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Shen Woo (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:05:42 AM

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Pardon my ignorance, but what's a meaty?


It's when you attack someone during their wake-up. Here is a more detailed explanation: http://iplaywinner.com/glossary/general-terms/meaty.html
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Hey guys,

Need some tips regarding Shen on:

Applying pressure.

Dealing with pressure. I have difficulty dealing with Kyo XIII.

Zone Control.


Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Hey guys,

Need some tips regarding Shen on:

Applying pressure.

Dealing with pressure. I have difficulty dealing with Kyo XIII.

Zone Control.

To deal with the fireballs, you can use deflect  ;dn ;db ;bk ;c. As for dealing with his 5 ;d, you can use 5 ;c auto-guard & buffer  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd punch super, 5 ;b and 5 ;d from about half a character space away. Once you have them grounded & trained, then you can "flowchart" your pressure from that point.
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku

Zen Woo

Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Hey guys,

Need some tips regarding Shen on:

Applying pressure.

Dealing with pressure. I have difficulty dealing with Kyo XIII.

Zone Control.

I usually rush them down with Shen, as I believe he is an "In your face" character. try to hop them with C a lot when you have them cornered, if you land one you can easly confirm it into a full combo, if the opponent is a heavy defender, try to mix them up with standing C to standing B into Punch Cancelled, then quickly after down D so you can put some respect in low defense, when they start to respect you by defending low punches try to do a far qcb+A but do it from the farest position and don't do the second one if you dont hit them. Other option that I apply is putting pressure with low B into standing B, it creates a perfect space for you to zone them. other option when you know they are defending a lot, try to land a command grab after the Standing C into Forward B, run into them and EX command grab them or without EX.

About Kyo, I suggest you this:

Rule number one against Kyo:  DO NOT ABUSE THE JUMP/HOP ON HIM.
Rule number 2: Abuse your normals. I believe (with all respect) that Shen has better footsies than Kyo, use them!
Rule number 3: if Kyo uses his double kicks (special movement) I believe he ends with negative frames on block, try to EX command grab him when he ends doing the 2nd kick or try to super punch him between the kicks.

I think you have to be very patient in order to be able to beat a good Kyo. Crouching C . Standing C . Low B & Command Grab are your options against him.


Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM

Applying pressure.

I agree with Zen Woo, learn how to properly use his qcf+C feints after your blockstrings and heavy normals to make them safer, to keep your offensive momentum going, and for you bait out any kind of reversal attempts. Learn to use his command throw against opponents that like to block too much, and try your best to hit confirm well for you won't be feinting by mistake when a close C hits or throwing out a special or super on block.

I like to poke with his s.B a lot because the distance is nice and it is also pretty safe on block too. When hopping in, I like to use his j.C and j.D which has a nice amount of range and good sized hitboxes.

Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Dealing with pressure. I have difficulty dealing with Kyo XIII.

Firstly, try your best to make sure he doesn't get close range by poking with s.A, s.C, and s.B. If he does get close to you, as Zen Woo mentioned, look out for his double kicks. You can punish in between them with his qcf+AC because it has invincibility during its start up. But a lot of good Kyo's try not to end their blockstrings with his upkicks, but keep your eyes open.

Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Zone Control.

If you're dealing with someone that likes to throw fireballs all the time, you can try to absorb his fireballs (next to qcb+C as Malik mentioned) with his auto-guard st.C. If you have meter, you can go through them with his qcf+AC, qcfx2+P, and his qcfx2+AC.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Thanks guys much appreciated!

Btw Malik, what did you mean by 5?


Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 31, 2012, 02:30:27 PM

Thanks guys much appreciated!

Btw Malik, what did you mean by 5?

5 is neutral or standing (not holding a direction) by numpad directional notation where


correspond to

;ub ;up ;uf
;bk ;st  ;fd
;db ;dn ;df
The Art of Fighting.... without fighting?
PSN/XBL/Steam: TofuriousWolf


Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Hey guys,

Need some tips regarding Shen on:

Applying pressure.
Great tips from everyone. Just wanted to add that since players are generally good at blocking against Shen, be happy with dealing guard crush and don't feel pressured to go for a command grab! Command grabs are really strong but you'll be punished big if your opponent reads them; command grabs are as risky as antiair DPs imo. If your opponent seems worried about your hop C combo starter and is happy with blocking high, you can lead with Shen's j.CD for extra guard crush. Follow up on the ground with cl.C-f.B as normal or use his st.CD if too far for cl.C-f.B. Although it is safest to cancel Shen's charge punch, using the level 1 charge release for it deals more guard crush and it's -1 on block which you may or may not be comfortable with. Messing up the charge (too short) will make it -6 though which is pretty bad. An alternative is to cancel his the cl.C-fB or CD into qcfA. It's -3 which is still fairly hard to punish and there's no chance of messing up the charge timing. If opponents are recklessly trying to pressure you when you're slightly minus, you can hit them (hopefully counter hit) with Shen's DM. When you're -1 or -3, be wary of throw attempts. Of course, never use minus on block moves against characters with 1f grabs unless you think that it will be so unexpected that they won't punish.

Keep an eye on opponent's guard gauge. Shen's power-up EXDM does 50% guard crush (but opponent recovers from guard crush before Shen recovers from his EXDM, so all you could really do is max cancel and you'd have to be in HD for that). Shen's fully charged qcfC does 40%. Experienced players will roll during the time stops, but you can still use Shen's qcfC (level 1 charged) for a quick forward advance plus a bit more guard crush. I haven't had luck with this, but you can also try timing the timestop guard crush attacks just before opponent is in a ready state to prevent them from doing the easy-mode roll to avoid the guard crush.
Try not to get too desperate to guard crush once their guard gauge is low since opponents tend to get desperate; consider baiting your opponents' invincible specials and supers. Be ready to punish jumps and rolls too.

Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Dealing with pressure. I have difficulty dealing with Kyo XIII.
As everyone else has said, Shen has great normals. He can shut out hop approaches with st.A or far C (extra leeway for timing thanks to armor) and antiair with cr.C. Shen has fast far-reaching cr.B and st.B too. It may seem risky but you can even attempt antiair trades using qcfA, qcfC(level 1 charge, but cancel if you feel like it) or qcfD.

Although I prefer far C for the armor and speed, the slower st.D has further range and can catch unsuspecting opponents. Shen's wakeup CABC EXDM and EX command grab are both 3 frames. A perfect safe jump that let's the attacker block Shen's CABC EXDM will be caught by Shen's wakeup EX command grab before the safe jumper is able to jump again (the safe jump attack adds landing recovery preventing a jump escape from Shen's EX grab even though they can block upon landing)

Quote from: Tyrant292 on December 29, 2012, 03:32:00 PM
Zone Control.
Great tips from everyone again. Just wanted to add Shen gets meter from qcbC as opposed to using armor far C. Moreover, you can cancel Shen's qcbC(if it eats a projectile) to any special or super at no drive cost.

If an opponent recklessly hops towards you taking their projectile's hitstun/blockstun (or the recovery of Shen's qcbC) for granted, you can cancel qcbC to qcfA or qcfD, which both work as combo starters(even on trade!). After a qcfA, you can use punch DM/EXDM based on their height. After a qcfD, you may be able to fit in qcfA right after before punch DM/EXDM.
The Art of Fighting.... without fighting?
PSN/XBL/Steam: TofuriousWolf



Thanks Karn much appreciated!


thank you karn could you tell me how you use the bakutan CABC , do you option select it and when you have to use it.


Quote from: baikdizz on January 03, 2013, 06:50:21 PM
thank you karn could you tell me how you use the bakutan CABC , do you option select it and when you have to use it.

Although the KOF XI shortcut for CABC is gone, and you still have a considerable long amount of buffer time.  I always tap CAB~C and hit confirm the C.

Try this: Tap CAB fast as you're waking up (but no normal comes out), and dash slightly and then press the C. Or try using d.C for anti airs but be in the habit of buffering AB when your d.C is out, when your opponent starts trying to jump over and bait your d.C press ABC afterwards (it's funny as he'll too).  

You'll understand how much leniency there is to buffering it.


Quote from: baikdizz on January 03, 2013, 06:50:21 PM
thank you karn could you tell me how you use the bakutan CABC , do you option select it and when you have to use it.

For option selecting, I would attempt CABC after recovering from the blockstun of any attack that is -4 or worse (punishable) if my opponent is in range.

I mostly use it the way Kane317 described though. In more detail, what I also do to bait jumps sometimes is cr.A and buffer CAB during its recovery. Crouching helps against antiair since Shen has a smaller hurtbox for opponent to hit. The only issue is whether or not you're able to buffer CAB quickly enough during the cr.A to not accidentally get another normal to come out before you complete the CAB buffer. If you have life to spare, it is better to antiair with cr.C and risk trading rather than waste meter on CABC since it also prevents meter gain for a long while. Consider standard meter management. Don't hold back if Bakutan and/or a powered up attack after it will kill your opponent since you wouldn't have gained much meter afterwards anyway.

Quote from: Kane317 on January 03, 2013, 08:12:40 PM
Although the KOF XI shortcut for CABC is gone, and you still have a considerable long amount of buffer time.  I always tap CAB~C and hit confirm the C.

Try this: Tap CAB fast as you're waking up (but no normal comes out), and dash slightly and then press the C.

You'll understand how much leniency there is to buffering it.

Yeah, those are the best times: when you're in recovery from attacks/specials (usually whiffed), in hitstun, in blockstun, or waking up. Might as well buffer CAB while waiting for opponent to put themselves in a vulnerable state (most obvious against opponent in air, though you could also react to most meaty overhead attempts). You'll still have to gauge if they are high enough that they aren't safe jumping you, but safe jumping 3f EXDM is usually done with obvious setups. Remember that Shen's EX grab beats proper safe jumps if you recognize a safe jump setup. Make sure you finish pressing CAB just before you recover/stand up so you get longer time to delay the C that finishes Bakutan

Quote from: Kane317 on January 03, 2013, 08:12:40 PM
Or try using d.C for anti airs but be in the habit of buffering AB when your d.C is out, when your opponent starts trying to jump over and bait your d.C press ABC afterwards (it's funny as he'll too).   

lol I have to stop falling for things like that
The Art of Fighting.... without fighting?
PSN/XBL/Steam: TofuriousWolf


Ok i will stydies this to level up my anti-air game, because shen don't have dp's or invicible move my friend like to jump a me, they know how to whiff my stA, 2C and i forgot to use bakutan to take the momentum cause sometimes my HD bar is already full and they scary about my HD combo


Quote from: baikdizz on January 04, 2013, 12:52:21 AM
Ok i will stydies this to level up my anti-air game, because shen don't have dp's or invicible move my friend like to jump a me, they know how to whiff my stA, 2C and i forgot to use bakutan to take the momentum cause sometimes my HD bar is already full and they scary about my HD combo

How do they make your st.A and 2C whiff?

You might want to review this part of The Beginner's Incomplete Guide to KOF:
[Chapter 4: Short Hop Defense]

There are examples where Kyo uses crouch C and it whiffs because:
a) Kyo guessed when to 2C instead of reacted, and in the other clip,
b) The opponent was outside of the range of Kyo's 2C.

Although Shen's 2C is very fast with a good antiair hitbox, it has long recovery on whiff, so do your best to only use it on reaction against hops/jumps that come within range.

Against an opponent who tries to jump far in front of you to be outside the range of shen's 2C, try to antiair with far C instead (it will also help a lot if you can get the timing for using the armor of far C; it depends on the timing of your opponent's attack). Good luck!
The Art of Fighting.... without fighting?
PSN/XBL/Steam: TofuriousWolf