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Kyo Kusanagi Wiki Thread

Started by desmond_kof, December 06, 2011, 11:18:30 PM

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Oh~ I already use meaty qcf+B with Kyo so I see what you're talking about. I usually do c.D > qcf+B or s.CD > qcf +B though.


So I spent some time working on the wiki.  I've made many changes.  Rather than listing all the changes point by point, I'll just include the whole thing, since there that are too many changes.

Change log:
Several useful combos are added.
Fixed combo notion for better consistency.
Cleaned up combo section by removing redundant combos, or combos that are not practical.
Added several descriptions on regular Kyo vs NESTS Kyo differences and move properties.  
Fixed miscellaneous move descriptions that were inaccurate.
Fixed miscellaneous typos.
Added Kyo’s best team position.
Added various matchup tips.

Regular Kyo vs NESTS Kyo Differences
•   Regular Kyo does not combo from s.C to f.B, while NESTS Kyo does
•   The NESTS Kyo has better normals and hit confirms than the Regular Kyo
•   The Regular Kyo's EX Orochinagi DM is a better reversal than NESTS Kyo’s, but lacks the ability to combo afterwards
•   NESTS Kyo is not capable of using Orochinagi in mid-air
•   NESTS Kyo has better corner pressure than the Regular Kyo does
•   Regular Kyo's Oniyaki DP+A hits twice and DP+C hits three times. NESTS Kyo's DP+A hits once and the C version hits twice.
•   Regular Kyo's EX DP has him traveling straight up in a spiral. NESTS Kyo is stationary in mid-air during his EX DP.
•   Regular Kyo has more long range and zoning options than NESTS Kyo does.
•   Regular Kyo's QCF+K up-kicks are automatic. NESTS Kyo will require the player to input a K to finish the move.
•   NESTS Kyo’s df.D is not cancellable.
•   NESTS Kyo's QCB+K requires him to "catch" the opponent and then cause an explosion, while the EX version works as another damaging reversal option.  NEST Kyo will still go through the same animation sequence making the move unsafe. The Regular Kyo's version of this move automatically works after the first successful hit and the animations stops with Kyo's elbow in front of him. The EX version of the move works as a command throw
•   Regular Kyo hits quite a bit harder than NESTS Kyo
•   Regular Kyo lacks any safe special move reversals, NESTS Kyo has better and somewhat safer reversal options
•   Regular Kyo’s cr.b to st.C link is tighter than NESTS Kyo’s.
•   Regular Kyo lacks any moves with armor property.

Gameplay Notes
•   Has a wide range of options with his EX attacks
•   Good meter-less combos
•   Very damaging HD combos
•   Incredible offensive rush down game
•   Can juggle/punish very well
•   Good reversals
•   Good at building meter, and has a lot of options to deal damage with or without spending drive meter
•   Relatively weak at mid-range
•   Footsies game is relatively weak
•   Very unsafe reversals
•   Most of the damaging HD combos require the opponent in the corner
•   Fireball has slow recovery

s.A: 25 damage, cancellable, hits mid. Standard punch attack. Fast and stops a lot of short hops. It's okay from time to time in mid-range to throw this out to stop hops in advance if your opponent is really hop twitchy, especially if they are cornered. One disadvantage so far is that the jab isn't as far as past years, but it is still somewhat the same.
s.B: 30 damage, special cancellable, hits low. A quick standing, low kick. Unlike previous years, Kyo had the ability to cancel this kick into his other normals, like his df+D for example. Now that ability has been removed, it is a little less useful. You can now only cancel this kick into his specials, like qcf+K for example (more importantly the B version of that move).
s. C: 70 damage, cancellable, hits mid. Up close strong punch. Due to its speed, it is a bnb/combo starter of choice. Defensively it is best to use this move if your opponent is trying jump over your head, because of it's vertical height.
far C: 80 damage, whiff cancellable and cancellable by itself, hits mid. Strong punch that's aimed slightly upward. It has good range and is an okay anti-air as well as pretty good hit-stun so it may end up starting a few combos.
s.D: 80 damage, not cancellable, hits mid. Jumping turn kick. It has great reach and can be used to avoid some attacks that are aimed low as well, but it's a little slow. Kyo is minus on block during this kick, but he does get pushed back a small amount from the opponent. You can try to use this to bait mashing or jumping if the opponent is trying to get out of the corner. Overall, it is a decent poke but it can be beaten out by incoming hop attacks.
cr. A: 25 damage, cancellable, hits mid. Crouching punch attack. A very quick poke, preferred to be chained to his df+D. The range is a bit shorter compared to his cr.B, but it reaches a bit farther than his s.A.
cr. B: 30 damage, cancellable, hits low. A quick crouching kick. It's a great poke that's good for chaining into combos, has excellent range and can be chained. It is neutral on block, so you can use this kick to try to read if your opponent will mash or try to move around if they are itching to get out of the corner.
cr. C: 70 damage, cancellable, hits mid. Crouch uppercut attack, good reach, great priority, very fast, and good as a ground anti-air. Try not to use this against hop attacks or else it will get beaten out or they will trade.
cr. D: 80 damage, whiff and hit cancellable, hits low. A crouch sweep attack. It knocks standing opponents down when hits and has good reach but it's rather slow. You can try to cancel it into another move if blocked or whiffed.
j. A: 40 (45) damage, cancellable, hits overhead. Jumping elbow attack. It comes out fast but the range is mediocre. You can use this as an air-to-air too but it might get beaten out by longer jump attacks. This attack might whiff if used incorrectly against crouching opponents.
j. B: 40 (45) damage, hits overhead. Jumping knee attack. It has good priority, stays out for a bit and crosses-up. Even though the range is short, it doesn't have the susceptibility of being trip guard anti-aired like his j.dC or j.D.
j. C: 70 (72) damage, hits overhead. Jumping punch attack. A great jump-in move that does good damage. It points down at a 60 degree angle which good for jumping in with. If you use it as an air-to-air it may get beaten out by jump attacks that have a more horizontal hitbox. Defensively you can use it while you are jumping away against opponents trying to advance on you in mid-range, either by them jumping at you, or running towards you. You can also use it to jump away after blocking a j.CD if the opponent likes to hop at you afterwards to continue pressure.
j. D: 70 (68) damage, hits overhead. Good priority, useful in air-to-air and should be used earlier than later because of its range. A great move to be used defensively too to keep advancing opponents out. The only risk with this kick is that it completely whiffs on crouching opponents, so be very careful using this offensively. Your opponent can just duck under it and punish you with a low attack.
Blowback Attack
CD: 75 damage, whiff and hit cancellable. A very fast shoulder tackle. You can whiff cancel this to add a bit more range to some of your special moves or to use it as a fake out to catch players trying to advance on your thinking you’re just whiffing this for no reason (ex. CD -> hcb+K)
j. CD: 90 (80) damage, cancellable, hits mid. Air shoulder tackle. It comes out pretty quick and delivers a chunk of hit-stun like many other CD attacks. It has a pretty massive hit box, though the range is pretty short.  After the opponent blocks this, you can either continue your pressure to go low (cr.B, etc.) or hit them with an overhead (f+B, or j.B, etc).
GCCD: 10 damage, hits mid. Guard Cancel Blowback Attack.
Issetsu Seoi Nage = (b/f + C/D) (close) 65+38 damage. A slam to elbow drop that cannot be tech rolled. The opponent is placed a good position away from Kyo for a perfect cross-up with j.dC or j.B after a brief run, superjump j.dC for a safejump setup, empty jump to a low, or another throw if they try to roll on wake-up, bait a reversal, etc. Try your best to time your jumps correctly for which ever specific setup you are going for after landing the throw, or you may eat a reversal.

Command Moves
Goufu You = (f+B) - 75 (60 when canceled from) damage, only cancelable from a canceled normal, hits overhead.
•   Kyo's axe kick that hits crouching opponents but has limited cancel properties. Unlike KOF02's Kusanagi, Kyo's overhead isn't ridiculous at all in this game and is somewhat subpar in this game. On block it is around -2 frames, while he receives a fair amount of pushback from the opponent, which makes it hard to punish.
•   It is possible to HD activate from this overhead by itself into a combo which is pretty good. Even if the opponent is blocking, you can raw activate into HD, then go low immediately (cr.B or df+D) to catch them off guard when the were still busy from blocking the overhead, into a damaging HD combo.
•   Unfortunately you cannot combo into this move from any of Kyo's normals, but it seems to have cancel properties when canceled from a normal like cl.C, f+B, hcb+B, which the hcb+B will connect into. There really isn't a point to doing that, especially if the normal cannot combo into it.
88 Shiki = (df+D) - 30+45 damage free cancelable on 1st hit, hits low twice.
•   It has good range, connects after crouch normals and his st.C fairly well. You can also free cancel this move into his special moves in case you need a quick low aiming punish if his cr.B is out of range. This move is not safe on block at all, even if performed at the end of a blockstring (cr.B, cr.A, df+D), if a character has a fast special move (or DM) that can reach him while he’s recovering, he can get punished rather hard. You MAY get away with it if a certain character lacks a move that can punish him or if the player doesn't realize that isn't safe, but still use this move on block sparingly.
Naraku Otoshi = (db/d/df+C aka j.dC in air) - 50 damage, hits overhead. Two-handed downward haymaker attack.
•   If successfully used as an air-to-air it slams the opponent to the ground for a hard knockdown. It has a lot of hit stun so it can be used to jump-in and start a combo. When used during a backdash it makes him hop backward further and quicker. It can also be used as a cross-up too. This move isn't fool proof though. Your opponent can simply cr.B this move by carefully placing a cr.B to shrink their hitbox. It is also not a good idea to use this move as an air-to-air attack, j.D is much suitable for that.
•   You can combo 2 j.dC's in a row on a standing opponent by hitting the first one really low around the waist area of the character's sprite, the IMMEDIATELY hyper hopping performing the second hit as early as possible. The two hits give 97 damage.

Special Moves
Yamibarai = (qcf+P) - A flame projectile that goes across the ground towards the other side of the screen. A version moves slowly and the C version goes much faster. Good for zoning or ending blockstrings to add space (which can be Guard Rolled by the defending opponent to punish you). Opponents can hop over the projectile or perform a normal attack that is slighy invincible to low attacks (ex Elisabeth's st.D, Kim's st.D etc.).
(EX) = qcf+AC - Comes out very quickly making it very easy to combo into and knocks opponent down. It can beat out all regular fireballs and projectiles, but trades with EX projectiles, and gets beaten out by super projectiles (like Ryo's f~hcf+P for example).
- Super Cancelable, need to be close
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 60/100

Oniyaki = (dp+P) - An uppercut imbued with flames. It has a wide hitbox so it punishes a lot of jump-ins, and some pokes, easily. The A version does one hit while the strong version does 3 hits. Both versions can be drive/super canceled on the first hit. If you whiff this move (or have it blocked), you can be punished extremely hard.
(EX) = dp+AC - Rises into the air vertically instead of diagonally and has a vacuum effect on hit pulling them into the uppercut. EX version has more invincibility/auto-guard and does 10 hits.
- Drive/Super Cancelable
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 55+23/80+25x2/70+19+18+17+16+15+14+13+12+11

Kotokskio = (hcb+K) - Rushing elbow to grab attack. It's very quick and has lower body invincibility at start-up. It works well after most normals and juggle attacks. B version goes about 75% of the screen and D version goes full-screen. Both are unsafe on block.
(EX) = hcb+BD close - Changes the properties to a command grab that has a startup of 4 frames. It can catch a lot of people by surprise if you empty jump into it, or if you're close enough to punish a move that has bad recovery.
- Drive/Super Cancelable on first hit
- Hit Detection: Mid/Close
- Damage: 30+128/180

Oborogurma = (rdp+K) - Quick jump kick(s). B version does one hit and juggles the opponent if hit high enough; D version does three hits slamming the opponent down on the third hit. Both versions are unsafe when whiffed. B version can be drive/super canceled on the first hit while the D and EX versions can be super canceled on the second hit.
(EX) = rdp+BD - Mimics the strong version except with more invincibility at start-up, faster start up, and massive hitbox.  Excellent move for anti air at certain angles where dp+P misses.
- Super Cancelable on the first/second hit
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 40/40+38+63/60+57+90

Kai = (qcf+K) - 2 jumping kick attacks. B version simply knocks the opponent down but it's pretty safe: D version launches the opponent higher into the air for a possible follow-up and can be super canceled upon second hit. The B version is more useful within his combos in the corner, and can also combo into his EX Orochinagi (qcb~hcf+AC) midscreen. Defensively, the opponent can mash a reversal attack in between his first and second kick. If the second kick is blocked, Kyo is pretty safe at -2 frames, and can even possibly frame trap them with a move with fast start-up.
Compared to EX Kyo, both of the kicks release with one button instead of two, and it seems that EX Kyo's launches the opponent up a bit higher.
(EX) = qcf+BD - Comes out much quicker making it easier to connect after his df+D, safe on block. Useful when you want to extend Kyo’s corner combo to go for a stun.  Otherwise, it’s not really worth spending the meter on, since you can do more damage with his other useful EX moves.
- Super Cancelable
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 35+33/30+28/40+38
Desperation Moves
Orochinagi = (qcf hcb+P) - Flaming wave attack. Holding either punch button, delays the attack. It does a nice amount of chip damage. Both ground and EX versions can be Max Canceled on hit.

Air Orochinagi = (qcf hcb+P in air) - Air flaming wave attack. It mimics the ground version except done in the air now and pushes Kyo back slightly after activation. You will most likely be using this more in Kyo's drive cancels or HD combos. Its start up is a little slow to use as an air to air reliably.

(EX) = qcf hcb+AC - 2 frame start-up if held briefly, causes more damage and does three hits instead of one. It's fast startup and range makes it great to use as a preemptive anti air midscreen, or to catch opponents trying to jump out of the corner. If you're feeling risky, you can use this to frame trap cornered opponents trying to press buttons while you're pressuring them, but Kyo is wide open and vulnerable if the super is blocked or whiffed. The air version has faster startup and is very useful for extending many of Kyo’s corner combos.  If you're feeling lucky, you can use this as an air-to-air, or to attempt to snuff out someones anti-air against you.
- Max Cancel-able on ground, on hit
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 210/120x3

Ama No Murakumo (qcfx2 +AC) - Kyo throws a small flame across the screen and if it hits the opponent fire pillars rise from the ground hitting the opponent ten times. Fast start up makes it useful to punish everything from fireballs to laggy moves; however, if it misses, Kyo stands in place for about a second and a half leaving him wide open to be punished.
- Hit Detection: Mid
- Damage: 42x10


Note: A jump or hop attack can be added on to many of these combos for added damage, if not noted.
Besides starting the combos with st.C, df+D (1), alternatively you can start with a cr.b, cr.a, df+D (1)

dmg: damage
mg: meter/stock gain (any percentage over 100% is one stock gained)
opmg: opponent meter gain
Mid-Screen Combos
No Stock, No Drive Gauge -
cr.Bx2, st.B, hcb+K = 218 dmg, 45% mg, 25% opmg
•   An easy combo to learn which is a low hit confirm into a hard knockdown. Be sure to get the st.B into hcb+K down as consistently as you can or else the hcb+K might come out too late and get blocked.

cr.B, cr.A, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K = 245 dmg, 51% mg, 45% opmg
•   This is another very essential combo to learn and use in battle, and the timing isn't as tight as the s.B to hcb+K cancel. It does more damage and builds more meter (around 50% of stock) than the combo above.

cr.B, cr.A, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+D = 232 dmg, 49% mg, 40% opmg
•   Does a bit less damage than the combo above, and builds 50% of the stock meter.

cr.B, st.C, hcb+K = 237 dmg, 45% mg, 30% opmg
•   A very tough link to pull off. Tough to confirm and doesn't build much meter. Not really worth learning.

st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+D = 261 dmg, 50% mg, 45% opmg
st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K = 275 dmg, 55% mg, 45% opmg
•   Compared to the rdp+D ending combo above this one, this combo is more important. It does more damage and builds more meter (around 55% of stock).

No Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -
St.C, df+D (1), hcb+K, (DC) qcf+K, hcb+K
St.C, df+D (1), hcb+K, (DC) qcf+K, rdp+D
cr. Bx1~2, s. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+D = 295 dmg, 70% mg, 50% opmg
cr. Bx1~2, s. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, hcb+D = 307 dmg, 75% mg, 50% opmg
•   From a low attack, this combo ending in hcb+D is most damaging and builds close to 70% meter.

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge -
St.C, df+D (1), qcb~hcf+P
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, rdp+BD
Good combo to carry your opponent to the corner and grants you a hard knock down.

1 Stock, 1+ Drive Gauge -
cr.Bx1~2, s. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P = 346 dmg
st.C, qcf+D, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P = 338 dmg

2 Stocks, No Drive Gauge -
cr.Bx2, s.B, qcf+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 412 dmg
s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 452 dmg
s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, rdp+B , qcb~hcf+AC (hold briefly)
- This combo requires you to charge the EX Orochinagi very briefly to get it out in 2 frames in order to work.

2 Stocks, 1+ Drive Gauge -
cr.Bx1~2, st.B, dp+C (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 461 dmg
st.C, dp+C (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 500 dmg

Corner Combos
0 Stock, 0 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb+B, dp+C
st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A = 304 dmg
•   Instead of ending the combo with dp+A, alternatively you can end with st.C for a reset
0 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge
st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C = 381 dmg
0 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+B]x2, dp+C
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (DC) rdp+D = 414 dmg
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+A (1), (DC) qcf+D, (wait), rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A = 419 dmg (builds almost 2 stocks)
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A (1), (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), (DC) hcb+K = 422 dmg

1 Stock, No Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+BD = 362 dmg
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+AC = 364 dmg

1 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C = 425 dmg
St. C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, qcf+A, hcb+D = 459 dmg
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A (2),(SC) air qcb hcf+A, hcb+D
1 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
J.dC, st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+b, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcb+BD, (wait) rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A = 463 dmg, 105 stun, builds back 1.1 stock
•   A long combo that deals a lot of stun.  If you happen to convert off of a reset, go for this combo to get a stun.
2 Stocks, 0 Drive Gauge
st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, TK qcb~hcf+AC, qcb+A, hcb+K
-   One of Kyo’s best combo in the corner that deals a ton of damage while preserving drive meter.  To get an instant EX air orochinagi, simply tiger knee the orochinagi motion (qcb~hcf~uf+AC)

2 Stocks, 1 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+Bx2, (SC) qcb hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+AC = 470 dmg
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B (DC) qcb~hcf+AC, hcb+K
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A = 512 dmg (builds 1 stock back)
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, (DC) qcb+D, TK qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A dmg
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+AC, (wait), qcf+A, hcb+K = 525 dmg

2 Stock, 2 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+Bx2, (SC) qcb~hcf+P, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+P
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC) qcb~hcf+P, hcb+K = 509 dmg
St.C, df+D, (1) qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C = 547 dmg (builds 1 and 3/4ths stock back)
St.C, df+D, (1) qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, (DC) qcb+D, TK qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C

3 Stocks, 1 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, (SC) air qcb~hcf+P, qcb+A, qcb~hcf+AC
3 Stocks, 2 Drive Gauge
St.C, df+D, (1) qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+AC, rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (DC) qcf+D, air qcb~hcf+P = 616 dmg

Hyper Drive Combos
Common HD starters
- st.C, df+D, (BC)
- Cr.b, cr.a, df+D (BC)
- F+B (BC)

0 Stock
(Corner) St.C, df+D, [BC] st.C, df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A [HDC], qcf+D, rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+C = 541 dmg
(Corner) St.C, df+D, [BC] st.C, df+D, qcf+D, [rdp+B, dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D]x3, rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+C = 492 dmg

1 Stock
St.C, df+D, [BC] st.C, df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, (dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B)x3, dp+A, qcf+D, [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, (wait) rdp+B, qcf+B, dp+C = 621 dmg

2 Stocks
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, (wait) rdp+B, qcf+B, rdp+B, dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C, (HDC) qcf~qcf+AC = 685 dmg
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, (wait) rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x2, dp+C, (HDC) qcfx2+AC = 707 dmg
(Corner) St.C, df+D, [BC] st.C, df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A (1), (SC) qcfx2+AC = 730 dmg
(Corner) St.C, df+D, [BC] st.D, qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, (SC) qcfx2+AC = 750 dmg
(Corner) St.C, df+D(2),[BC] st.D, dp+A(HDC), rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC)rdp+B]x2, dp+A (HDC), rdp+B, dp+C, (HDC), rdp+B, dp+C,(HDC) qcfx2+AC =790 dmg (819 starting with j.C)

3 Stocks
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, [SC in air] qcb~hcf+P, qcf+2+AC = 641 dmg
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, (HDC) rdp+B, [SC in air] qcb~hcf+P, qcfx2+AC = 649 dmg
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (1) qcf+D, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, (wait), rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+A, qcfx2+AC = 676 dmg
•   can work corner to corner
(Corner) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (2), qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A, (HDC) qcb hcf+P, qcfx2+AC
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D, qcb~hcf+P, [MC] qcfx2+AC = 698 dmg

4 Stocks

(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC], st.C, df+D, qcb~hcf+AC, (MC) qcfx2+AC
(Midscreen) St.C, df+D (2), [BC], st.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, (wait), rdp+B, (SC) qcb~hcf+AC, qcf+A, qcfx2+AC = 748 dmg
•   omit the qcf+A if you dont even up close to the corner)
(Corner) St.C, df+D (2), [BC] st.C, df+D (2), qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, qcb~hcf+AC = 834 dmg
(Corner) st.C, df+D, [BC] st.C, df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A, (SC) qcb~hcf+P, qcb~hcf+P, (MC) qcfx2+AC
5 Stock
(Corner) St.C, df+D, [BC], st.C, dp+C (1), [HDC] qcf+D, rdp+B, dp+C (1), [HDC] rdp+B, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, rdp+D (2), (SC in air) qcb~hcf+P, hcb+K, (HDC) dp+A, (HDC) qcf+D, qcb hcf+P (in air), qcb~hcf+AC


Far Range
•   Kyo can't do much of anything here except zone, use Yamibarai (qcf+P) to try and build some meter while your out of range, and if your opponent wants to zone back try throwing out a random EX as they're not likely to see it coming, drive and super canceling is out the window for now, random Kotokskio's aren't a good idea either by the way. At this range it would be better to counter jump-in's with your neutral j.D because of its great horizontal hitbox, and his dp+C or rdp+BD against superjumps.
•   If you have enough meter for his NeoMax, you can use it to punish full screen fireball zoners or even to anti-air against hyper hops or jumps from that distance.
Mid Range
•   This is a range where you will need to be careful both offensive while even more so defensively. Proper jump-ins to use are his j.D for air-to-air, j.CD/j.B for to apply hop pressure, and fade away jumpback j.Cs against opponents jumping in. If you spot any sloppy or predicable jump-ins you can tag them with his dp+A or his crouching C which is a safer alternative (which may be prone to trading or becoming beaten out if not timed correctly). He has difficult defending against incoming hop pressure because his st.A lacks horizontal range, and he doesn't have a great long ranged st.B like Benimaru. It is not impossible to stop incoming hops with his standing jab, but its lack of distance makes it unreliable.
Close Range
•   Kyo can use his Naraku Otoshi (j.dC) to start BnB's/Combos from jump-ins, he can also free cancel the first hit of 88 Shiki (df+D) into a variety of moves (Kotokskio/Kai/etc), he gains a command grab with EX Kotokskio, just about every option of drive/super canceling is open to him now. He can lightly zone with his st.D which has lower body invincibility, has a good amount of pushback on block but has slow start-up. You will probably be poking most with his cr.B fishing for a hit confirm for a combo, but stay on alert for hop attacks to counter it. If you have the meter both in super stocks and drive, try one of his midscreen HD combos for some good damage if you punish anything or score a random hit with his cr.B or st.C.
Cornered Opponent
•   Even though Kyo's pressure isn't as intense as NESTS Kyo because of is qcf+A rekka, it is best to use his grounds normals to keep them locked down in the corner (i.e. cr.B, cr.A, close C) while waiting in between for any reversals. After his block strings it’s okay to end them into qcf+P (for pushback) but it isn't foolproof against GC Rolls. His j.dC and j.CD is very strong in this area which can give the opponent a good amount of block stun to keep them locked while you alternate in-between high/low and empty jump pressure. Any hit landed should score into a damaging combo, another hard knockdown to keep the okizeme game intense, or a reset that leads to high/low/grab mixups.

•   Be patient, block and wait for any unsafe moves from the opponent or any kind of decrease of offensive attempts. Move out slowly and try your best not to dp while you leaving the corner. Don't mash any EX moves (like rdp+BD) but you can be risky whip out dp+AC against any incoming jump-ins or hop pressure if you're desperate to leave the corner.  If your opponent is harassing you at max range with their normals, you can counter with EX fireball that will get you out.
Best Team Position?
•   Kyo funtions the best either as point or 2nd. As a point character, Kyo is excellent in building (and spending) meter.  Your opponent also lacks meter to deal with Kyo’s rush down.  Kyo also functions well in second position, you gain access to EX orochinagi which is one of the best, if not the best, reversal moves.  In addition, you could also go for overhead into HD shenenigans for good damage.  Kyo works fine as anchor, but doesn’t perform the job as well compared to many other characters.  He lacks reliable touch of death HD combos, especially in midscreen.
Character Matchups
Andy Bogard
•   Punish light elbows with st.D or EX dp.
Ash Crimson
•   Pay attention to whether Ash is buffering his Sans Coulette before jumping in.
Athena Asamiya
•   f+B on block can be punished with qcf+AC or qcfx2+AC while she descends.
Benimaru Nikaido
•   Qcf+A on block can only be punished by the 2 frame Orochinagi (qcb~hcf+AC charged briefly), or his hcb+BD command throw.
•   His qcf+C on block, at max close range midscreen can be punished by Kyo's stand B, dp+AC, 2 frame Orochinagi (qcb~hcf+AC charged briefly) and his NeoMax. Any distance farther grants Benimaru safety (example: after 2 crouching B's). In the corner (either Benimaru or Kyo), it is more punishable because of the slight pushback Kyo gains.
•   Punish Beni's air d.D with dp+C Oniyaki (dp+A and s.C will result in a hit trade)
•   Punish Beni's hop j.D with s.C, cr.C, dp+A, or rdp+b
•   Beni's dp+D will beat out all versions of Kyo's dp+P series except for EX Oniyaki DP).
Billy Kane
•   Punish his EX dp by holding forward, hit him immediately as he lands.
Chin Gentsai
•   Watch out for Chin’s EX roll when throwing fireballs.  Try to mix in empty hops in your game to bait out counters. 
•   Punish Chin’s overhead with a dp on block.  Even better yet, just dp him when you see the overhead animation, in case he feints the overhead.
Clark Still
•   Any of Clark's b~f+P moves and his EX version can be punished Kyo's dp+A/C, dp+AC, rdp+BD, and qcb~hcf+AC. If Clark is close to you after you blocked the b~f+P, you can also punish with st.C followed by a full combo.
•   If you get caught by Clark’s armor on the B version of SAB, you could potentially salvage the situation by immediately canceling into qcf+D, which beats out Clark’s grab and launches him into the air.
Duo Lon
•   Kyo's s.A, dp+A Oniyaki, and rdp+B will out prioritize Duo's f+A move. (If the player uses s.A too close to Duo while his f+A is executed this will result in a hit trade instead).
•   Kyo's d.B, s.C, or a EX HCB+K can punish teleport attempts and provide meaty attacks.
•   A preemptive j.CD from Duo will beat out Kyo's j.d.C command move
•   Duo's regular DM will go through most of Kyo's attacks, even his projectile. It is possible to hit Duo out of his DM during his active movement with s.B and CD but it will result in a hit trade.
•   Try to space Kyo two characters away from Duo to emphasize on normals and punish combos.
•   Punish Duo's j.f+B and jump-in's with s.C, cr.C, and dp+A. EX rdp+K helps thanks to its slight invulnerability start up.
•   Duo Lon’s rekka > B teleport could be punished by EX orochinagi.  To do so, you need to input the motion backwards while you are in block stun of the rekka, and once Duo Lon cancels into teleport, hold down AC briefly and let go when the screen goes dark.
Elisabeth Branctorche
•   Her dp+A and dp+C on block can be punished by dp+AC. Dp+C can be punished by his his dp+A, or his NeoMax. Her dp+AC can be punished by his qcb~hcf+AC and his dp+AC.
•   Her qcf+P can eat up his fireballs, except for his EX version.
Goro Daimon
•   Watch out for earthquakes when throwing fireballs full screen.
Hwa Jai
•   Try to stand block his dragon tails if possible.  When you block high, the dragon tails have less frame advantage and fewer chances to cross up.
Iori Yagami (Claw)
•   His block strings that ends in qcb+C is -2 on block and work as frame traps, but there is a gap before qcb+C comes out that you can mash a dp, or GC roll for a full punish.
Iori Yagami (Flame)
•   Iori’s rekka (1st and 2nd hit) could be punished with an EX orochinagi.
Joe Higashi
Try not to engage in fireball wars with him.  Approach him slowly, and keep him in the corner.
•   Be patient when being cornered.  K’ will attempt to frametrap you all day long in the corner.  If you have meter, you can GC roll out of the corner.
Kim Kaphwan
•   Use cr.A to beat Kim’s far standing D.
•   Do not jump at him on his wakeup.  His EX upkicks beats everything and is hard to safe jump.
•   Slowly walk her into the corner and pay attention to how she attempts to get out.  Keep her in the corner and be careful of her reversals.
Kula Diamond
•   Kula’s B Ray spin could be punished by a DP if blocked up close.  The dp will hit regardless of what follow up (if any) Kula does. 
Kyo Kusanagi (NESTS)
•   Tough matchup for Kyo.  NEST Kyo has better normal than Kyo, and his rekkas gives him better space control.  Fortunately, regular Kyo has much superior damage output, so play the match carefully, wait for mistakes, and punish accordingly.
Leona Heidern
•   Walk forward and block when Leona throws her ear ring at mid to far range.
•   Watch out for Leona’s instant overhead.
•   Her b~f+D move is neutral on block.
Mai Shiranui
•   Another tough match up for Kyo.  Mai’s excellent normal shuts down Kyo’s hop pressure.  However, Mai lacks a good reversal, so try to get a knockdown and keep her on defense.
•   Her Dp+C move is plus on block if blocked close to the waist, or blocked as a cross up.
•   Watch out for her frame traps with qcb+b move.
•   Cr.B is your friend, as it beats all but one of maxima’s armored normals.  When Maxima starts using cr.C to counter your cr.B, this is the time to hop in.
•   Punish C vapor cannon by rolling through it.
•   When cornered and knocked down, be very careful to press any buttons as Maxima’s air EX vapor cannon has complete armor until he lands, and he could convert into a full combo on hit.   
•   Try to abuse J.dC early in the match as much as you could, especially if Raiden is charging with B dropkicks.  Raiden’s huge size makes him very easy to cross up, and his inability to roll (since he’s holding down B) doesn’t help.  Later on in the match, once Raiden gets a fully charged drop kick, start playing patient, try not to jump if possible.  A single jump CD could mean death to you when he has a level 4 drop kick charged.
Ralf Jones
•   Try to get a knock down, and rush him down on wakeup as he lacks a good reversal.
Robert Garcia
•   Watch out for his wall jumps when cornering Robert.  One wall jump out of the corner > cross up taco will change the tide of the match.
Ryo Sakazaki
•   Watch out for his overhead shenenigans.
•   GC roll to punish Saiki’s st.C, fireball block string.
Shen Woo
•   Always stand block in the middle of Shen’s block strings.
•   Watch for whiffed J.CD and punish with cr.B.
Sie Kensou
•   Watch out for a corner grab in the corner, as Kensou can convert his normal grab into huge damage in the corner.
Takuma Sakazaki
•   Try not to meet him air to air.  His j.CD will beat you most of the time.  Instead, punish him with cr.B for any mistimed j.CDs.
•   Watch out for command grabs when Takuma is fully loaded with drive gauge.
Mr. Karate
•   Similar to Takuma, do not meet him air to air, and watch out for random full screen EX command grabs.
Terry Bogard
•   Punish his crack shoots with well-timed cr.Bs which lets duck under.
•   Always stand block in the middle of Terry’s block strings to guard against EX crack shoot.
•   Do not jump at Vice when she is fully loaded with meter.  One j.CD from her leads to full HD combos!
Yuri Sakazaki
•   Yuri's hcb+BD blocked at close range can be punished by a sweep, st.D, dp+AC, st.B, a briefly charged 2f qcb~hcf+AC, and his NeoMax (qcfx2+AC). If blocked any farther, only the 2f qcb~hcf+AC and NeoMax can only reach and punish Yuri in time.
•   Yuri’s st.B, dp+D mixups could be punished with a stand C before her dive kick comes out.


Man, that's one great contribution. Thanks a lot, I added and edited things from the Kyo's comparisons to the end of the corner combos. I will added the rest later, unless one of the other wiki editors beats me to it.

Thank you very much.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


More info on EX Iori match-up:

One of EX Iori's block string: cr.B, cr.A, f+A, qcf+A, has a gap between f+A and qcf+A. Kyo can do a punish between the gap. There's rdp+BD and neomax, but the best punish to use at that gap would be EX orochinagi, because it can punish Iori if he ends the block string with just f+A. If Iori deicides to do f+A, qcf+C instead, Kyo will continue to block the string. Depending on how close Iori is to kyo when he ends his blockstring with qcf+C, Kyo can punish EX Iori afterwords. Please note, that ex orochinagi must be charge, so the start-up can become nearly 1-frame to be effective as a punish.


- In Kyo's 'Quick Combos Reference' I took away two of his midscreen 1 Stock, 1 Drive Gauge combos to just keep his 500 dmg corner combo, and I added his 2 Stock, No Drive Gauge combo (cr.Bx2, st.B, qcf+B, qcb~hcf+AC).

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Added a swag combo that works anywhere:

(anywhere) s.C, df+D, [BC] s.D, dp+A, (HDC) rdp+B, [dp+A, (HDC) qcb+B] x4, dp+C, qcfx2+AC  = 699 dmg

Also added the most damaging 4 bar HD combo that I know:

(corner) j.C, s.C, df+D, [BC] s.C, df+D, qcf+D, rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x3, dp+A, (SC in air) qcb~hcf+A, qcb~qcf+A, (HDC) qcfx2+AC = 922 dmg

BTW, I think we could clean up the combo section a little bit, especially the HD combo section, it looks kind of intimidating right now.  Some of the combos listed serve little purpose in which they do less damage with more meter and are not easier either.

Also, I think we could also listed relatively poor footsies game as one of Kyo's cons. Most of his buttons have relatively short reach, his fireball is grounded doesn't help either.  He really is a "in your face" type of character.


Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 14, 2012, 11:47:00 AM
Added a swag combo that works anywhere:

(anywhere) s.C, df+D, [BC] s.D, dp+A, (HDC) rdp+B, [dp+A, (HDC) qcb+B] x4, dp+C, qcfx2+AC  = 699 dmg

I'm sure you meant hcb+B. I fixed it in the wiki.

Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 14, 2012, 11:47:00 AM
BTW, I think we could clean up the combo section a little bit, especially the HD combo section, it looks kind of intimidating right now.  Some of the combos listed serve little purpose in which they do less damage with more meter and are not easier either.

I agree with this.


Just added one mid-sreen combo and two hd combos:

In Mid-screen Combos, Under 2 Stock, No Drive Gauge:
cr. B, qcb~hcf+AC = 377 dmg
Qcb~hcf+AC needs to be slightly charged in order for it to combo from cr. B.

In Hyper Dive Combos, under 3 stocks:
(8)(corner) s.C, [BC], s.D, dp+A (1), (HDC) rdp+B, [dp+C (1), (HDC) rdp+B]x2, dp+A (1), (HDC) qcb~hcf+P, dp+A (1), (HDC) rdp+B, dp+C (1), qcfx2+AC = 873 dmg

In Hyper Dive Combos, under 4 stocks:
(7)(corner) s.D, [BC], s.D, dp+A (1), (HDC) rdp+B, [dp+A (1), (HDC)(slightly charged and standing) qcb~hcf+A/C]x2, dp+A (1),(HDC) rdp+B, dp+C(1),(HDC) rdp+B, dp+C(1), (HDC) qcfx2+AC = 1001 dmg


Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 14, 2012, 11:47:00 AM

BTW, I think we could clean up the combo section a little bit, especially the HD combo section, it looks kind of intimidating right now.  Some of the combos listed serve little purpose in which they do less damage with more meter and are not easier either.

Ok, I agree with this. But before we start deleting and adding HD combos, we should post ones we should remove here first, ask the reason why, then replace it with something more useful or delete them flat out. They should be damaging, with mid to easy level execution. We can have maybe a small amount with more trickier execution, but not too many to scare people. Also, you've seen this right?


I think we should take which ever ones that are damaging, cost good amounts of meter (I think 4 meters and under is okay) and isn't too difficult. We can also post up direct timed links next to them as a video example like here: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Iori_Yagami_%28XIII%29#Hyper_Drive_Combos

Let me know if y'all are down for that.

Are any of you guys more in favor of HD combos starting after Hyper Drive Activation with s.D or just s.C, df+D? I think using s.D packs more power but can be a little tricky timing wise at first. Or do you think certain combos favor either one?

Quote from: AmedoS310 on December 14, 2012, 05:01:48 PM

In Mid-screen Combos, Under 2 Stock, No Drive Gauge:
cr. B, qcb~hcf+AC = 377 dmg
Qcb~hcf+AC needs to be slightly charged in order for it to combo from cr. B.

I'm sorry but that combo looks EXTREMELY redundant. Why do just one cr.B to confirm into ex Orochinagi when you can do any of these....:

cr.Bx2, s.B, qcf+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 412 dmg

s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 452 dmg

s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC (hold briefly) = 464 dmg

...that are much easier to confirm while the last two you can confirm with cr.B, cr.A, df+D?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 14, 2012, 05:41:30 PM
I'm sorry but that combo looks EXTREMELY redundant. Why do just one cr.B to confirm into ex Orochinagi when you can do any of these....:

cr.Bx2, s.B, qcf+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 412 dmg

s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC = 452 dmg

s.C, df+D (1), qcf+D, rdp+B, rdp+B, qcb~hcf+AC (hold briefly) = 464 dmg

...that are much easier to confirm while the last two you can confirm with cr.B, cr.A, df+D?

Space. That's the only reason that I can think of using the combo along with the others. But for the sake of easier differculty. The combo can be removed.


Added an advanced version of the swag combo that deals more damage:

(4) (anywhere) s.C, df+D, [BC] s.D, dp+A, (HDC) rdp+B, [dp+C, (HDC) rdp+B, dp+A, (HDC) hcb+B (whiff)] x2, dp+C, [HDC] rdp+B, dp+A, [HDC] qcfx2+AC = 747 dmg

I think we can remove the following HD combos:

2 stock
combos #1, 2 -  inefficient compared to 7.

3 stock
combos #1, 2, 3, 4, 6 - no reason to do these when you have 5 and 7

4 stock
combos #1, 4, 5 - no reason to do these when you have 2 and 6

5 stock
combo #1


Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 17, 2012, 05:00:06 AM

2 stock
combos #1, 2 -  inefficient compared to 7.

I agree.

Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 17, 2012, 05:00:06 AM
3 stock
combos #1, 2, 3, 4, 6 - no reason to do these when you have 5 and 7

Honestly, I agree with those except for maybe #4. I think it's an easy alternative than doing the more advance [dp+C (HDC), rdp+B]x3 loops which #7 & #8 has. I would advice someone to start with that combo first, then upgrading it to something more powerful like #7 or #8.

I also already knew about #5 with the qcf+C snuck in the middle before the Orochinagi, but I never added it because I was worried maybe it was more difficult than just going into the Orochinagi alone after the s.D. But I think it's a good upgrade.

Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 17, 2012, 05:00:06 AM
4 stock
combos #1, 4, 5 - no reason to do these when you have 2 and 6

I agree with this but I'm finding out that I'm having much more trouble pulling off #6 than number #5 which I feel is easier but has a bit less damage.

Quote from: LazieFreddy on December 17, 2012, 05:00:06 AM
5 stock
combo #1

Yes. LOL.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Ok, I've made the changes.  I think we could also remove the dmg values for hd starters, since they might be misleading due to damage scaling.


Added Frame Traps to Tip section.

Frame Traps:

cr. B, cl. C

cr. B, cr. C

st. B, cl. C

cr. A, cr. C

cr. A, cl. C

st. A, cr. C

st. A, cl. C