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Saiki Matchup Discussion

Started by Kirah, December 07, 2011, 08:38:52 PM

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I figured i'd get this thread up, so that others can share their knowledge of the adversaries that they've encountered and some tech that they can utilize to get around the opposition. So far i've only encountered a handful of characters, haven't been able to get out and play just yet, but i'm hoping to. These are my opinions and anyone else is welcome to chime in with their ideas or experiences.

This matchup imo isn't too hard for Saiki, her major points are the face that she has Vslasher as a constant reminder so she can full jump and easily punish you for throwing an orb or trying punish her for advancing. If the Leona is paying attention she can also Grand Sabre you to punish your projectile depending on the spacing which happens less frequently. Her neutral is barely a contest , it's just her normals in close proximity does she really shine. Her 2D goes under projectlies, and a handful of her normals move her forward. Her 2D hits 5D since it angles upward and can be annoying to deal with in general. Zoning is surely the way to go, even though 5D loses to 2D, you can still build a wall with your projectile and normals to stop her advance.

Saiki on offense isn't really dangerous, but one should always beware of moonslasher and EX moonslasher, they're both fast and the notation can't be crossed up so baiting with J4B when rushing down is pretty good. Overall this matchup isn't too hard just have to watch out for Vslasher, Moonslasher, and close proximity. In neutral she has to risk rolling or spending meter. As far as air to air I prefer not to engage her at all in the air, since that's a free Vslasher and her normals are great overall. Playing a solid ground game is sure the way to go.


This match is a bitch for Saiki especially in neutral, Ash has an upperhand in the fireball projectile war due to Ash's EX projectile and you can't use 236236A to approach what so ever since he can simply use his 236236A to nullify and keep it moving. Saiki has to be a lot closer for his projectile to be annoying, but the threat of Ash's EX projectile is never too far. As far as normals go it becomes a mirror match, the match boils down to who can get who first, but Ash's B DP is a definite concern it's very fast and can hit you out of your approach if you get too overzealous. Jumping outside of your pressure is ill-advised since Ash's B DP is lurking in the shadows to knock you down a peg and put it back into Ash's favor. Patience and a smart approach is the best way to deal with this matchup.

Having played more matches you need to play a lot more solid then I originally thought since you can't play the projectile game. Ash's EX projectile will snag you easily so be extra careful which is something I can't stress enough. Also bait out dps and heavily punish to scare the Ash from continually whipping out DP or Sansculotte which can easily be safe jumped from Saiki's many hard knockdowns.


This matchup is is annoying, but nothing Saiki can't handle. The projectile war is a bit sketchy, since she can reflect your projectiles . you can easily block it depending on the space, but nothing is gained so it's useless. You can still zone her with smart projectile play, and normals. Kula can't mindlessly throw out 2B and 2D since Saiki's 5D goes over both and easily punishes her. Crossing up Kula can be dangerous because the game will auto-correct her and she'll get sldier shooter which she can be grabbed out of the startup of or you can block and punish her. Though it comes out fast and hits low so you have to be careful, but looking out for that makes it a free punish.

When locked down in the corner it's quite annoying her 2B and 5B a lone can easily lock you down. Once the Kula pushes herself out you can 5D or shorthop and try and force your way out. Though it becomes so simplistic, the Kula may read your option out and DP you  or simply bait it out. Kula's corner pressure is pretty linear so blocking isn't a bad option, she'll eventually have to jump so DP or EX DP can put her into the corner and switch the situation easily. When pressuring becareful of her hurricane kick and Ex hurricane kick as they can easily snag you if you try and get overzealous.

Iori (Claws)
This beast is a lot less scary without his flames he has no ability to fight against Saiki fullscreen, but Iori is fast and has the projectile invincible specials such as 214BD to get around your zoning at midscreen also his Ranbu super can punish you for ill-spaced projectiles. So when he has meter just pay extra attention to your spacing, this forces Iori to take to the skies or risk a roll to get to Saiki without meter. As far as normals go, Iori has Saiki beat, his normals reach far and have good speed. to keep you in check at midscreen with normal spacing. In the corner and under pressure Iori has a ground overhead so watchout for that a long with his command crossup which can catch you by surprise. I haven't played this match enough to give a better insight.

Shen Woo
Another beast, but a completely different monster. His EX Turn-around punch and Turn-around punch super are both invincible and projectile invincible so you have to stay alert in certain spacing since he can punish your projectiles very easily and do massive damage. As far as Shen's normals, his 2C is fast and shuts down aerial approach really well if you get too predictable. Also if you jump too high and get impatient his Turn-around punch super can anti-air you free. Overall his normals are solid to be annoying and perform their jobs well. The battle overall isn't so hard, just be aware and play patient. Saiki's 5D is also good, outside of 2B range to snag Shen's 2B/2D and to further annoy him.

Just don't get too predictable since he has Gekiken (236C) which has guardpoint and can punish your normals.

This match can get annoying, since Mature has despair (623A/C/AC) to get around your projectile spacing so you have to be aware. EX Despair has invul so if your spacing is sloppy you'll find yourself getting slashed. Mature's normals are long so she can be quite the annoyance. Though 5D can surely help out, Mature's 2D is low so 5D can soar over it and punish her. Mature is most deadly on the offensive, her rekkas are very difficult to deal with for Saiki, don't be ashamed to spend meter to GCCD your way out. The second rekka is the safest no matter the distance while the 1st and 3rd can be punished , but not by Saiki. Her Despair EX is punishable on block with 2B, it's also not an overhead so not to worry, but depending on the spacing 623B can crossup. 623A/B are unpunishable, even by Saiki's EX Kyoryuu-no-Ori (624624AC).

Just be aware of your spacing , and be prepared to react since she's pretty fast.

This is another match that requires truly solid ground game and patience, though spacing her can be difficult with Coup De Vent (623AC) a foot. She can react to Saiki's startup animation for his projectile and get dp into hard knockdown. This is definitely a battle that requires the Saiki to not be sloppy, air to air is Elisabeth's game mostly. Jumping back. B isn't to bade nor is neutral jump CD. Getting over her jump normals is extremely important, to zone her. Another thing to worry about is Etincelle (236A/C), as it absorbs projectiles and gives her meter even if she whiffs. So Elisabeth is always a constant threat, one offense and defense. This match is truly more in her favor especially with her anti air 5A leads to Grand Rafale ( 236624A/C) her infamous anywhere juggle that'll put the ball in her court.

On offense it's always a constant struggle and you have to stay alert always especially with EX Coup De Vent lurking. 5D is a good tool, but again her DP is always a constant threat which Saiki can not punish on block. GCCD is needed. Though her dp is good in neutral, it's poor as a reversal so safejumping her on wakeup is easy.
MBAA: Artifex Hyacinthinas
KOFXIII: Athena\ K' \ Leona or \Kyo


Thanks for this information man, please keep updating these strats as time goes on and more experience is gain. :)
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Kirah on December 07, 2011, 08:38:52 PM


This match is a bitch for Saiki especially in neutral, Ash has an upperhand in the fireball projectile war due to Ash's EX projectile and you can't use 236236A to approach what so ever since he can simply use his 236236A to nullify and keep it moving. Saiki has to be a lot closer for his projectile to be annoying, but the threat of Ash's EX projectile is never too far. As far as normals go it becomes a mirror match, the match boils down to who can get who first, but Ash's B DP is a definite concern it's very fast and can hit you out of your approach if you get too overzealous. Jumping outside of your pressure is ill-advised since Ash's B DP is lurking in the shadows to knock you down a peg and put it back into Ash's favor. Patience and a smart approach is the best way to deal with this matchup.

Having played more matches you need to play a lot more solid then I originally thought since you can't play the projectile game. Ash's EX projectile will snag you easily so be extra careful which is something I can't stress enough. Also bait out dps and heavily punish to scare the Ash from continually whipping out DP or Sansculotte which can easily be safe jumped from Saiki's many hard knockdowns.

This is all good stuff but this is the only one i don't agree with. I think Saiki and Ash go pretty even in a neutral game or even up right face to face. Saiki's normals destroy Ash's up close and the fact that are St.d Hops over Ash's primary normals of choice to hit confirm/start combos with is another thing. Also if you're playing fireball wars with Ash him throwing a D fireball doesn't really kill saiki because he won't get hit by it
it just neutralizes his zoning game. Which as most Saiki players know it's not his true over all goal in this match up anyway. Pressure pressure pressure.

Just a side note about genies you can use Saiki's Hatsu jump ;bk ;b  to adjust his jump angle and bait flash kicks or avoid touching Ash's genies

Also Saiki kills Ash in the corner while the same can't really be said about Ash having Saiki in the corner. When ash has a person in the corner he relies on Genie for pressure because it pretty much puts the opponent in a weird space where they can't jump or they get hit by ash, can't push a normal because they eat Genie and then an Ash combo, can't roll because they will eat a throw or an Ash combo and be right back where they started. Saiki with 1 bar can easily punish Genie on start up with Washiba Otoshi. Ash has to work way harder to keep Saiki in the corner than saiki has to to keep ash there. Saiki's normals have superior frame advantage making frame traping with saiki that much easier and making it a lot easier to bait the Ash player to press something. Also you can scare the Ash player with a back teleport to bait a Nivose or do it if you predict a Nivose coming and punish.

Air to Air Saiki manages just fine It's all about elevation. If you get over Ash you win if Ash gets over you early he beats you out because he jumps and falls faster. Also, if ash jumps and you jump you can go for a super and stomp on him if you have meter.


Does Saiki's fireball super beat out Leona's V-Slasher if the projectile is already out??? I haven't had a chance to test it out.

Also, do you know what his best punish is (if there is one) for her j.D, (air)qcb+P setup on block???

I'm digging the info btw, thanks a bunch. I picked him up with the intention of annoyance, since I seem to be doing the same with Billy Kane and Mature, and sometimes Kensou doesn't cut it (and I put mad time in him).
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quote from: jinxhand on July 20, 2012, 07:43:39 PM
Does Saiki's fireball super beat out Leona's V-Slasher if the projectile is already out??? I haven't had a chance to test it out.

Also, do you know what his best punish is (if there is one) for her j.D, (air)qcb+P setup on block???

I'm digging the info btw, thanks a bunch. I picked him up with the intention of annoyance, since I seem to be doing the same with Billy Kane and Mature, and sometimes Kensou doesn't cut it (and I put mad time in him).

Well his best punish Varies depending on what part of the screen you're at. His best punish no meter no drive is going to be Cl.St. C> Qcb+D> C or A Teleport> Dp+B.  With meter You can do stuff like Cl.St.C> Qcb+BD>teleport A> Qcb+D> C teleport> Dp a or super if you have it. If you have super and want life use hcb hcb+p or pp to steal some.