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Vice (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:12:30 AM

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You can also reset if you just wait a little after any hcf.b/d during the hd combo before going into DM.


Random: You can set up a crossup j.B off of EX cmd grab. And it can be done deep enough to get  ;d ~ ;d for an HD combo or whatever. Gimmicky but cool. Who expects a vice crossup?

EDIT: oh cool.
(check out the safejump playlist!)


Doesn't need to be EX grab. You can do it from the regular command grab as well.


This was front paged AWHILE back but it's good to keep it in this group
KoF XIII : Vice combo compilation
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


Good stuff. I'll need to look over this to see if I can't improve the combos on the wiki. Found a vid on Orochinagi that opens up more possibilities to explore as well. Apparently you can connect an Overkill after a sweep. Who knew!

Also something that I recently came across, though it was not mentioned in either the dream cancel or srk wiki, Vice's cr. C is actually whiff cancellable. was trying to come up with a good reason to make use of this, but didn't come up with much. perhaps as a slightly faster kara cancel for deicide, or a wall of anti-air with mayhem? Not in a position to test it for awhile though...

One more thing: I've seen people doing something along the lines of qcb+C, [DC] qcb+AC, qcb+A, cl. D, hcf+BD, etc. But I've yet to be able to pull it off in my own testing. Anyone know the conditions for that?


Quote from: Mr.Minionman on July 29, 2013, 10:55:30 PM
Good stuff. I'll need to look over this to see if I can't improve the combos on the wiki. Found a vid on Orochinagi that opens up more possibilities to explore as well. Apparently you can connect an Overkill after a sweep. Who knew!

Also something that I recently came across, though it was not mentioned in either the dream cancel or srk wiki, Vice's cr. C is actually whiff cancellable. was trying to come up with a good reason to make use of this, but didn't come up with much. perhaps as a slightly faster kara cancel for deicide, or a wall of anti-air with mayhem? Not in a position to test it for awhile though...

One more thing: I've seen people doing something along the lines of qcb+C, [DC] qcb+AC, qcb+A, cl. D, hcf+BD, etc. But I've yet to be able to pull it off in my own testing. Anyone know the conditions for that?

That's a rep of the Vice infinite from the game's beginnings, look at this for a better idea of what it's supposed to look like
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


I don't think it's been mentioned before, but I found out you can actually go under some projectiles with C version Mayhem. Reason being, she does a short duck before she charges forward, so if you can start the move right before the projectile connects the duck will lower her hitbox enough to let them through. Did a non-comprehensive test on some characters main projectiles; These are the ones you can certainly go under:

King's Venom Strike
Ash's Ventose
Saiki's Kiyoko no Tsuki
Ryo's Kohken
Robert's Ryugekiken
Leona's Earring Bakuden (on the upward arc for obvious reasons)
Yuri's Ko Ou Ken (will probably trade with the latter half of the active frames though)
Maxima's Vapor Press

So yeah. something useful that I'd found. I'm wanting to try to apply it as a midscreen punish about at the same range you'd want to try an EX Mayhem for a projectile punish


Wow, I didn't know that. I'm sure a Vice player I know will like that.


That's really cool, considering how difficult a time she has against fireballs. I assume C mayhem builds meter? It could be an interesting (but risky) way to build meter full screen too.
(check out the safejump playlist!)


Yeah it does. And I'm glad I could help! ^.^ I was pretty excited when I noticed it myself; really hoping I can connect it on Ash a few times especially.


So, actually, can she do that to Mr. Karate? I dunno, I'm digging and praying, but would be nice. Also, can she do that under moving projectiles like maybe Terry's Burn Knuckle?


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on September 11, 2013, 04:28:11 AM
So, actually, can she do that to Mr. Karate?

Karate's invisipalm? If that's what you were thinking, I don't think that's a projectile, so it probably doesn't have the same properties.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


It's not projectile invuln, it just low profiles some moves. And I thought it counted as a projectile? idk.

I can try it later, but he's probably too short to go under it :< I couldn't go under Takuma projectile for the same reason.


Chrome Homura

Would someone mind detailing the Gorefest xx crossup j.B setup mentioned earlier on this page? I wanna try that out as soon as I can! I'll add  ;c Mayhem vs. projectiles to my labwork list as well. Also this little story here  ;dn

After seeing the post mentioning sweep xx overkill (literally just now before I started writing this) I hit the lab and tested it myself since I assume the only way that works is to HD cancel the sweep and perform a jump instantly after. Finding that to be relatively easy, I started testing bnbs with overkill in order to practice the input, since  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;uf ;up ;bk (as well as the 360 shortcut) is quite the pain in the ass to perform on D-pad. As usual, I found inputting Overkill from the P2 side to be pretty much impossible.

Somehow inspiration struck me, and after recalling a certain casual SF4 session wherein I picked Gief just to see how easy it was to perform 360 motions on a dualshock's analog stick (A Gief player I know once told me some of the best Gief mains use pad with him for exactly that reason) I put two and two together and started using the control stick to shortcut the super, since I had absolutely no consistent results in attempting to do this before. Keep in mind that I was just doing the move raw, as I've never been able to use it in my combos...

The real stroke of genius however, came when I attempted to perform Mayhem xx ITE JANAI YO xx Overkill via inputting the tackle and dunk normally, but switching my thumb over to the control stick in order to input the super. What I was intensely surprised to discover was that this WORKED. And it was EASY. ON EITHER SIDE. So yeah, now I have a consistent way to cancel into overkill. But wait, what if I could also mash the max cancel on the control stick without any trouble? YUP, THAT WORKS TOO! (Also on either side!) What does that mean? Hello optimized HD combos!

I can't help but find it strange that I've only now discovered this solution after spending quite a lot of time attempting to make use of overkill in my Vice combos before to absolutely no avail... It's like I just found a lifehack that actually works, and all it does is cover this exact execution hurdle. It would be upsetting if I weren't incredibly pleased with how awesome it is that I can do this now. I mean, before today I wouldn't mind using PS1 pads with no analog sticks, since for me those two little pieces of plastic were essentially a fashion statement with no practical use... only now I do have a reason for them to be there, and it's a legitimate one! O_O
Shen's is the Cr.C that pierces the heavens...