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Hwa Jai (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:19:20 AM

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Yeah, his drunk juggles are insane. The damage is huge and they go on forever, and they build a ton of meter. His HD while drunk kills people without any additional meter.


Is his CD really invuln to lows? I thought I tested it and found it not to be. It seems like his footsies would be way too good if this was true. Can someone double check if so? The move is dirty as hell as it is. I stand just outside sweep range all the time and it fucks people's days up. Now I hear you can combo off it too? If this is all true then this character is crazy good in this build I think.

Matt Alder

It is low invuln, but not against all lows. Works against all the cr.Bs I have seen, and many cr.Ds, but it doesn't have this invuln in the first few frames, so meaties will beat it.

You can combo anywhere off a counterhit CD by cancelling into dp+D if you're drunk. If it's a regular hit, you can cancel into dp+BD anywhere and combo. In the corner you can link it instead of cancelling. Off counterhit j.CD you can link dp+D in the corner while sober, or anywhere if drunk. dp+BD can link after j.CD on regular hit anywhere.

Basically his dp+BD travels almost fullscreen very quickly and has ultimate juggle property.


A riskier but more powerful option off of a CH CD is qcb+D. Especially if you're drunk, that leads to huuuuuuuuge juggles.

Matt Alder

as far as I know that just works in the corner, right? Because qcb+D gives Hwa advantage on block, so it's not risky at all.


Quote from: LouisCipher on January 15, 2012, 11:33:41 PM
How good is jump away D Dragon Tail? It looks like he's left pretty safe especially if done really low to the ground.
Its decent move i use to keep people from coming in. I'm not sure about the safe part but on the corner it works great since you can combo  ;dn ;db ;bk ;ub ;d. Maybe it can be useful off a reset but I'm not too sure if it would be worth it. This does need to be tested imo


I couldn't remember if CH CD into D Dragon Tail was corner only or not. It's a bit riskier against characters with good reversals because they can just hit you out of the D Dragon Tail before it connects, since CD into D Dragon Tail is not a true blockstring. On a cornered opponent, D Dragon Tail is definitely safer on block, not sure how much advantage you actually get, though. Doesn't matter too much since CD by itself is pretty safe.

Matt Alder

pretty sure it's around +6 on block, not positive on that, but you can link his stand C from it while keeping a true blockstring, and it feels like maybe a 3f link. Might be 4 or more, doubt it's 1 or 2.


D Dragon Kick being invincible during drunk state is ridiculous. Free full screen juggles into potential stun off of a reversal? Sign me up.


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yup. It's slow, so it's easy to safe jump, meaning don't use it on wake up, but in open play, if someone does something easily seen, you can blow through it with D Dragon Kick, cancel to air B Dragon Tail, land and start B Dragon Tail loops to send them to the corner. Naturally, this builds a ton of meter. Three B Dragon Tails into A version of TNT Punch, then you have enough bar for a Dragon Dance. If you have another 50% Drive, do B Dragon Kick instead and cancel to air D Dragon Tail, then start a big corner loop. I've been able to get early D Dragon Tail, followed by another D Dragon Tail, into three B Dragon Tails, into A TNT Punch, then ender of choice. Depending on how you started the combo, doing B Dragon Kick or a simple close C will stun the other guy. I like the idea of doing close C to reset and then going for a stun, since that way I get to keep almost all of the meter I just build up (nearly 2 and a half stocks!) and kill the other character too.


I don't know if people noticed this with Hwa but you can cross up with Air B Dragon kick. It's really a good tool to use if you know your opponent is gonna tech (which happens most of the time). So far here is some combos I got off the cross up Air B Dragon kick:

0stock 1 drive
j.dp+B> DC > j.qcb+B > f.D (3 hits/203 damage)

1 stock 1 drive
j.dp+B, DC j.qcb+B, qcfx2+B/D (17 hits/328 damage)
j.dp+B, DC j.qcb+B, CD > EX Dragon Kick (6 hits/ 328 damage)

2 stock 1 drive
j.dp+B> DC > j.qcb+B >qcfx2+BD (19 hits/410 damage)

this is what I got for now with crossing up with air A Dragon Kick. I know for sure if he is drunk, the damage will be even greater.

Matt Alder

Quote from: Blake/White on January 29, 2012, 04:13:10 PM
Yup. It's slow, so it's easy to safe jump, meaning don't use it on wake up, but in open play, if someone does something easily seen, you can blow through it with D Dragon Kick, cancel to air B Dragon Tail, land and start B Dragon Tail loops to send them to the corner. Naturally, this builds a ton of meter. Three B Dragon Tails into A version of TNT Punch, then you have enough bar for a Dragon Dance. If you have another 50% Drive, do B Dragon Kick instead and cancel to air D Dragon Tail, then start a big corner loop. I've been able to get early D Dragon Tail, followed by another D Dragon Tail, into three B Dragon Tails, into A TNT Punch, then ender of choice. Depending on how you started the combo, doing B Dragon Kick or a simple close C will stun the other guy. I like the idea of doing close C to reset and then going for a stun, since that way I get to keep almost all of the meter I just build up (nearly 2 and a half stocks!) and kill the other character too.
I mainly use it to go through fireballs and then do an 850+ combo for 1 drive and 0 stock. It's quite broken.


How do you do that 850 damage? Because if I do D SRK midscreen I can DC B Dragon Tail and can't follow up with much else except B Dragon tail until I have them in the corner, B SRK, cancel into D Dragon tail and Super.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I have some frame data for console Hwa, but just to confirm what frames count as the end/start?

For example opponent blocks a D Dragon Tail (2 hits), using the 1-guard-jump technique I can count (60fps) 2 minus frames then on the 3rd frame Hwa can do something (block/dp etc).

Is that minus 2 frames recovery or 3 for that move? Thx. At the moment I'm assuming it's minus 2 frames since the 3rd frame he is able to do something.