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Joe Higashi (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:15:19 AM

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Any beginner Joe tips? I have been playing this game since console release (go to a decent amount of local tournies) so I am not a new player picking him up. I have been told use his st A, cr B, st A, f+B string for my confirms but also told mix it up a lot with Joe like cr B, cr B, st A, f+B or cr. A, st. D, f+b etc.... any other things to note?

Not that I should be practicing this right now anyways but I am working on his corner stun combo after his basic hcf+BD setup. I can get to the first drive cancel into crescent kick but then when I do his rapid punches -> finisher then go for the DP+B it always whiffs, the character is high enough it just doesn't connect. I figure it has something to do with his rapid punches but I can't quite figure it out.

Do you guys double tap or triple tap the punches or just try to do them really quickly?

Thanks for the general tips guys... also I play Joe on point, Joe/Shen/Flame. Had been playing Ralf/Claw/Beni up to this point.

Seattle KOF


Quote from: NissanZaxima on June 21, 2013, 08:55:04 PM...stuff..

Use bakuretsuken in blockstring, f.b should only be cancelled into on hit - doing it on block is terrible because whatever you do after it is either punishable or not a true blockstring and doing nothing is death.

Also see
[KoF13] Joe Higashi - Practical tips

Then go find some nishinippori and watch haregoro. If anyone says he's not currently the best Joe in the world they're pretty crazy, like certifiably so.


I forget the video but it pointed out that st.A cr.B st.A xx fireball is a much better blockstring than anything into f.B xx fireball for similar reason. In theory f.B is pretty bad - punishable on block, really easy to see coming & guard roll, etc. Many players don't know this and don't punish accordingly, but it's good to know it's not a strong option. By canceling the jab into fireball you are much safer against guard rolls and such. Not to say you can't ever use f.B in pressure but just know that if every string ends in f.B fireball a good player is gonna adapt to that.

I'm finding cr.B into st.D a better frame trap than using cr.A simply because the range of better on cr.B.

Quote from: NissanZaxima on June 21, 2013, 08:55:04 PM
first drive cancel into crescent kick but then when I do his rapid punches -> finisher then go for the DP+B it always whiffs
Are you letting the rapid punches come out at all? It should look like crescent kick right into the uppercut (well it looks like two punches but you don't see the rapid punch come out at all). I find triple tap -> qcb+C to be easiest but I think I already told you that. :) While I press the same button three times, I think a suitable alternative is to drum A~C~A, or C~A~C then do the qcb+punch hold button buffer. Press the three punches as he's landing from the crescent kick or dp.
(check out the safejump playlist!)


Quote from: mechanica on June 27, 2013, 11:01:26 PM
I'm finding cr.B into st.D a better frame trap than using cr.A simply because the range of better on cr.B.

The more I use it the more I REALLY like 5a, 2c 3b aaaa as a frame trap, if it hits I can tack on an ex dp for good damage. Baku blockstrings are the future. Joe has too many variations on strings in pressure so really mix it up a bit.

Everything else mechanica wrote though. That.


I can consistently land all of the hits up to the very last one that stuns...the jump D. Im about 60/40 with it landing. Can someone explain the timing to land that every time. Its seems like if i juggle them too high they lose their juggle state by the time the jump D would connect, and if you juggle too low they obviously just fall out of the combo.

what kind of visual cues are you guys using to judge when to use the qcb.p to launch the opponent and connect the j.D?

The Fluke

I just go by height and timing to determine when to do the last qcb.P. If used to early you launch high and may have to use j.D a bit later on so the opponent falls into it if it will even hit at all. If used too late you may make it easier to connect j.D by doing a hop instead of a full jump. Alternately if you don't find a timing comfortable to you, try getting the third hit of the rapid punch juggle before the launching uppercut, that makes it easy to connect a full jump D.


I just learnt the timing and don't do it the harrygogo way.

The second bakuretsuken where it's extended and they pop up off the first hit, you can time it so that instead of another hit of bakuretsuken and then the finisher you just get the two hits of the finisher. This does more damage. You have to pretty much press D as soon as you leave the ground though to get it to connect but I've never had them go into the no juggle state doing it that way.

If you can make a video of how you're doing it maybe we can tell you a point in which you could get them lower.



Is there a standard follow-up after the stun?

I finish the combo with about15% drive and about 1 3/4 bar. For now i am just doing a jump in, EX punches, qcb. hp, dp.lk, then the same juggle punch finisher i use in the stun combo. It doesnt yield as much damage as i would like. (650ish)

Does anyone know anything stronger for 15% drive and 1 3/4 bar?


j.d 5d 3b ex.baku, 41236b, 214b, 623b, Baku finish, Baku+finish

This is probably the best you're gonna get for 1 bar without the drive to carry it on. There is a re-stun though.


Hey crew,

Me again.  A more complicated question this time.  High low mixups with Joe.

Ive got the spacings down and i can bait jumps with his fireball, but once i put them in the corner I dont really see him having an effective high-low mixup

The Fluke

Joe's d.B is key, he really doesn't have much of a high low game, but most players will stand up to move at some point and that's when you need to kick at their feet. You can be creative with d.B*2 run in d.B*2/throw and hop/empty hop/double hop mixups etc and aslong as you mix that up with traps (golden heel/slash kick/hurricane upper/various normals) that can be really successful. You don't specifically need to connect d.B's or j.D's to get good damage with joe though, he is capable of getting good damage out of many different options instead of just a couple of really strong ones. Mixup is key.



Hey gentlemen, posted something in the wiki thread. Not a Joe player, but was testing something. His Bakuretsuken, the perfect Px4 version, gives you +5F on hit. So you can link any normal or special 5F or faster. Tested it out to make sure it was +5, but yeah, it's a pretty good thing to know as it's a safe avenue as a blockstring and doing significant damage for little bar.


This is kinda already known. I think everyone that uses it knows that both close c and stand a are 1 frame links off of it.

Glad it's been put somewhere more prevalent though, thanks.