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Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports

Started by Nocturnal, November 22, 2011, 08:14:15 PM

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Mr Bakaboy

In player match, if you go to quick match and pick a person who has a lag connection of 3 or higher it has been fine. When you show up in the match, the bars might be as low as 2, but the original lag connection bars are usually right and the game plays fine.

The problem I am finding is a person joins your room and what the screen says is not necessarily the case. A 2 bar might be better then a 3 bar depending on how stable the connection is. This is way too confusing for many (myself included) to deal with.

Also the ranked match experience is just not up to par. The automatic input delay does not do enough to fix any problems and it's just not as easy to find good connections as player match is. If you want to keep the players anonymous, then just show the lag connection bars on the quick match screen. If someone picks create match then they get what they get to a certain extent, but it would be nice for the connection bars to give an accurate examination of the lag. Personally THIS is what I want to see fixed.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Xbox Live: Austinm416


Quote from: pablofsi on December 01, 2011, 05:44:09 AM
When will people understand that what kind of internet speed is irrelevant, it's your ping times what matters.
Where did I say otherwise? If you can look closely it say what my ping is, 5ms, so it's very low, I don't understand what you are trying to do here...


They "are aware it exists" but are they planning on doing anything about it?  I mean that is the question at the end of the day.  I don't like when people don't give simple answers to easy questions or issues :(.  Not trying to be a jerk, but I think we deserve more than that.


Quote from: ZeroSoulreaver on December 01, 2011, 05:32:12 PM
They "are aware it exists" but are they planning on doing anything about it?  I mean that is the question at the end of the day.  I don't like when people don't give simple answers to easy questions or issues :(.  Not trying to be a jerk, but I think we deserve more than that.

I definitely feel the same way, and I imagine most of the people on this site do too. At the least they could let us know that they're trying to talk to SNKP about it, which is probably all Atlus can do anyways.
Xbox Live: Austinm416

Mr Bakaboy

I think they have nothing they can say at this point. Atlus is not responsible for the netcode. Playmore is. If this works like Ignition and KOF XII, then they have to go up the chain of command notifying people from Playmore that this is a serious issue. Last time it took months before anything happened.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: sw1tch on December 01, 2011, 03:16:09 PM
Quote from: pablofsi on December 01, 2011, 05:44:09 AM
When will people understand that what kind of internet speed is irrelevant, it's your ping times what matters.
Where did I say otherwise? If you can look closely it say what my ping is, 5ms, so it's very low, I don't understand what you are trying to do here...

Your 5ms means nothing, it's the ping you have related to the person playing against you what matters, and it differs with the distance.

Mr Bakaboy

There are a lot of factors that go into lag, but I agree that ping between 2 players is a great tell tale sign of the match you are probably going to see.

To say how crazy it can get, I have played on Supercade and had matches with no serious lag with players from Japan and Russia, but had plenty of lag from a guy 2 states over from me. Now this guy can play somebody else and have no serious lag between those 2 players, but we have issues connecting.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I'm starting to think there might be some "host advantage" in online play. Because when I have hosted, I feel I can pull my combos easier than when I'm the 2nd player for some odd reason.

Several times when I'm the challenger, the first player is able to pull most of his combos even with lag. But in my case, I'm missing them a lot, even the simple ones.

Also I haven't been playing online on my PS3, since I'm not at my house and I'm using my nephew PS3 to play, but I still find this quite odd.

Mr Bakaboy

^ I haven't seen it, but I'm on xbox. I've played the 2 player side and it seems pretty even on both sides lag wise.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Yeah uh, it'd be seemingly annoying to test whether there is host advantage or not.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I guess it's worth testing, but I'm willing to bet that host advantage is negligible if not non-existent in a game with 2 people.


Yeah, like I said, I'm not at my house, so I'm not in my environment to be sure. But if there is a host advantage, its minimal, but enough to throw you off.


I take back what I said about an hour or so ago.  They have just responded about the netcode and thank goodness for that.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 01, 2011, 08:09:57 PM
I'm starting to think there might be some "host advantage" in online play. Because when I have hosted, I feel I can pull my combos easier than when I'm the 2nd player for some odd reason.
This would be too retarded

This usualy happens when the netcode is build around a game wich is not supposed to be played 1v1(team based fps)but instead its usualy played on a dedicated server,it would mean that they totaly failed the netcode.