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Maxima (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:44:53 AM

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Quote from: Reiki.Kito on February 04, 2012, 06:31:17 PM
Actually, this is all very relevant because you can HD bypass his SUPER. Just do qcfx2 +CB. Dude, that's ridiculous. Off of any starter, you can do st.D, df+C (Super Bypass), Neomax. You could do st.C, super bypass, Neomax, that's retarded.

That's nothing new though, the entire cast can do this pretty much. You basically sacrifice damage for less execution.


Yeah, by the time you confirm st.D, df.C...if you're gonna burn the 3 meters, just do the full shit.  It's not like Maxima's HD combos are the stuff people fear about executing.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


It's not so great on other characters because they don't have a problem hitting an HD combo. Maxima has very big problems hitting an HD combo.

The most damaging Maxima combo for 3 bars is about 200 more damage for an additional 3 hits.

j.C, st.D, df+C [HDA], st.D, df+C, qcb+A, [HDC] qcfx2 +A, [MC] hcbx2 +AC = 958 dmg

What you're doing is taking the red stuff out and sacrificing maybe roughly 156 damage for one of the easiest HD combos ever for serious damage.

It's also hitting it. Almost no characters lose their combo on activation. Trust me, I've tried to pull this off in real tournament matches and it's difficult. At the HDA portion, if you don't time it properly, the hitstun on df+C wears off and you risk losing it.  This is very useful because it's braindead and still does about the same amount of damage. Why risk dropping the input when you can just go for it?


Quote from: Diavle on February 04, 2012, 06:25:21 PM
Quote from: AmedoS310 on February 04, 2012, 05:12:42 PM
It's just something to know as it can follow up from a regular blowbacks and hcb+K. I think it would be best use as a last round combo ender, if Maxima lands a ground blowback. Particularly, this combo that deals 500 damage:

3 Stocks and HD Mode
CD, (HD activation/ HD Bypass), qcfx2+A/C, (whiff Max Cancel) hcbx2+AC

How is this an otg setup if CD isn't a hard knockdown?

That's not an otg set-up. The otg factor is pointless because the whiff max canceled NM can be only used as an otg from hcb+K. The point of mentioning the otg aspect was just informantion in general.


Either way it goes, OTG Neomax, HD Bypass supers, any techniques we can pick up to etch out a win for the big guy is good. I'll be glad to do the first 15% necessary for the kill since this setups just so easy.



What I wanted to share was the possibility to cross under after the HCB+BD, qcb+AC loop in the same corner. Doing the loops makes it a legitimate HD combo, but what I feel this adds is crucial. It allows you to keep people in the corner.

Basically, after any combo that leads into hcb+BD (EX Maxima Press), follow up, into a [DC] qcb+AC (EX Vapor Cannon), you can run under them as they fall and do a df+C. After that, you can do this whole song and dance again OR any other finisher. The choice is yours! But the best part is they're stuck in the corner after it so you can keep the pressure on.


Anyone have tips for canceling  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a into  ;dn ;df ;fd x2  ;a or ;c?
I think I'm just not doing it quick enough, unless there's a shortcut.


I can't really give you tips on it. It's mostly a buffering thing. What I would do is do a combo like st.C, df+C, qcb+A, into qcfx2 +A

During the df+C, do qcb+A and before you see the motion come out for vapor cannon, just go in on the DM. The reason is that you have to do the motion on the impact of Vapor Cannon, not before or after. Use the long animation of df+C to get it in as fast as you can.

So the trick is really after df+C, do qcb+A as fast as you can and go into the qcfX2+A without pausing

The window is pretty small, but once you got it, you got it!

If you can't do that, what I would do is the qcb+A but drag along the sides into a half circle forward, then do a qcf+A. It's a little sloppy, but it guarantees you don't have to go back to neutral (Letting go of the stick or letting it go back to normal) to do the qcfX2 +A


Thank you, that made things a lot more clear for me.

Maxima is so much fun to play, it's ridiculous.


No problem. Sorry it took so long, I just didn't see it till now.


Here is Maxima's master class video:

KOFXIII Master Class 036 Maxima

Btw, anyone here that mains him wanna help out with his wiki?


It needs some updating and some explanations on his moves. Thanks in advance.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Soon as I finish Terry, I'll get on it.


Hey guys, I don't understand how to fight against Maxima.

What should I do against his vapor canon? The only solution I found is to roll under and then punish it but it's difficult and require a huge amount of focus to do it on reaction. Or to sweep it but it's difficult too. There is an easier way?

Since the whole match up turns around this move I must understand how to beat it.
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Who are you using?

Generally Maxima, like Goro, has a tough time against zoning and hit & run. When up close always start attacking with lows because most Maxima players love mashing punches for that auto guard. He has no answer to low attacks without meter, which can also make him a sitting duck on wake up.

Think of the vapor cannon as a fireball that hits hard, sort of like Ryo's fireball. Except its easier to jump in on him during the canon than on Ryo's fireball.

When jumping in on Maxima try to land your jump in deep, this way even if the vapor canon's auto guard activates you will still land in time to block. Overall, try not to challenge it needlessly, block.

Vapor cannon is also weak to lows and moves with upper body invincibility or low hit boxes (like Kula and Chin's slides etc.).


Yea, pretty much what Diavle said. The move is about 4 frames start-up and the strong one is telegraphed. Stick to doing low moves. Maxima doesn't have any overheads so you can generally pry him open by doing that. Also, cross ups are a key thing.

The one thing that wasn't mentioned is Maxima moves forward when he does Vapor cannon. This screws up spacing for him as if he whiffs someone jumping over him, he's wide open. Attacking from the air with cross ups is the best way to screw up Maxima. If you can't get in low, set yourself up for cross up situations. He doesn't have any tools to defend himself from moves like that that don't trade. Super jump is especially affective.

Fast characters like Duolon, Yuri, Athena, Mai, they all have normals to poke him out with lows or have fast enough light normals to poke through guard point too as well as the mobility to make it hard for Maxima.

Try what you feel works best.