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Claw Iori (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:08:31 AM

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Quote from: obiiwan on April 04, 2014, 10:50:34 PM
I need help with Iori's 3 stock HD combo, listed on the wiki (the one that does 1027 damage):

j.C, cl.C, df+C (HD) cl.C, df+C, dp+A (DC) qcb+B (DC) dp+C, df+C, dp+C, qcb+B (DC) dp+C, qcb+B, qcb+A, qcf hcb+P (MC) qcfx2+BD

I have trouble connecting the second df+C (the one on the juggle). 80% of tries, I just miss it as if my opponent lands a bit too early.

This combo is spacing specific. If you're in/too close to the corner it won't work.


It works just fine regardless


Care to explain? How can I ensure that my df+C hits the opponent on the juggle?


If you're doing the df C too close to the corner, it's going to whiff. As said earlier, it's spacing specific.


Quote from: Persona on April 25, 2014, 04:41:40 PM
If you're doing the df C too close to the corner, it's going to whiff. As said earlier, it's spacing specific.
no it's not. Lol st c>df+c activate> st c> df+c is not spacing specific he is canceling it while he is too far away from the target he isn't close enough to the person's body so he is getting push back and it's making it whiff he isn't letting the HD slide get him close enough to the person. Don't tell me any it's spacing specific bs because I do this combo all the damn time there is no specific spacing for it and I'll prove it so you'll be quite and stop giving the wrong information to people


He's talking about the df C on a juggled opponent, not the one on a standing opponent. Not sure why you would be calling people on their BS when you're misreading the post to begin with.

I'll even bold it for you so you don't misread again:

j.C, cl.C, df+C (HD) cl.C, df+C, dp+A (DC) qcb+B (DC) dp+C, df+C, dp+C, qcb+B (DC) dp+C, qcb+B, qcb+A, qcf hcb+P (MC) qcfx2+BD

Therefore kin3tix was correct to begin with and you're the one spewing the wrong information.


Quote from: Persona on April 28, 2014, 07:16:53 PM
He's talking about the df C on a juggled opponent, not the one on a standing opponent. Not sure why you would be calling people on their BS when you're misreading the post to begin with.

I'll even bold it for you so you don't misread again:

j.C, cl.C, df+C (HD) cl.C, df+C, dp+A (DC) qcb+B (DC) dp+C, df+C, dp+C, qcb+B (DC) dp+C, qcb+B, qcb+A, qcf hcb+P (MC) qcfx2+BD

Therefore kin3tix was correct to begin with and you're the one spewing the wrong information.

He said he was missing the second df+c second df+c is the HD activation one.... Read the notation

I misread nothing I read exactly what the guy said.

Also stop doing that combo dude.lol

Do this one j.C, cl.C, df+C (HD) cl.C, df+C, dp+A (DC) qcb+D (DC) dp+C, qcb+b, (DC) dp+C, qcb+B (DC) dp+C, qcb+B, qcf hcb+P (MC) qcfx2+BD 1003 damage and it's easier. With no jump it's 972


That was just a simple typo that you could've looked over, especially since he said the word JUGGLE.  If he's capable of doing the standard hd, why the hell would he ask about doing the second df+C right after activation?  You should already know what he's referring to if you know anything about the combo.


"I have trouble connecting the second df+C (the one on the juggle). 80% of tries, I just miss it as if my opponent lands a bit too early."

As much as the poster typed it wrong (it should be the third, not the second, unless he meant the second after HD is activated), the obvious point of his sentence is that he said it was the one on the juggle.

And to be honest, I highly doubt anyone would have trouble doing Iori's C xx df C after HD activation considering the long reach of his df C and how quickly his stand C is.

But anyway, I don't feel like wasting my time arguing over such a simple topic considering the answer has already been posted before both you and me even posted. Anyone who reads the guy's sentence clearly can understand which df C he's talking about.


Quote from: kin3tix on April 28, 2014, 10:18:47 PM
That was just a simple typo that you could've looked over, especially since he said the word JUGGLE.  If he's capable of doing the standard hd, why the hell would he ask about doing the second df+C right after activation?  You should already know what he's referring to if you know anything about the combo.

I've done the combo and that wasn't what I'd consider a typo.

I skipped that in the juggle part because after reading the notation and reading his statement I figured I knew what the combo was about so forgive me (also in English generally if you skip anything it's the things in parenthesis not the actually meat of the sentence) . Also, if you all know there is a spacing specific combo that is reasonably difficult but we have a kill combo that can kill for 3 that's 5x easier why not direct him toward that.

Also, I apologize these gentleman are correct it is spacing specific but kind of a waste of time to learn when there is a much easier death combo. Unless you are just doing it for fun.


Yeah, I meant the third but I wrote second.

I actually pulled it off a few times yesterday in practice. I was just hoping it would be more reliable and practical.
Like I said in one of the previous posts, I had a weird problem with the 1003 damage combo - I was running out of HD before I could activate NM, but I got rid of that issue.


Quote from: obiiwan on April 28, 2014, 11:43:20 PM
Yeah, I meant the third but I wrote second.

I actually pulled it off a few times yesterday in practice. I was just hoping it would be more reliable and practical.
Like I said in one of the previous posts, I had a weird problem with the 1003 damage combo - I was running out of HD before I could activate NM, but I got rid of that issue.
Yeah, you just have to do the neo max slightly before the rip.

Glad you have that down now. It's much more beneficial and reliable.


"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


Hey guys what are the Safe Jumps you fellas use with Claw Iori?
