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Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports

Started by Nocturnal, November 22, 2011, 08:14:15 PM

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Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 01:42:15 PM
It's for the version sold in Asia only, it must be to do something with Flame Iori.

Anyway I was thinking of something else to explain the differences in online experiences... perhaps people with NAT3 connection get worse delay, if you notice, this game doesn't allow spectator mode or lobbies because it needs to establish a very direct connection between players, and with this type of connections whether you have ports open or not always has a great impact on lag and delay, I know it from other certain programs to play online like kaillera p2p, so if you want to do a serious report see that:

1. You are playing on wired
2. There's absolutely nothing using your bandwidth while you play
3. Make sure the other person has absolutely nothing using up internet speed too
4. Make sure both of you have a very stable connection
5. Both should have NAT2 connection.
6. Ping each other on PC opening a cmd window and using the /ping command to know the exact ping quantity you have with the other person and know how that ping quantity is reflected on the game.

It be wonderful if I could do ALL of that but its damn near impossible. The whole time I've been trying to get in matches, I've had another family member streaming video on a constant(and I do mean constant) basis.   Now, I've been playing UMVSC3 for a couple of days with the same conditions and the lag and input delays have been minimal in my opinion. 

The fact that I can't catch a decent connection in my own state(GA)with people who live within the same perimeter as me is an even bigger issue. Both people I've played on GGPO and usually within state I get a connection of 80ms or better. I've gotten decent connection with Barka Boy who is in st louis which is crazy and the fact is I'm still on a 2 bar connection even with him. So while the matches are much better then we've had on KOF2002UM, I've still experienced dropped connections(most likely due to the constant streaming) and the regular complaints.

Btw, what is a NAT2 connection exactly? Is that something that you can change on your router? I've tried doing the DMZ thing but that doesn't work with the xbox. I'll be going down to FL for thanksgiving might be on a better connection there. I'll run some tests there and continue to post my results.

At some point you can only do so much tweaking. Upgrading right now is out of the question so I hope that Atlus is willing to improve the netplay in the coming weeks cause its not good.

Spooty Whiteboy

NAT1 is straight wired connection.

NAT2 is wireless, but with open ports.

NAT3 is wireless, but with closed ports.


From what I know:

NAT1 is Cable broadband wired
NAT2 is non Cable ADSL wired

I have all my ports open on DSL and I get NAT2.


My PS3 is connected to internet by cable and it has NAT2.
PSN: Shiranui_ninja
KOF XIII main team: Mai/King/Mature


The experience has been highly variable for me to be honest. I've had 2-bar matches that were better than 3-bar matches, and two separate matches I had with people in NorCal were quite different in terms of connection quality. On top of that one of those NorCal matches was actually better than a match I had with a friend of mine who literally lives fifteen minutes away from me. Whether you're on wired or wireless obviously makes a difference in some cases (as was the case with my friend - it was unplayable when he was on Wi-fi but after he switched to a LAN cable it was far more tolerable) but there seem to be a lot of other factors (some of which aren't even under your control!) that contribute to your connection quality, and the netcode isn't very resilient to them.

Rex Dart: I actually have both versions of the game :) I've sent you an XBL friend request.


Ok got the game, great game apart from the online which is abit laggy on most matches for me. I must admit, the game system even off line needs time to get used too. Characters cD moves are very slow for some characters like terry, so when you have abit of lag it exagerates the lag more so.

I need more time with the basics definately, even my kyo's hop B went over the opponents head in some matches, its like starting from scratch. Hopefully they can tweak the net code abit.

I had one match that was a 3 bar and it worked better than other 3 bars but the guy quit on me.

They need to fix parts of the game anyway, example you cannot back out of a game if the latency is a 1 bar, you have to fight them which sucks.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 24, 2011, 05:44:01 AM
I do...weirdest isolated case ever.

I have no idea what to tell you then. GGPO drops games sometimes but usually never desyncs. If you're desyncing on GGPO, you might not have the same rom version as your opponent or your ports aren't forwarded.

As for XIII it's not good netcode. It's not BAD. It's merely tolerable in the same way the fly buzzing around your head is tolerable vs the bee trying to sting you. I have played Louis a lot and if he's having these issues and everyone all ready knows the netcode is bad? This is not a weird isolated case. This just means the netcode is exactly what everyone says it is. Just because not everybody is constantly desyncing doesn't mean it's not the netcode failing. Everyone try to remember it IS using GSS, the SAME garbage from XII.


guys i feel lag with even ssf4 on a 70mb dl sp connection playing other people in the netherlands who also have at least 30 to 40mb dl sp that live less than 100 miles away from me. going by what ive read so far, the game might be unplayable for me without a patch. im like super lag sensetive, i go crazy over 2 frames of difference just by using different tv set ups. if what people are saying is true, people need to bitch and moan all they can to snkp. as good as the ssf4 netcode is (way better than 3soe ggpo bs) it still sucked. if 13 isn't even on par with 4's, it straight up sucks ass, fact. i love snk and kof more than anybody, but people should not praise fuck ups no matter what. so far from what im reading, it seems they really fucked up big time. in the netcode department that is (and no Yamazaki, tsk tsk).
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Wow, this is a new feeling for me.  Pride in Musolini. 
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.


Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.

Exaggeration breeds change.  If we shortsell how bad the netcode is, they won't do anything to fix it, or won't do enough.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 24, 2011, 09:25:12 PM
Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.

Exaggeration breeds change.  If we shortsell how bad the netcode is, they won't do anything to fix it, or won't do enough.

Exaggerating never does any good. Say it in a proper way and they will take you more seriously.


Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:46:57 PM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 24, 2011, 09:25:12 PM
Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.

Exaggeration breeds change.  If we shortsell how bad the netcode is, they won't do anything to fix it, or won't do enough.

Exaggerating never does any good. Say it in a proper way and they will take you more seriously.

You can exaggerate while speaking coherently.  Politicians do it all the time.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 24, 2011, 09:51:06 PM
You can exaggerate while speaking coherently.  Politicians do it all the time.

But they get money for doing so, we don't. lol

But what pablofsi says is true, as long as we give all the information we can provide to SNKP the better, for example:

  • Your Internet speed
  • Wired or Wireless
  • Port Forwarded: Yes/No Manual/DMZ
  • Location: (Optional)
  • Bars Displayed: 0/1/2/3/4
  • Opponent Location: (Optional)
  • Opponent Internet Speed:
  • Opponent Wireless/wired
  • Opponent Port Forwarded: Yes/No Manual/DMZ

If we give SNKP all this info, then they can do a proper fix, because if we all say "It's Laggy! at 2 bars/3bars" then that isn't much for the developer to work on.


Quote from: pablofsi on November 24, 2011, 09:20:50 PM
You guys can express your disagreement without royally shitting over the game's name, creating bad fame for it's netcode. Complain but don't exaggerate with your negativity.

Umm the netcode deserves to be trashed on. Game is great otherwise.