.

Congratulations to all the top placers:

BALA: thank you very much for making the effort to come to EVO I know you were in a very tight situation coming here but all that matters is that you made it. Your victory was very convincing and you sent a very strong message to all the KOF players out there.

Romance: Your hard work paid off and even thou you didn't win we are all proud of you.

Mr.KOF: As always THE guy to worry about in the tournament, believe me without you this tournaments would not be the same.

Reynald: As usual quite but in the top 4, good shit man I respect that.


Overall I really enjoyed my time at Evo and KOF XIII was certainly the highlight for me. But there was one issue that did bother me a bit. A met at least a few people, who were not previously KOF fans, that tried their hands at the console version only to be get frustrated because they didn't know what they were doing. I feel we need to find some kind of solution to this.

It's hard for a first time player to determine if they like a game when they are getting their ass tossed around by a pro. Then again, I would hate to ask any of you to go easy on people. Maybe next time some one can hang around and offer to show people how to play the game without completely crushing them.

I realize that is a lot to ask and it's questionable if it's even a good idea. But I hate the thought of people overlooking this game just because they had no idea what they were doing and didn't get a chance to figure it out.


At EVO, it's hard to test out unfamiliar games. Hopefully, they know about us and will join the community and get educated.

Dark Geese: It seems to me that you're blowing the whole stick issue out of proportion. The issue has been discussed on the homepage and the ON show at Orochinagi. It sounds to me like the best call possible was made and the players decided to overrule it and replay the set.


this is yoshi speaking on behalf of TEAM CHAOS :)
first of all we would like to thank all the kof 13 staff at evo 2011(oscar,yuhang,giby and im sorry if im forgetting someone).
sorry for addressing this topic once again(RJ-armando) but we only want to make sure that this doesn’t involve us...
armando is a friend of ours but he doesnt represent TEAM CHAOS. although we supported him in the tournament(after raymond"romance") we were fully supporting RJs' win. We think that armando should have been more reasonable and  that he should have accepted the lose. We also think that he should have said that the stick wasnt working at the very first round....and even if the stick stopped working at the last round, he should have still given the win to RJ.we know that RJ is a very humble guy and that makes him a unique kofer....trading sticks with armando was a very bad move from RJ but armando should have considered that RJ doesnt play on american sticks and yet still armando accepted the japanese stick.…After all armando said that he wasnt under any risk of losing.

DG you are an awesome guy man! But if you want to get involved in this, you honestly had to be there. Armando has his story and RJ has his....only the ones who were actually there can say what really happened. Think about this....if RJ didnt accepted the win, Armando should have still lost on purpose so that RJ would get his win…..and that is what we(TEAM CHOAS) call good sportsmanship....but we don’t underestimate armando's skill and level.

TEAM INFINITY(duc,yu hang,meta,oscar,RJ and everyone else) you guys have all the right to get mad over this situation. This was not just another tournament, it was evo 2011.TEAM CHOAS has mad respect for all you guys.reynald and john....you guys are the shit.....THANK YOU ALL.


Quote from: kofsux on August 05, 2011, 12:04:04 PM
this is yoshi speaking on behalf of TEAM CHAOS :)
first of all we would like to thank all the kof 13 staff at evo 2011(oscar,yuhang,giby and im sorry if im forgetting someone).
sorry for addressing this topic once again(RJ-armando) but we only want to make sure that this doesn’t involve us...
armando is a friend of ours but he doesnt represent TEAM CHAOS. although we supported him in the tournament(after raymond"romance") we were fully supporting RJs' win. We think that armando should have been more reasonable and  that he should have accepted the lose. We also think that he should have said that the stick wasnt working at the very first round....and even if the stick stopped working at the last round, he should have still given the win to RJ.we know that RJ is a very humble guy and that makes him a unique kofer....trading sticks with armando was a very bad move from RJ but armando should have considered that RJ doesnt play on american sticks and yet still armando accepted the japanese stick.…After all armando said that he wasnt under any risk of losing.

DG you are an awesome guy man! But if you want to get involved in this, you honestly had to be there. Armando has his story and RJ has his....only the ones who were actually there can say what really happened. Think about this....if RJ didnt accepted the win, Armando should have still lost on purpose so that RJ would get his win…..and that is what we(TEAM CHOAS) call good sportsmanship....but we don’t underestimate armando's skill and level.

TEAM INFINITY(duc,yu hang,meta,oscar,RJ and everyone else) you guys have all the right to get mad over this situation. This was not just another tournament, it was evo 2011.TEAM CHOAS has mad respect for all you guys.reynald and john....you guys are the shit.....THANK YOU ALL.

It's good that TEAM CHAOS has taken the time to talk about the incident with the BALA/RJ situation. We should just stop  this whole debate because it will only hurt BALA in the long run. Even though BALA feels I've turned my back on him, I will vouche that he's got skills in the game. Will he overcome this whole scandal? I don't know... but i do hope he keeps playing and overcomes this whole ordeal. TEAM CHAOS should let him know who his real friend is because he apparently doesn't understand me as a person at all.


Dark Geese

Guys all I'm trying to say is let's all please somehow just put this behind us and move on. We are all better than this would you not agree?? =)

Okay guys I'm going to post this video, in an effort to stop:

-"Or other things"

I am going to post this youtube video and hope that everyone that wishes to carry on discussion in regards to the topics on this video can please talk on that particular video.

This way we don't have to clutter the threads and we can help make Brother Moderator Desmond's job a lot easier  =)  :

Dark Geese's Expectations of the Community 2011: Comments Please!

Again feel free to comment if you have some comments you want to say on this particular video that way this video can be the end (or the beginning on youtube?) of the discussion.




98UM is one of my favorite fighting games and coming from HF/ST/HDR I like the overall emphasis and style of KOF but because there is no KOF scene in U.S. let alone NY where we have a KOF13 cab I never really put any serious time into it. 13 Looks and plays amazing I definitely want to play it seriously and hope it becomes popular in the U.S. there's some hype for it for example floe says it's really fun, it's got HD graphics, and we're in the middle of a fighting game revival so this is KOF's best chance to have a scene.

MVC3 and AE are what everyone is playing right now and many if not most people who play them like myself only play them because it's what's popular they literally steal what little spotlight other games like KOF had and that's only going to continue with UMVC3, AE 2012, and SFXT. That being said a lot of SRK'ers are saying if 13 has decent online play they will actually play it.

Just curious how likely is it that it will be on the main lineup at EVO12? DG I hope you and everyone else keep pestering wiz for it I'd love to see it on the big screen next year. I really want this game to succeed and not fade away in the shadow of MVC3, AE, and SFXT I'll try to develop a scene for it in NY.