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Ralf Jones (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:30:06 AM

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didnt kno u could cancel the run animation

Furious Fandango

Im new at Ralf, interest with his gameplay and his DM

Why Std D to  df A  alaways whiff ?
can he do combo J C std D df A ?
Clark can do easily combo after std  df a, is he different with clark  ?


Sir Octopus (Saiki)

 ;a ;df for Ralf has a smaller hitbox then Clarks, hence why Clark can hit after his cl. ;d and Ralf can't.

Besides, his damage output is still high enough as it is, just look at the videos below this couple of coments.


dont kno if this is possible but i kno his valcan punch can b used as a anti air yet i still get combo'd do anybody use it as a anti air or yal jus dont touch cause mashing it out iz very annoying

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Quote from: bigvador on December 02, 2012, 08:52:22 PM
dont kno if this is possible but i kno his valcan punch can b used as a anti air yet i still get combo'd do anybody use it as a anti air or yal jus dont touch cause mashing it out iz very annoying
Rephrase please o.o


is his valcan punch the best anti air option 4 him since it comes out faster

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Standing  ;a
EX Hammer  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;c
;df ;a
Or even  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a;c or  ;a ;c
;bk ;fd ;a given the right situation and you can even cancel for a DM and it will always hit
EX Galactica phantom

As for Vulcan punch. You're better off trowing a far  ;c and cancelling it for Vulcan in case you wiff it, that'll give you anti air + ground protection.


i was jus curious about the valcan punch but the  ;df ;a does no justice its way 2 slow and the  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a ;c only have upper invincibility and the start up iz a lil slow...

i was just seein if anybody us the valcan punch as a anti air... the fact that st.C whiff over crouching opponents just seems like it takes to long for valcan punch 2 come out even when u whiff st.C

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Here's the advantage of vulcan after wiff.

If you were to cancel and move forward:

After canceling, vulcan punch will not come out where you stand, the active frames act as a shield that is about a characters distance from his body. Furthermore, if you cancel this way it will transport Ralf about a characters distance from his original position. This means a rough 3 characters distance forward, well, more like 2 and 1/3, still good enough.

Considering that thid acts as a shield for his whole body (it will even punish Kensuos sweep if not too far) and since the active frames will be in your oponents face this will act as an anti air, anti hop, anti non invincible specials and punish most mormals and lows.

Keep in mind, Ralf does not have many reversals, but he does have 20% more guarde bar.


i have noticed that but i thought his CD had more distance then his st.C and do u kno if his EX valcan punch have any type if invincibility???

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Quote from: bigvador on December 08, 2012, 06:40:04 AM
i have noticed that but i thought his CD had more distance then his st.C and do u kno if his EX valcan punch have any type if invincibility???
Indeed, CD has a greater hit box, but the advantage of s.C is that it allows space for a wiff and if you cancel that wiff you can get in your oponen's face. On the other hand, if you do a s.CD and your oponent blocks then vulcan punch will activate way back.

EX has no invincibility, but if you manage to hit your oponent in the corner, it'll do a minimum of 4 hits, resulting in really high damage.

Ralf can do close to 800 damage with 20% drive and 1 stock.

101.0% damage with 2 stocks and 2 drives.


the fact that st.C he takes a step forward and it whiffs on crouching opponents hes still able 2 get hit low even if u do cancel when u whiff u still gotta start up the valcan punch

i use CD into valcan punch because of the distance he puts himself in after they block CD they wont b able 2 jump in or above and most of the time they cant sweep u.....

im tryin 2 find combos 2 do if u trade hits when u do his EX valcan punch like u do if u use ;dn ;db ;bk ;a ;c while they r in the air

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Quote from: bigvador on December 10, 2012, 08:24:36 AM
the fact that st.C he takes a step forward and it whiffs on crouching opponents hes still able 2 get hit low even if u do cancel when u whiff u still gotta start up the valcan punch

i use CD into valcan punch because of the distance he puts himself in after they block CD they wont b able 2 jump in or above and most of the time they cant sweep u.....

im tryin 2 find combos 2 do if u trade hits when u do his EX valcan punch like u do if u use ;dn ;db ;bk ;a ;c while they r in the air
The only way to capitalize out of that trade is if you are near the corner o don't mind spending an extra bar or two. bf.A is a good choice if near the corner.

But I would recomend not to try and use it as a trade, since it deals a good amount of damage, it's best invested on a sure thing.


i rather spend a few stocks then half my drive.... i hate timing bf A then using half my drive


Anyone find any uses for his regular Galactica Phantom?

Its his only move that I pretty much never use. The EX version is excellent and the Bareback Vulcan is way better for combos and has better range. The regular Galactica Phantom seems like Shen's super with half the range and no invincibility.

So is there anything good about it or is it okay to continue ignoring it?