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Duo Lon (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:07:46 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

;fd / ;bk + ;c / ;d

Command Normals
Genmu Ken - ;fd + ;a (ground or air) *

Genmu Kyaku - ;fd + ;b (ground or air) *

Special Moves
Hike Kyaku Zen - ;qcf + ;b / ;d *

Hike Kyaku Ushiro - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *

Juon Shikon - ;qcb + ;a / ;c *

Suteki Juryu - ;qcf + ;a / ;c (x3) *

Desperation Moves
Genmu Bakko Shikon - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a / ;c

Juon Ko Ha - ;hcb x 2 + ;a ;c

Duo Lon's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
*Hit stun on EX f.A is adjusted. It is possible to combo with a strong attack or qcb.A after EX f.A.
*EX rekka can be cancelled with a special or greater
*fb frames have been adjusted. It is now easier to include the weak version in attacks strings and combos as it is faster.
*f.B can be cancelled by super or greater
Slight damage buffs for his moves from arcade: NeoMax-448 (up from 400), f B-30 (up from 20), qcb P-60 (up from 50), Ex Rekkas (60, 40, 50) {up from (60, 30, 40)}, f AC 40x2 (up from 30x2)

Producer Yamamoto says: f.B, aside from one shot cancels, the following is also possible: f.A>qcb.B>f.B>super ,so a f.A intitiated hit confirm combo. His fb is now easier to leave on the screen so coordinate attacks with it on the screen.






I know this might sound funny however, I need clarification on this....If I was to do this combo which I found in the wiki [cr.B, cr.A / st.C, f+A], qcb hcf+P....Does it mean cr.B into cr.A or st.C???Or does it mean st.C can be interchanged with cr.A in the combo???Or does it mean I can skip cr.B and cr.A and start the combo from st.C???
Getting bodied is only part of my job


Quote from: SpLSlick on December 09, 2011, 10:05:14 AM
I know this might sound funny however, I need clarification on this....If I was to do this combo which I found in the wiki [cr.B, cr.A / st.C, f+A], qcb hcf+P....Does it mean cr.B into cr.A or st.C???Or does it mean st.C can be interchanged with cr.A in the combo???Or does it mean I can skip cr.B and cr.A and start the combo from st.C???

It means the combo starter is interchangeable with either (cr.B > cr.A) or (st.C). Not sure why the wiki has it listed like that. I can see how you got confused.

EDIT: Removed the ambiguous format and added a "Combo Starter" section to the wiki to make it a bit clearer.


Thank you very much...This definitely helps alot ^___^
Getting bodied is only part of my job


Has anyone noticed that sometimes after cr.Ax3 xx Rekkas, qcf+B, st.C, you won't cross up after the teleport? Mid-combo it's really hard to adjust. Is there anyway to know when the qcf+B will teleport will cross-up and when it won't based on number of hits/distance before a combo? Or do I just have to wing it?
Random: "Man, KOF XII is such an awesome game!"


Quote from: Raynex on December 11, 2011, 11:43:48 AM
Has anyone noticed that sometimes after cr.Ax3 xx Rekkas, qcf+B, st.C, you won't cross up after the teleport? Mid-combo it's really hard to adjust. Is there anyway to know when the qcf+B will teleport will cross-up and when it won't based on number of hits/distance before a combo? Or do I just have to wing it?

I believe it depends on the timing that you cancel the last hit of the rekka with qcf+B.  If you do it late, you won't cross up and if you do it at the earliest moment you will.


Quote from: testament101 on December 13, 2011, 03:01:17 AM
Quote from: Raynex on December 11, 2011, 11:43:48 AM
Has anyone noticed that sometimes after cr.Ax3 xx Rekkas, qcf+B, st.C, you won't cross up after the teleport? Mid-combo it's really hard to adjust. Is there anyway to know when the qcf+B will teleport will cross-up and when it won't based on number of hits/distance before a combo? Or do I just have to wing it?

I believe it depends on the timing that you cancel the last hit of the rekka with qcf+B.  If you do it late, you won't cross up and if you do it at the earliest moment you will.

Thanks for the tip. Now all I have to do is come up with some legitimate setups outside of meaty qcb+A after the reset. :)
Random: "Man, KOF XII is such an awesome game!"


Quick question in this video http://youtu.be/iDrtMwxxXEo at around 20 seconds the Duo Lon player gets a nice mix up where the rekkas look like they crossup. I tried to recreate it in training mode but can't get it. Anyone have any idea on how it's done?



Hiyo! I can't say I know what I'm talking about because I don't play Duo Lon, but what he probably did was, when the opponent was on the ground, he whiff cancelled his CD. It was probably hard to see because he did it on the exact frame the opponent got up. In the wiki, it states that if they time the CD, you can put Duo Lon behind a grounded opponent. Since you can whiff cancel CD, he just immediately went into his rekka series.

I hope this answered your question!


Quote from: Light13 on December 19, 2011, 08:33:18 PM
Quick question in this video http://youtu.be/iDrtMwxxXEo at around 20 seconds the Duo Lon player gets a nice mix up where the rekkas look like they crossup. I tried to recreate it in training mode but can't get it. Anyone have any idea on how it's done?

Are you talking about s.CD on your opponent that's waking up canceled into Rekkas?


Thanks for the quick answer it was hard to see the whiff CD into rekkas. I totally forgot to check the wiki though I'll make sure to hit that up more often.


Duo's an interesting case for me, he's kinda like a Submain or something for me... I have fun playing him like Dhalsim in SFIV, setting up fireballs and running crossover teleports on wakeup, along with the corpse-hopping CD crossup and general annoyance with his command-specials. I'm suprised they kept the CD crossup in, in a way; it's such a solid trick, and I DO think it fits his style of gameplay very well, but it looks so glitchy!

I find myself using Stocks much more with him than drive cancels, but he seems best when using both, so I feel kinda bad for him, ha hah.

Anyone out there use Duo as their anchor, with all his solid console changes? He seems like he has the potential, but I rarely ever SEE that happen.

I felt pretty spot-on with him when I got a OCV VS a solid player with him online today, but otherwise, He's just my Alt "battery" slot between he, Mai, and Hwa....


Command grabs that will punish Duo Lon after rekka rekka rekka B teleport:

Beni   hcb~f+AC
Clark   hcf+D, hcbx2+P, hcbx2+AC
Daimon   hcb~f+P, hcb~f+AC
Raiden   hcf+K, hcf+BD, hcbx2+P, hcbx2+AC
Vice   hcb~f+P, hcb~f+AC, hcbx2+K, hcbx2+BD

Command grabs that will punish Duo Lon after rekka rekka rekka D teleport:

Ash   hcbx2+BD
Athena   hcf+AC
Beni   hcb~f+P
Duo   hcbx2+AC
Hwa   qcf~hcb+A
Kensou   qcf~hcb+P
Kyo   hcb+BD
Maxima   hcb+B
Saiki   hcbx2+P
shen   hcb~f+AC
Yuri   hcb+B

Command grabs that will not punish rekka rekka rekka teleport.

Athena   hcf+P
Daimon   dp+K, dp+BD
Iori   hcf+P, hcf+AC
Liz   hcb~f+P, hcb~f+AC
Robert   hcf+K, hcf+BD
Saiki   hcbx2+AC
Shen   hcb~f+P
Takuma   hcb+K, hcb+BD

D teleport has more start up so things in the B teleport category will work on D teleports as well.