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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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Mr Bakaboy

The gripe with fireballs is mostly a translation issue. Most people mistake Spamming for a good defensive Zoner. The Zoners take offense to this (I'm sure partially cause they hear that they are spammers all of the time) so they feel the need to speak up on spamming.

Quick way to tell if you are a spammer. If your fireballs miss or get blocked 80% of the time you are probably a spammer. Zoners tend to throw fireballs that will hit at least 50% of the time. I hold Zoners in high reguard since it takes a lot of thought to make it work properly. People can say they use King fireballs all they want, but if you just throw out the fireballs & your opponent is hardly slowed down by it you're probably not winning too much. Chances are the King players Zone.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Game's great, but if you can't honestly play the best part of it, no reason to keep it.  Best to trade it off at the first opportunity you get before it deteriorates in value.

However, if you believe that there's the slightest chance the netcode can be fixed, or you can get offline competition, then I guess keep it in the mean time.

Since the only thing stopping me from getting my comp is a license and car, I'm keeping it, I love the game, and I have like...2 manageable connections to play with.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


shoot now I'm contemplating in going to the Dustbowl tourney considering they're only having teams for KOF 13.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


Some of you guys need to find an offline community.  I can almost guarantee there is a community (however small it maybe) in or around the city you live.  I can't even stand playing sf4 or marvel online, kof is IMPOSSIBLE to play online.


Actually, no, you can't guarantee that, not with KOF.  SF, Marvel, MK, hell maybe even Tekken.  KOF, no, it isn't that easy.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 01, 2012, 06:11:03 AM
Actually, no, you can't guarantee that, not with KOF.  SF, Marvel, MK, hell maybe even Tekken.  KOF, no, it isn't that easy.
I pretty much forced KOF into an existing scene. Took a hell of amount of effort.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Tanner on January 01, 2012, 05:54:54 AM
Some of you guys need to find an offline community.  I can almost guarantee there is a community (however small it maybe) in or around the city you live.  I can't even stand playing sf4 or marvel online, kof is IMPOSSIBLE to play online.

If you live in the boonies. Good luck with that.


Quote from: Tanner on January 01, 2012, 05:54:54 AM
Some of you guys need to find an offline community.  I can almost guarantee there is a community (however small it maybe) in or around the city you live.  I can't even stand playing sf4 or marvel online, kof is IMPOSSIBLE to play online.

Community where I live, me, friend, 2 other people who also play probably...but can't meet them.
I play fighting games much more than I train in real life, yet i'm still a better fighter in real life, guess I can't complain though.


Quote from: Tanner on January 01, 2012, 05:54:54 AM
Some of you guys need to find an offline community.  I can almost guarantee there is a community (however small it maybe) in or around the city you live.  I can't even stand playing sf4 or marvel online, kof is IMPOSSIBLE to play online.
some of you guys need to quit thinking that we haven't tried to find a offline community around us, also some of you guys need to start thinking about others peoples situations and why they depend on the online community


Quote from: ELTRO on January 01, 2012, 06:24:07 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 01, 2012, 06:11:03 AM
Actually, no, you can't guarantee that, not with KOF.  SF, Marvel, MK, hell maybe even Tekken.  KOF, no, it isn't that easy.
I pretty much forced KOF into an existing scene. Took a hell of amount of effort.

Yeah well some people need to accept that there are places people won't play FG's, let alone KOF.  Now I'm fortunate, I get a car, license, and I have 3 scenes within a 2 hour radius of me I could go to.  Others will not be that fortunate and that's the damn truth, whether because of transportation issues, money issues, or the fact that people in their area just don't give a rat's ass about FG's.

And it's not as simple as just getting people into them.  If you told any random gamer the effort it takes to get into a FG, let alone one like KOF, they'll run straight the other way.  Most want instant gratification they can get in things like FPS games among others.

It's not that simple for others, and I wish people would stop trying to make it out like it is.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Xxenace on January 01, 2012, 07:45:59 AM
some of you guys need to quit thinking that we haven't tried to find a offline community around us,  

Unless you live in a location that has a very small population there will be other people interested in fighting games.  Check the regional section of SRK if you are having trouble.  Yes, there are situations that keep people from being able to join a community and no, not every city is going to have a massive community.  But you really don't need that many people, you can just have 4 or 5 people playing in someone's apartment and have pretty good competition.

Quote from: Xxenace on January 01, 2012, 07:45:59 AM
also some of you guys need to start thinking about others peoples situations and why they depend on the online community

I'm not sure why you took what I said personally (defensive much?) and I have no clue why this statement was directed towards me as I have no control over the quality of KOF's netplay.  The fact is that KOF's online is complete ass and unplayable 99% of the time.  Therefore, if people want to find competition they are going to have to look locally.

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 01, 2012, 07:54:50 AM
And it's not as simple as just getting people into them.  If you told any random gamer the effort it takes to get into a FG, let alone one like KOF, they'll run straight the other way.  Most want instant gratification they can get in things like FPS games among others.

That's not true, you give people too little credit.  If they game is good, people will be willing to try it.  When I lived in GA, most the FG players only played SF4, I introduced them to Melty Blood and more than half of them were immediately addicted and a small MB community was created with almost no effort.  The type of gamer that wants instant gratification is not going to be the guy that goes out of his way to meet with other players to learn and have real competition.


It's pretty hard getting people into the series that no body knows how to play, especially one that thinks that XIII is another XII. Where I'm at players called the series garbage without even playing one of them. It took me a hell of a long time to convince that the game is really good and it's worth the time and effort.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


Quote from: ELTRO on January 01, 2012, 08:20:22 AM
It's pretty hard getting people into the series that no body knows how to play, especially one that thinks that XIII is another XII. Where I'm at players called the series garbage without even playing one of them. It took me a hell of a long time to convince that the game is really good and it's worth the time and effort.

Who are these people that think 13 is like 12? I have to assume you're talking about people into entirely different fighters like maybe Virtua Fighter or maybe MK... long shot would be Clay Fighter ;) .

I would argue that KOF isn't that different from SF. It's not like playing SF than playing MK.

Some more musings from training mode:

I really like Hwai, I think I'll use him as a backup. Have to get used to the inputs for his grab super and Neo Max. It's also a plus that I can pull off semi-successful his Hyper Drive combos. Hwai is ultimately a better version of Joe minus zoning. Just take Joe's specials, make them better, give him better air control, remove the useless Slash Kick, and there ya' go. Plus he can get drunk with 1 frame invincibility  and adds to commentary hype.

I can do Goro's Hyper Drive into Neo Max without many problems. It's funny that just being as basic as possible nets you 850 damage with 3 bars. With Clark it's a bit of a bitch to get the timing down on when to cancel into Neo Max off of Grab Super, there's times where I swear I did it right but nope. Gotta' work on that. I might need a new controller, I like the Hori but the D-pad is a bit stiff and pulling off HCB moves is a bit of a pain.

I don't know if that Bala combo with Clark http://youtu.be/AY2G3uAW6iw is going to work with me or not. My philosophy has always been to keep combos that I know I can do 10 times out of 10. If I can't do it that consistently than I might have the opportunity and fuck it up because I went for the fancy stuff. That combo is hard as hell to pull off and it only nets you (not counting the grab super in there) roughly 700 damage. But, comboing into EX Grab and cancel into Grab Super will do about 530 damage. Is an extra 170 or so damage worth being extra risky? I've decided that no it isn't, at least for me.

I just can't get Billy's Hyper Drive stuff down. I've made it a priority when doing Corner combos to go for resets.

Too hype for Mr. Karate DLC.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on January 01, 2012, 08:24:28 AM
Quote from: ELTRO on January 01, 2012, 08:20:22 AM
It's pretty hard getting people into the series that no body knows how to play, especially one that thinks that XIII is another XII. Where I'm at players called the series garbage without even playing one of them. It took me a hell of a long time to convince that the game is really good and it's worth the time and effort.

Who are these people that think 13 is like 12? I have to assume you're talking about people into entirely different fighters like maybe Virtua Fighter or maybe MK... long shot would be Clay Fighter ;) .

I would argue that KOF isn't that different from SF. It's not like playing SF than playing MK.
But it's different enough to make people complain about it and the people are the ones that only plays mvc 3 and sf4.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


True. But I'd argue that people who only play AE and MVC3 have been coddled by easy inputs and comeback mechanics. But that's a can of worms waiting to be opened I think.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.