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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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The Fluke

I dunno.. These incompetent reviewers that only look at the bells and whistles and don't give time or thought to the actual games make me sad. You shouldn't review games like this if you are straigth up clueless as to what makes them good in the first place.

Also.. Pixels? In a game praised for its pixel art? By a company praised for its pixel art? There is no research going on at ign is there? No love or even interest? Fantastic.


Quote from: Eripio69 on November 23, 2011, 01:24:01 PM
Quick question: Is it possible to see how many bars you got? or only how many your opponent has? And: Let's say I find a guy with a perfect connection.. is it possible to have more matches with him or as soon as the match finishes you have to re-queue?

Yeah you can see how many bars you and the other guy have.

When a match ends the game goes back to the room with the both of you in it, if you both want to go another match then you hit X to confirm. So if you both confirm then it will go right back in again, otherwise you can exit and play someone else.


Does anyone know how to unlock chapter 28 in story mode?
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri



Apparently this game doesn't support all USB controllers or converters, only controllers with a playstation home button will work. This is a massive oversight by SNK.

Hopefully someone here can report this to SNK, so they can release a patch to fix it.

Capcom made the same mistake with the PC version of SSIV arcade edition but patched it rather quickly.


 Last night something happened that had me feeling quite good man, i got home around 1:50 in the mourning and i fire up my system and what i saw was a thing of pure beauty, there were 7 of my friends playing the game and the best part is only 4 of those are KOF fans the other 3 got the game because of i told them to get it if they wanted to get a new fighter and they are liking the game so far.

Of the 4 that do play fighters 3 of them are fucking pissed at the way the game is getting reviewed, you see the guys that dont play fighters felt pretty bad because they now think that if you play SF you cannot play KOF because if you go by what the reviewers are saying things like the game is too technical or the learning curve is too steep and this is not for casual players or is too hard for others that are not KOF fans to play the game now the ones that play SF feel that they are being put down too, this is what happened when i got on the mike and listened to what was going on.

So guys did you see the reviews for this game? SFp (street fighter player) i honestly believe that this fucking guys are too busy playing call of duty and just phone in the review i think this game got legs and is pretty good.

Cp (casual player) well personally i think that the reviews can be a bit confusing the way they talked about how this game is to hard for me to learn and that they dont recommended to me because of it is pretty stupid, i have been playing the game for about 3 hours now and is pretty fun, there is a lot of shit that i dont know yet but is only been 3 hours man i know that if a put some time in ill be better at it, the stages are insane.

SFp so what are you saying man that this game is too hard for you or something?

Cp no they said that SF is too simple as if i could not possibly play KOF because is too smart for me but being that im a casual gamer and apparently a dumb fuck i can only play SF, hey wait a minute aren't you into SF and if so do you play it because is so simple?

SFp what watch it man who are you calling simple, SF takes skills too you know.

Cp easy there man i did not call SF simple the reviewers did, i mean i take it they mean SF when they say that KOF is too technical compare to other games, other game being SF yeah? and here i thought that people play that game for other reasons now i know is cuz is for dummies.
Xboxlive gamertag ZYN-COBRA22     I can survive anything even nukes........


So I just ran into someone online who used EX iori, I thought he's not out yet?


Quote from: bzerk on November 23, 2011, 06:15:12 PM
So I just ran into someone online who used EX iori, I thought he's not out yet?

He is a preorder bonus in Japan, they are selling it early over. I would assume you could use to codes whenever you want.


Quote from: solidshark on November 23, 2011, 12:22:59 AM
Quote from: BioBooster on November 22, 2011, 11:36:19 PM
I have to figure out how to get it earlier than street date. Japan has a holiday today.

Think I will pour all my energies in finding out if there are any locations remaining that are willing to break street date...

Good luck. Believe me I've looked. And I've already Amazon JPN preordered it.

Thanks man, took your advice and just slept all day O_o


Quote from: DarKaoZ on November 23, 2011, 07:13:05 AM
Quote from: nilcam on November 23, 2011, 06:01:03 AM
Considering XII was patched and improved upon, I'd expect the same to happen here. I don't have any insider info or anything but it seems likely.

They don't really need to improve a lot, network wise, the game runs great online, it just needs to be "refined" to be better.

If they patch the game, I would love to see the following things changed:

1. Button Config (Doubt this will happen)
2. No "NOW LOADING" icons if you install the game. (Possible and simple?)
3. Add 8 player Lobbies. (Doubt this will also happen, but I hope it does.)
4. HUD Positioning option. (I hope they add this)
5. Voiceover for cutscenes and dialogs. (The STORY mode would had been better with it IMO, even if it's Japanese only. But Doubt it will happen)

P.S. Wishlist FTW! lol

Completely agree with just about all except for HUD. I don't really require this because SNKP did something cool with it. First fighter I can think of where the sprites are in front of the HUD instead of behind it which pissed me off in a lot of games...


heres something ive been wondering. if you have mod ps3 or 360, you dl this game and play it for free online. are you even able to use the ex characters online because they shouldn't be out yet? seems pirates really do live the good life if so.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


As far as i know you can't go online with a moded ps3 since you need the latest firmware to connect to PSN


Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 23, 2011, 07:16:07 PM
heres something ive been wondering. if you have mod ps3 or 360, you dl this game and play it for free online. are you even able to use the ex characters online because they shouldn't be out yet? seems pirates really do live the good life if so.

you can't play online on a modded ps3 as of now and it doesn't look like it in the foreseeable future, even if you download the game right you won't be able to play it 'cause it will require you to update the system.


PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


well i know for a fact it's possible on 360, thought it might have been the same for ps3. not that it matters for me, i dont have my triple mod.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!