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Elisabeth Branctorche (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:03:50 AM

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Okay, I need some match up help with Elisabeth.

Having a hard time dealing with Billy Kane and Terry Bogard at the moment. Billy's f+A is super annoying to deal with and outside of a random EX DP, I can't really see any way around this move. On top of that Billy's pokes are super annoying to deal with and Elisabeth's normal range is very limited. Once I get in, it's doable with a few mix ups but anything outside of that range is super difficult.

Terry Bogard's crack shoot pressure seems super retarded for me. Outside of blow backs, I can't find anyway to deal with it. The hitbox is also really good hitting me out of the air or catching the recovery of my roll and then sucking me in for the rest of the hits. I can shrink my hitbox with c.A or c.D in certain ranges but when getting pressured I can't really do much.


I can't help you with Billy Kane, but I know some stuff about Terry.

Terry's B crackshoot is -2 on block. If he does it, buffer in your command throw and grab him. The D crackshoot though, that's different. You can actually throw out a low B at the right time and dodge it. You could also, before it hits you, do your EX Counter.

The best thing I can suggest you to do when he does D Crackshoot is to block standing. You see, the frame trap is when you block low. When you do that, he is at positive frames. About +2. Anything you do after that's not a command grab is going to lose to his st.C or d.B. Some people throw out crackshoot randomly or at a distance, that's the worst to expect. However, when you know they're predictably putting it in blockstrings, you can punish it.

Remember, Liz has a 1-frame command throw. An EX one means you're getting a free combo. Try it out.


Liz's command grab is not fast enough to punish Terry's crack shoot even if you stand block it. Your best bet is to learn how to consistently throw it or just block and find a chance to GCAB or GCCD it.


Can you do the double dm in the corner? Or is it only near the corner?


Quote from: Demoninja on December 20, 2011, 12:09:38 AM
Liz's command grab is not fast enough to punish Terry's crack shoot even if you stand block it. Your best bet is to learn how to consistently throw it or just block and find a chance to GCAB or GCCD it.

If you stand block it, and your only option is a throw, you run the risk of being hit by something like a rising tackle. He'll be in the air at the same frame you'll get out of blockstun. I will admit I do not play Elizabeth so my assumption that her command grab is one frame is wrong. However, if you do have a character that does have an instant command throw, you can punish Terry. That is Benimaru, Maxima, Daimon, Clark, Kyo's EX grab, Vice, Kensou's grab DM, Hwa, or Yuri. I would suggest to anyone that if they're working on the wiki to change Mistral's description to not say "Instant Command throw".

If you're going to use meter to GCAB or GCCD, you might as well counter. You could do your Elizabeth's C DP and hit him. Without using any meter, you can, again, do d.B and make him whiff the crackshoot entirely. Elizabeth can combo her d.B, d.A  starter into dp+A. Even with my inability to play Elizabeth, I can still punish Terry by doing d.B (whiff), d.B, d.A, qcf+P which is about 10% for making Terry whiff his move. If you can do the DP (because I'm rolling my stick along the gates, I end up doing a super because of double df inputs), you can go into a full combo.


I was testing sample block strings into B/D Crack Shoot and Elisabeth can punish with her Command Grab, but it's spacing dependent. Basically, a simple c.A, c.B, c.C xx B Crack Shoot puts him outside of command grab range. If Terry is using crack shoot while you are in the corner it's a free command grab, which should indicate that the command grab is 1f. If he does a block string into crack shoot that puts him right next to Elisabeth he gets command grabbed. I've tested this by recording the training dummy to do a block string into crack shoot then hold up.


I'm pretty sure it's not one frame. The reason you might be able to grab him is because you have to cancel the animation he goes into where he adjusts his hat. If he does nothing afterwards, he's free to command grab. That's the same with jumping. He can't do it right away. The best way I can tell you if it's one frame or not is if Terry does a move that instantly puts him in the air. That would be rising tackle. If you make the dummy do rising tackle the second he reaches the ground, that'll do it.

I did test this and I promise you that I could not punish Terry if he does a rising tackle or even a st.C


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Well, I had to ask how viable is to try some mind games with your opponent after a command grab, in a sense that you can look for a normal jump attack or a crossup

There is some kind of video teaching you how to time this as a possible setup

Also, I think that is vital to learn how to combo this from her command attack

Waifu Material


Thought i would post this here, can be done anywhere on the screen.

Kof xiii elizabeth neo max setup


^Wow, that's interesting.

Was going to try her soon and will definitely incorporate that.


what do you guys think of c,6a, qcf+K ,qcf+A as a block string? if you delay the qcf+A it becomes a frame trap, but beside that it combos. has anyone tried something similar in matches at all?


Do you guys still think doing stray hits into Grand Rafale is still worth meter after it's damage nerfs? Doing that is like maybe 20% damage and a hard knockdown. It's worth doing if they are low on health but I feel the meter is better saved for EX QCB or QCF+K or drive cancel combos that corner carry. Just comparing Elisabeth plays and I noticed TheAnswer will save his meter to take advantage of her other options or drive cancel combos, while a lot of other people still play her like the arcade version.

Quote from: SummyG on January 04, 2012, 11:06:19 AM
what do you guys think of c,6a, qcf+K ,qcf+A as a block string? if you delay the qcf+A it becomes a frame trap, but beside that it combos. has anyone tried something similar in matches at all?

Are you saying s.C, 6B, QCF+K, QCF+A? This is a pretty standard block string but it's not 100% safe. 6A is not a command normal and will whiff on crouching opponents (which is still useful for doing something like c.B, s.A (whiff), Mistral).


Quote from: Killey on January 09, 2012, 06:48:23 PM

Are you saying s.C, 6B, QCF+K, QCF+A? This is a pretty standard block string but it's not 100% safe. 6A is not a command normal and will whiff on crouching opponents (which is still useful for doing something like c.B, s.A (whiff), Mistral).

my bad, I meant 6b not 6a. Let me rephrase that question. following a C, 6B... block string, what are some good options following the command dash?


I have a serious question about Elisabeth....How the hell do you play her?  

As of now my team is Leona/King/Elisabeth and while I have her on anchor for obvious reasons, when it comes down to her I can never seem to play well unless my opponents makes mistakes, and LOTS of them.  I'm ashamed to say this too.  I mean I can do her combos such as "St. C -> F. B -> Magical Goodness" and I have HD combos with her but my problem is using them.  I cannot seem to get at hit confirm on her bnbs and most of the time I'm using hop/jump D trying to get that hit confirm.  I try to hop/jump C+D as well for a juggle with her super as well.  

I'll break it down to one scenario.  My friend plays Mai/Athena/Yuri in that order.  Usually, since we both are evenly matched, it comes down to an even anchor match between Yuri and Elisabeth.  His Yuri's rushdown scares the piss outta me and I always get antsy about that crossup divekick of hers during block strings.  If its not that, then its the command grab or I'm getting hit due to frame traps and me pressing buttons.  :(  HOWEVER, When I do beat him, atleast to me, it feels like I cheesed him out with a lucky/random EX Dp or a lucky/well placed EX command grab into more magical goodness.  All this stems from me not knowing how to play her.  It's really frustrating and I don't wanna drop her(especially because of the time I put in with her and my liking the character as well) but I really just need a crash course on how to play her.  

For the record, I have watched videos with good people playing her but they do not really help me grasp it for some reason.  

ANYWAY, sorry for the tl;dr but I would really appreciate the help if anyone would so courteous.